𝟔𝟗Book Bar→𝟔𝟗𝐬𝐡𝐮𝐱.𝐧𝐞𝐭

Three days later, Dugu Yan left the ghost gate with a look of embarrassment, walking unsteadily and limping away.

When she left, she was still thinking that she would never come to this damn place again, it was so terrible.

After Dugu Yan left, Ling Mo also left!

Enrollment is still continuing, Dugu Bo has already gone to negotiate with Tiandou Academy, and Ling Mo is too lazy to stay on the mountain.

It's been a while since I last saw Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong. Not to mention, I really miss them.

There are still a few months left for the Soul Master Competition, and these few months are enough for Lingmo to make all preparations.

"It's time to go down the mountain!" With that, Ling Mo prepared to go down the mountain...

This day...Shrek Academy was very lively, with a group of people gathered around the playground.

There were two people standing in the field, one of them was Tang San!

And one of the two is a Titan!

Zhao Wuji and a group of teachers came here under the leadership of Xiao Wu.

Looking at the two people in the field, they fell into deep thought.

"Why is it him?"

Zhao Wuji frowned, looking at the Titan standing in the field, feeling extremely fearful in his heart.

This guy came earlier or later, why did he come at this time?

At this time, Flanders and Liu Erlong were not in the academy, and Zhao Wuji was the largest and strongest in the entire academy.

Now that the other party is here, the only one who can save Tang San is Zhao Wuji.

"Teacher Zhao, go and stop them!" Xiao Wu said anxiously.

“The bet has been made, and nothing can happen until their bet is over.

The bet between soul masters is sacred. If you stop it now, Xiaosan will no longer have to hang out in the soul master world.

As the saying goes, there is no establishment without trust, but how could his opponent be this old guy! I'm afraid I'm going to be in trouble this time. "

Zhao Wuji said helplessly that he also wanted to save Tang San, but it was too late now.

"Do you recognize him? Isn't that Tai Lung's grandfather?"

Zhao Wuji said seriously: "Of course I recognize this old guy. Back then, I was chased by him because I accidentally injured his clan brother, so I went to establish Shrek Academy with Flanders."

"Old Zhao, why don't you ask someone to go to the ghost gate to call Xiao Mo back? That old ghost Flanders won't be back in a short time.

Now only Guimen can save Xiaosan. If even Guimen can't save Xiaosan, then..."

Lu Qibin said nervously next to him.

"Yes, go find Xiaomo..."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Wu felt as if she had found a life-saving straw.

They all know that Lingmo's ghost gate is right next to Tiandou City. They all know the address. If they want to find Lingmo, they can go up the mountain at any time.

"Zhuqing, can you ask him to help save Xiaosan..."

Xiao Wu said eagerly, her eyes focused on No. 5, but... No. 5 didn't even look at her from beginning to end.

Zhu Zhuqing tried calling him, but he ignored her!

There was a prerequisite for him to take action. Zhu Zhuqing had to be attacked, otherwise he would not be able to take action.

Xiao Wu almost cried and looked at Zhu Zhuqing next to her anxiously.

However, no matter how hard Zhu Zhuqing tried, No. 5 just wouldn't move.

"Zhuqing, why don't you help me call Xiaomo back? If you don't come back, something will really happen to Xiaosan..."

Number Five was unmoved.

Ning Rongrong has returned to the sect, Flanders and Liu Erlong are not here, and the master doesn’t know where he is!

Now, it seems that no one can save Tang San except Ling Mo.


Zhu Zhuqing did not refuse, and directly opened Fengxia Caiyi, spread his wings immediately, rose directly from the ground, and flew towards the ghost gate.

Number 5 followed closely, and the two of them ran away from the scene one after the other.

She had never been to the ghost gate, so she only knew a general direction. It was really not easy to find Ling Mo.

In the field, the Titan's pressure continued to increase. Tang San's body trembled and he almost fell down several times.

Behind him, the Eight Spider Spears plunged into the ground, supporting his entire body. If not for the Eight Spider Spears, he would have fallen to the ground.

How could a small Soul Lord such as him be able to withstand the pressure of a Soul Douluo?

Currently, although he has reached level 40, he has not yet absorbed the fourth soul ring, and it is already difficult to support this pressure.

"Do you really want to lose?"

In his confusion, Tang San asked this question countless times.

Now, all the trump cards have been played, and except for the Clear Sky Hammer, he has no trump cards to speak of.

However, both the master and his father said that the Clear Sky Hammer should not be displayed in front of the outside world, otherwise one's life would be in danger.

However, he couldn't hold it anymore.

Once he fails, he can only join the Titan family. He doesn't want to sacrifice his life for anyone...

"Brother, if you can't do it, just admit defeat..."

The sound of Xiao Wu crying could be heard, and she was running around anxiously.

Zhu Zhuqing went to call Lingmo, and he didn't know when he would be back.

Even though Xiao Wu shouted heartbreakingly, Tang San couldn't hear her at this time.

His consciousness was blurred, and even his vision became blurry.

"Do you want to persist? You know, if you do that, it may cause irreparable trauma to your body."

Tai Tan said in a deep voice.

He didn't want to destroy a genius, what he needed was for the genius to join. How could he not clearly see Tang San's physical condition?

Zhao Wuji's voice also came at this time, "Xiao San, admit defeat, don't ruin your future, and we can discuss the rest."

"No." Tang San said this simple word. But blood could not stop flowing down the corner of his mouth, "Please continue."

He didn't say much, but at this moment! All the teachers and students watching the game in the whole academy couldn't help but be moved at the same time.

What kind of persistence and pride can support him to say such words.

Even Titan was surprised. This young man was really outstanding!

It is precisely because of this that he must not let him go. If he can't get him to join, then. He can only destroy him.

At this time, Tang San's heart was mixed with mixed feelings and he was miserable.

After the younger one was beaten, the older one came. Why is it always himself who is bullied?

Is it because he doesn't have a strong backer? Or because he doesn't have a powerful father?

Perhaps he didn't realize that his father was watching him and wanted to pull out the hammer to kill Titan several times.

No one can understand Tang San's inferiority complex.

All these years, he has been very careful, fearing that he would offend someone he couldn't afford to offend and cause trouble for others.

But now... no matter how he tolerates, these troubles will come to him.

"Since it's useless for me to tolerate, I might as well... have fun today!"

In a hysterical roar.

Tang San slowly raised his left hand, with his five fingers spread out.

A rich black light surged out from his palm and gradually condensed into shape.

A small black hammer appeared silently in Tang San's palm. The hammer was not big, and the pattern on it was deep and dim.

But the moment it appeared, Tang San seemed to have recovered some strength! A layer of condensed aura appeared around his body.

Titan's body suddenly trembled violently. The pressure that had been rushing towards Tang San was instantly weakened, and Tang San's body shook.

Protecting the hammer in front of his chest, he resisted the weakened pressure abruptly, and his resolute eyes shone with unyielding brilliance.

"This is..." Not only was Tai Tan horrified, Tai Nuo on the side also widened his eyes and exclaimed.

At this moment, seven dazzling streams of light fell from the sky, sweeping towards Tang San's body like a colorful rainbow.

In an instant, Tang San's whole body trembled violently, and the lost luster of his skin regained its luster.

At the same time, a deep and vigorous voice sounded from all directions at the same time.

"Old gorilla! What's the point of bullying a child? Let's have a showdown."

The colorful holy light retreated, and three people suddenly appeared in the field.

"Who did I think it was? It turned out to be Bone Douluo and Sect Master Ning. I am honored."

The three people who came were Ning Fengzhi, Ning Rongrong and Bone Douluo Gu Rong.

At this moment, suddenly a huge sword fell from the sky and hit Tai Tan fiercely.

There was a loud bang.

That sword was supported by Tai Tan fiercely, but no matter how hard he tried, he could not break free from the suppression of the sword.


For a moment, the scene changed in a thousand ways. The moment he saw the sword, Zhao Wuji showed his joy.

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