Douluo Dalu: A Great Big Brother


Both boys woke up from their meditation. Tang Hao was standing next to them, seeing them awake he told them they were going to a place where they can gain the essence of fighting. Both boys were good but they didn't have experience fighting humans. So he was going to take them to a place where they both have the kill to survive. They both have killing Intents developed but were unable to bring out its essence in the fight because of their mental barrier only going through that place their mental barrier can be brought down. He can't do it as he was their father and they will subconsciously latch on that.

He released pure killing intent on them and explained how can it be used in battle. They both have been killing beasts for years but they still can't release and use effectively in the fight as their moral of killing humans is a sin was subconsciously preventing then to do so. He knew his sons were not hypocrites but moral was ingrained in all human beings.

The trio then came little town. Tang Hao brought his sons to a tavern in the small town and entered. The atmosphere in the tavern was extremely turbid. Tang San noted that the decorations here were unexpectedly all black. Even though it was daytime outside, inside this place was a gloomy and cold dark feeling.

Right now the tavern was about thirty percent full or so. Even though the atmosphere was turbid, people rarely spoke, giving an extremely quiet impression. Tang Hao and boys arrival attracted a lot of gazes, but for the most part they were only quick glances flitting across them.

Tang Hao found a place to sit with his sons in the corner. A waiter in black clothes and apathetic expression walked over."What do you want?"

Tang Hao coldly said: "Give me three Bloody Mary."

The waiter's face changed slightly, "You sure?"

After a moment, three cups of muddy liquid were carried over. The liquid seemed dark red, distributing a strong stink as if the nose was assaulted by blood.

Tang San frowned Tang Chen knew about it but it still disgusted him, but Tang Hao raised a cup and emptied it in one gulp. Raising his head to look at his son, "Drink it."

Tang San hesitated a moment, slowly raising the cup, "Dad, what is this?"

Tang Hao shot him a glance, repeating: "Drink it."

Tang San drew a deep breath, suddenly closing his eyes, pouring the liquid in the cup into his stomach in one mouthful. Tang Chen did the same. The liquid was somewhat salty, and moreover a bit acrid. A strong taste of blood suddenly pervaded Tang San's sense of taste and smell.

Tang Hao looked at him, calmly saying: "This is a cup of human blood."

Both boys vomited hearing this, Tang Chen was b.a.r.e holding for this moment. The people in tavern laughed at and made fun of them. Tang Hao told boys to kill them. Both boys hesitated for a while, seeing them hesitating other stated spewing profanities at them, hear the profanities both boys stood up and killed all the people present there except the waiter.

Tang Hao's voice came from behind him, "Kindness to the enemy, is cruelty to yourself. None of the people capable of leaving this place have walked a road without death. Remember, entering Slaughter City, you can only rely on yourself. I won't be by your side, much less protecting you. There are no friends or companions there, only enemies. Kill everyone that can threaten you both. Obtain the championship in the Hell Slaughter Arena, I will naturally receive you."

The waiter then guided the to the entrance and they both entered the city. They cautiously strode through the entrance passage. The passage was dark and gloomy and they couldn't perceive anything in their even with their spiritual prowess. As they walked out of the passage, in front of them appeared one hundred and one men.

Completely covered in black armor, even their faces are hidden behind helmets. One hundred of them carried heavy swords, and only one sat on a tall warhorse, his horse also covered with thick black armor."You've broken the rules."

The deep voice sounded extremely cold, as if not from a human mouth. The speaker was the mounted black-armored knight.

Both brothers asked," what rule have we broken?"

The black knight then introduces himself as Scott and told them that they have to die, he with his men strode towards the boys to attack. Both brothers summoned their blue silver spirit as instinct even Tang Chen for a moment he cursed himself for his idiocracy and Tang San tried to use the abilities but was shocked as he was unable to either summon his rings or spirit abilities. Then simultaneously both boys withdraw the blue silver spirit and summoned their hammers. They swung their hammer towards the incoming group collision happened the only Scott was left alive because the hammer struck his horse even he was crawling. After getting the sixth ring hammers of both boys now weigh more than 2.5 tons. Tang Chen's was 2.9 tons while Tang San's was 2.5 tons.

Both boys leaped toward Scott to finish him who raised his hands and told them it was a test to enter the city and both of them passed. He asked them whether they will go in a group or as individuals. Brothers thought for a while and told him as a group. He handed over a black tile in front of both of them, and Tang San off-handedly took it. On the tile was carved a human skull, and below was a number. 9528. "This is your Slaughter City ID. Please enter the city, someone will receive you at the gate."

Holding the tile, both advanced with large strides, without giving the dread knight a glance. The pitch-black city gates gave people a kind of extremely oppressive feeling. Tall words were hung on the enormous city gates, Slaughter City. Two black armored warriors stood silently in front of the gates. Before brothers could reveal the token in his hand, a woman with a black muslin mask stepped out to greet him. "Welcome to Slaughter City."The woman's voice was very pleasant. Stepping aside from in front of boys, she made an inviting gesture. "I'm your guide. You both can ask me about anything you don't understand. Within twenty-four hours, I will answer all your questions. After twenty-four hours, this is the place where you'll live, and you'll formally become a Slaughter City citizens."

Tang brothers nodded, and Tang San said: "Slaughter city, what kind of place is it?"

The black-masked young woman said: "A paradise. A paradise of depravity."

Tang San frowned, "So simple?"

The black-masked young woman nodded agreement.

Tang San said: "Then how was Slaughter City founded?"

The black-masked young woman's answer this time was more to Tang San's satisfaction, "Slaughter City has already existed for a thousand years. According to legend, it's the domain left behind after a formidable Spirit Master broke through the hundredth rank. Here, all Spirit Master abilities are ineffective, people can only rely on their own instinct and physical strength to survive. Spirit power can be used as a source of strength."

Tang San looked at the black-masked young woman, "Then what are the rules here?"

The black-masked young woman said serenely:

"The rules here are that there are no rules. As a citizen of Slaughter City, you can do whatever you want here. Even if a Title Douluo came here from the outside world, he would still grow weak due to losing his spirit abilities. But under the rule of our Slaughter King, there's basically no need to fear them. In Slaughter City, as long as you have the ability, you can do whatever you want. But I must warn you, precisely since there are no rules here, you may face mortal danger at any time. In some sense, this is a paradise of crime."

"Paradise of crime?"

"Yes. There are a lot of people who come here precisely because they can't exist in the outside world, and have no choice but to enter. After coming here, there's no need for them to worry about pursuit again. Each citizen of Slaughter City will enjoy Slaughter City's protection. There are formidable soul and titled Douluo who can use their abilities here, Who can provide protection from the outside world."

Tang San hardly paid attention to this protection. Since he could come here through force of violence, that meant any power could do the same. Even without spirit abilities, there was still spirit power. Title Douluo were still powers among powers here. Were the criminals here really safe? Tang Chen knew all that so he let Tang San do all the talking while he listened from the side. black-clothed women told then that slaughter city was basically a one-way city people can enter but can never leave as more people will be guarding the entrance of city they all are spirit or Titled Douluo who can use their abilities. Hearin this Tang Chen Asked is there really no way to leave from here.

Black Clothed women chuckled and said: "Not quite. There's only one way to leave Slaughter City. That is to become the champion of Hell Slaughter Arena, obtaining the qualifications to challenge the Hell Road, and after breaking through the Hell Road, then you can leave Slaughter City. Every power who does so will be bestowed with the title of Deathgod. In Slaughter City's thousand-year history, there has appeared altogether eight Deathgods."

While talking the reached the arena. Both boys see the inhumane match going on there. The woman then told them that they will have to complete 150 such fights to even challenge the hell road because they entered as a group of two individuals have to survive only 100 such fights and not one of the group has successfully completed the task, not even former Death gods were in groups. Both boys saw a few matches there nobody attacked them as the woman was there with them. It was quite awful especially for Tang Chen as he was a doctor in the previous world. He was no stranger to death but the brutality was quite taxing on him. They calmed down after a while and looked toward each other and nodded, they have to do the task assigned by their father for their training, so better start today. They told the woman they want to compete in the next match. The Woman told then their safety was not guaranteed during the match. They nodded and told her it will be their own responsibility.

The woman tried to persuade them not to be rash but both boys didn't want to back down. They went for the next match. It was against 30 people the match ended quickly. Killing then with their hammers wasn't really a task for boys they can easily kill a spirit saint without the abilities but killing took a toll on them mentally. They still countinued and completed 15 matches that day after that they both were mentally exhausted physically they were fine. They came back and Women then took them to their residing quarter. On the way, they saw greedy looks on people and concluded danger will lurk on the even off stage after the protection period ends.

The quarter wasn't big but just enough for them. It has 2 beds, 2 tables and chairs, a bathroom and a toilet. The woman then reminded them to have rest while they still have protection period left. Both boys decided to follow her advice. Hence their journey in slaughter city began.

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