Douluo Dalu: A Great Big Brother


Both Tang San And Tang Chen came towards the spirit beast region of the space, there were several changes in the beasts region as now there were more beasts of higher cultivation were present. There were some who have crossed 100,000 years mark but they were not as formidable as a beast of the same age and with ancient bloodline in them. Both brothers ventured in the forest for some time to find suitable beasts for their spirit rings. Both brothers wanted to try to see the limit of rings they can now attach to their spirits. They first decided to attach a spirit ring to their blue silver spirit then gain the benefit from it as rings not only prove their ranks but also help spirit masters to have overall improvements. It means they can absorb the ring of a higher age to hammer spirit than their blue silver spirit. One day has passed but they didn't get the d.e.s.i.r.ed ring so they ventured deeper into the forest the next day.

Next day afternoon Both brothers came across a Thousand Catties Ant Emperor of 3-meter in length 90,000 years old, Tang San decided it will be a suitable ring for his spirit as its abilities will remove the problem of frailty from his blue silver spirit. Both boys jumped towards the beast, this was their first time facing the beast of such high cultivation so they didn't hold back in the least. The fight was difficult as even with Hammer's spirit and intent the defensive power of Thousand Catties Ant Emperor was too high. They were able to kill the beast after half-hour of intense battle. Tang San dealt the last blow and a black ring with red tinge appear on its dead body the checked but there wasn't any bone on it. Then Tang San stated absorb the ring while Tang Chen started guarding him to see if any problem arises from absorbing such high cultivated ring he had warned Tang San and stated they will do the things as usual where first try and the Tang San will absorb the ring but this time Tang San was adamant to let fate decide who will get the first ring. The process took more than 3 hours where Tang San appear to be in pain but in the end, he absorbed the ring quite skillfully. Then his Blue silver emperor spirit eas summoned and 2-yellow, 2-purple, 1- black and 1- reddish-black rings appeared behind him. He was sure that he now can absorb a red ring for his hammer spirit. His spirit power has reached Rank 62. He got the overall boost to his spirit, body and his blue silver Emperor becomes more resilient. He got the ability of hardness from the spirit ring. His spirit had already gotten a vitality boost because of the gold of life.

Then both brothers again ventured the forest and after 4 more hours they came across Titan diamond vine of 100,000 years old. This vine was literally everywhere and spread over a vast area Tang Chen decided to have this as his next spirit ring. Both boys fought tooth and nail with the vine as not only its defensive power was strong but due to its long reach it tries to bind and crush both brothers. They killed the plant beast after 3 hours of struggle. Then a blood-red spirit ring appeared on the beasts and it also gave left-hand compact spirit bone. Tang Chen sat cross-legged to absorb the ring. As soon as the ring came in contact with the blue-silver spirit Tang Chen started to feel pain all over his body but he gritted his teeth and endured it. He knew he already has spiritual power and his body was up for the task because of all the enhancement as long as he kept his will firm he should have no problem. And After 4 hours he succeeded. Then like Tang San his Blue silver supreme spirit was summoned and 1-yellow, 1- yellow with purple tint, 1-purple,1- purple with black tint, 1- black and 1- red rings appeared behind him. His spirit power has reached rank 62 only due to the addition of an absolute factor in his hammer spirit. He also got the toughness of diamond in his spirit and from red spirit ring got two abilities 1) to extend and retract more than 100 meters instantaneously and 2) to let his blue silver spirit form dome around him and others and withstand any abilities that are of not of the 100,000-year-old beast or of its ring.

He stood up went to the beast and dug up the bone. He took the bone and was going to put it in the spirit tool but Tang San interpreted him and told him to absorb the bone. He knew that Tang Chen was going to give it to him or others but he knew that if a person gets bone and ring from the same beast he will benefit greatly. He told him both of them can give bones to others later. Tang Chen thought about it and agreed. Tang San then suggested that they should stop hunting for today. Tang Chen nodded to him, both set their camp in that region only as other beasts will no come to the area of such formidable beast. Tang Chen then absorbed the bone there, his spirit power has jumped 1 rank and the night has passed peacefully. His bone provides him with the ability 1) to form a diamond claw on his left hand to attack and 2) provide 3 seconds of immunity from all attacks.

The next day both brothers again ventured to the forest after 3 hours the went slightly deeper in the forest where the came across 100,000-year-old Thunderclap Nether Vine in the forest. This time Tang San alone lept towards the plant beasts fought and killed it. He was quite lucky to get such plant beasts, it can easily be most rare basts in all thunder beasts considered as it can only grow in the area where the god of lightning struck the land. The fight wasn't easy either in spite of plant beast it was a formidable adversary to Tang San he was only able to kill it due to his Hammer also had all the lightning abilities and can be somewhat immune to lightning. The absorption process wasn't smooth and took 5 hours, Tang San has gravely underestimated the red ring Tang Chen not only has initiate strength but also the Absolute strength which helped him but Tang San was lacking in the physical department. But with his will, he was able to endure and upheld the absorbing process. This process also helped to enhance his physical body because of lightning. Then his Clear Sky King's War Hammer appeared behind him with 5- black and 1- red ring. Then he stood up and searched the beast and got a left-arm bone which he also absorbed there. His spirit rank has now jumped to Rank 65. He gained an overall boost for his hammer spirit and 2 abilities provided by spiring were the ability to 1) make thunder prison in which his hammer will fall on the enemy with light speed and unpredictability and 2) ability are to shoot lightning from his hammer. The abilities he got from bones were 1)instant transportation and 2) throw lightning spears to the enemy.

Then both brothers quickly left the area to find the suitable beast fo Tang Chen's Hammer spirit. They searched the forest and came across a 100,000-year-old a.d.u.l.t Gold scaled Dragon, Both brothers decided to fight together as it was an a.d.u.l.t dragon beasts. Both brothers fought vigorously against the beasts. It was a tough fight but they managed to kill it after 5 hours of life-threatening battle. Tang Chen dealt the last blow to its head. Tang Chen then searched the dragon to find its core, after a while he decided to absorb it himself as he knew his absolute strength nature will slow down the rank progress to the rank 70, it may appear near but as spirit Emperor gaining each rank will be difficult for him and he will be left behind the others. This dragon has a very thin bloodline of a golden dragon who said to at the peak of absolute strength, consuming this core will sufficiently solve his problem of slow progress and will enhance his body further.

The true disparities between him and others will show when he will become the spirit saint. When he will gain his seventh ring and has the ability to show avatar his physical body will enhance more than a super douluo's body and his spirits will also have that tenacity. His initiate strength, Absolute strength, and now with this core of a.d.u.l.t dragon will place on a different level than his peer's original Shrek seven devils much less than others.

Tang Chen absorbed the ring first it took 2 hours and the process was not painful as before. He then continued absorbing the core. His physical body and the spiritual lake became more pronounced because of the a.d.u.l.t dragon core. The process was relatively smooth as his body can now handle both. His Sovereign Clear Sky Hammer appeared and 5- black and 1- red ring appeared behind him. he also got a skull bone from the beast and absorbed it there. He got the strength boost to his hammer spirit and from the spirit ring he got the abilities of 1) lock his hammer on the target and get a definite hit and 2) to enhance the weight od his hammer by 50%. He took the beast in hiss spirit tool for cooking. He was now Rank 65 spirit emperor. He also got 2 abilities from his skull bone that are 1) to spiritually attack the opponent and 2) immunity from spiritual attack of the same level or below him. These two abilities may seem trivial but he got these abilities from an a.d.u.l.t dragon who seems to be the apex of physical and spiritual powers in the continent and his spiritual powers were close to the peak in the continent.

Both boys then decided to return to the herbal area as they got. They quickly left the beasts region and went to herbal region where others were waiting for them. He went to the group and told about gains in the forest. Tang Hao was surprised that his sons can already deal with 100,000 years old beasts on their own and can see how their newly gained ability will help them further. They all decided to spend one more night in the space and will leave in the morning. Tang Chen told Tang Hao to first go to the Tang sect as he has to settle something before he went to his training. Tang Hao agreed and told them to settle all their other issues in 10 days and then he will train them one month after that to gain and let their new abilities amalgamate in their fighting style. He will take them to their next training place as planned before. Now all of them didn't sleep but started to meditate in the space either to cultivate or consolidate their ranks.

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