"Where did the miscellaneous hair come from and dare to disturb Tai Sui's head?"

I just heard an extremely arrogant voice coming from the horizon.

Hearing this voice, almost everyone in Shrek smiled.

"It's Xiaomo!"

Zhao Wuji's tense face finally opened, revealing a smile.

"Great, Xiaomo is finally back! It seems like this farce should be over..."

Zhao Wuji said happily that when the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect appeared, he was still worried, after all, Tang San could reveal his Clear Sky Hammer just now.

If the Qibao Glazed Sect suddenly launches an attack at this moment, even if Ning Rongrong blocks it, he will not be able to stop it.


Fortunately, Lingmo showed up in time! Otherwise it would be difficult to end today.

Facing the giant sword that suddenly appeared, Titan was pressed to the floor. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't stand up.

At this moment, he finally felt the pain that Tang San felt just now.

The sudden change shocked everyone and looked for the source of the giant sword.

I saw a beam of colorful holy light flashing from the horizon, and three figures fell from the sky and hit the ground hard.

The visitors were none other than Ling Mo and Zhu Zhuqing! And the person behind Ling Mo is Master Gui...

As for No. 5, Zhu Zhuqing has already taken him into the soul guidance device. He has always been careless, so it would be useless to let him out.

Unless he is in danger, he doesn't care at all. No matter what happens, he acts like a fine person.

Ling Mo was also very depressed about this. He tried to let Zhu Zhuqing take command, but who knew that they only listened to him and no one else.

"Xiao Mo, long time no see!"

Ling Mo appeared on the stage, and Ning Fengzhi showed a smile, but when he saw Zhu Zhuqing next to Ling Mo, he looked a little unnatural.

"Long time no see, uncle!"

After Ling Mo finished speaking, his eyes focused on Tai Tan.

At this time, he was already pinned down by the giant sword and was kneeling on the ground with both legs. No matter how hard he tried, he could not break free.

"What a domineering sword spirit..."

At this time, Gu Rong, who was behind Ning Fengzhi, had been watching Master Gui with fear on his face.

Earlier when he heard Chen Xin say it was time, he didn't take it seriously. Now that he had truly seen it, he suddenly realized that what Chen Xin said was not false at all.

"Did you see it?" Ning Fengzhi asked in a low voice, his eyes always on Master Gui.

The man was wearing heavy armor and a cloak, which covered his face, making it impossible to see clearly what was inside.

"Very strong! Old Jiangtou didn't lie..."

Gu Rong only said one sentence, and Ning Fengzhi understood!

Those who can be so praised by Gu Rong must be truly supreme beings.

"Wait, sect master, look at that young man..."

Suddenly, Gu Rong's expression changed drastically, and her eyes were fixed on Tang San. Seeing the small hammer in his hand, she could no longer remain calm.


Ning Fengzhi looked curiously, then his expression changed, "Is he his son?"

For a moment, the atmosphere was very strange.

"Mistress, are you okay..."

Ling Mo ignored Tai Tan and walked aside to help Tang San up. At this time, his Clear Sky Hammer was already displayed.

"I'm fine, Xiaomo! Thank you for arriving in time, otherwise my life would have been in danger..."

Tang San said weakly, Ling Mo unknowingly saved his life again, he was very grateful in his heart, he no longer knew how many lives he owed Ling Mo.

"It's okay! Just wait, I'll let you vent..."

Saying that, Ling Mo patted Tang San on the shoulder and looked at Tai Tan coldly.

"Brother, are you okay..." Xiao Wu couldn't wait to run up, supporting Tang San and asked eagerly.

"I'm fine!"

The two of them exchanged greetings, but Ling Mo had already arrived at Tai Tan's side.

"Who do I think you are? It turns out to be you, an old bastard! You acted recklessly at my ghost gate a few days ago, and I have already spared your life.

You are still so unwilling to make progress and dare to come to my Shrek Academy to act recklessly. Are you really impatient with your life? "

Ling Mo said coldly, and instantly...with a glance, Master Gui understood, and saw that the heavy sword suddenly gained strength.

Titan's whole body was completely sunk into the soil and he couldn't pull it out.

"Wait, ghost gate?"

Upon hearing Ling Mo's words, everyone present was shocked...

It turns out that the ghost sect that was making a lot of rumors in the early days was Lingmo's sect?

The one with the most exaggerated expression is Titan!

When he first heard about the ghost gate, his heart had already gone cold...

A few days ago, they went up the mountain in a mighty manner, but they didn't accomplish anything. Instead, they were scared away by the hundreds of underworld soldiers from the Ghost Gate.

"Let go of my father..."

"Let go of my grandpa..."

Titan was suppressed, Tylenol and Tailong rushed over angrily, Lingmo glanced coldly, and instantly a wave of light hit them.

The two of them were slapped and flew away, falling to the ground instantly.

With Ling Mo's strength, it was not easy to deal with these two miscreants.

"When did it become your turn to yell here? Get out..."

A slap flew away, and everyone was shocked.

That Tylenol is a soul king of over fifty levels, and a powerful soul master.

He was actually slapped away by Ling Mo?

"This boy's strength has become much stronger..."

Gu Rong, who was behind Ning Fengzhi, said that Ling Mo's strength improved so fast that sometimes he found it unbelievable.

"Haha, if you don't have any strength, how can you be the son-in-law of my Qibao Glazed Sect?"

Ning Fengzhi smiled and said, he didn't stop him. The Li clan had nothing to do with him, but there were some minor conflicts. He couldn't act like a good old man.

"Young Master, save me..."

Titan couldn't hold it any longer and suddenly shouted loudly.

"Little Lord?"

When everyone heard this, they were stunned.

Who is his name?

Wait, is it Tang San?

"What's going on? You were going to kill someone just now. Why did you call the young master in such a short time?"

Everyone was confused, and Tang San was even more confused.

"You...are you calling me?"

Tang San asked in disbelief.

"Your father's surname is Tang Minghao?"

Tai Tan was not sure, so he could only take a gamble.


Tang San said with certainty that his father was indeed Tang Hao, but... what does this matter have to do with his father?

In his mind, his father was just an ordinary blacksmith. Old Jack called him a loser every day. No matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't relate to him, right?

"Young Master, I finally found you! Save me quickly..."

Hearing Tang San's answer, Tai Tan was immediately overjoyed and wanted to stand up and salute, but when he saw that the giant sword was still pressing down on him, he asked for help again.

Tang San was also confused. Why did he want to kill him and call him Young Master?

For a moment, Tang San was unsure and looked at Ling Mo.

"Do you have a lot of doubts?"

When Ling Mo saw him looking over, he immediately laughed angrily!

This guy is really kind and upright.

Tang San nodded, but Ling Mo didn't answer. He turned around and glanced at Master Gui. Master Gui understood and recalled the giant sword directly.

"I know you have a lot of doubts, but unfortunately... there are some things I can't tell you.

But... there is one thing you can know, that is, your father is not an ordinary person!

Moreover, maybe at this time, he is watching somewhere, which means that he has seen everything you have experienced just now..."

Ling Mo didn't lie. When he came here just now, he did feel Tang Hao's aura.

However, Tang Hao left after noticing his arrival, apparently going back to Binghuo Liangyi to see his wife.

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