"What did you say? You said my father was nearby just now?"

Tang San was stunned on the spot.

All sorts of grievances welled up in my heart.

Since Tang Hao is here, why didn't he show up just now?

Tang San kept asking himself, why didn't he show up?

He suffered a lot and almost died in pain, but he still didn't show up.

"Xiao San, there are some things I have to tell you..."

Ling Mo couldn't bear to see Tang San's uncomfortable look. He knew exactly what Tang San was thinking.

Ling Mo felt that he needed to say a few words for Tang Hao.

"It's not that your dad doesn't love you! It's just that he can't show up. You don't know that the burden he carries is no less than you!

From Notting City to here, your father has been watching you from behind. He is watching every trouble you encounter.

Just the last time, at Shrek Academy! Your father even gave Teacher Zhao a special beating to vent your anger.

If you don’t believe it, you can ask Teacher Zhao if such a thing has happened..."

As soon as Ling Mo finished speaking, everyone looked at Zhao Wuji, as if he wanted to confirm something.

When Zhao Wuji mentioned this matter, his expression suddenly turned ugly.

Damn Ling Mo, why should I mention this if I don’t mention it? It’s okay now, everyone knows that he was beaten by Tang Hao.

"Xiao Mo is right! Xiao San, you have to understand your father. Maybe he has more important things to do, so he can't show up..."

Although Zhao Wuji was unhappy that Ling Mo mentioned this matter, he still gritted his teeth and admitted it.

It's not a shame. Being beaten by the toughest man in the mainland is really not a shame.

"Really?" Tang San felt very complicated.

"Dad, are you always protecting me from behind?"

Ling Mo kept asking questions in his heart. At this time, Ling Mo knew that no matter what he said, it was useless. What Tang San thought was his business, and he had already tried his best.

"Xiao Mo, can you tell me why my father has been avoiding me?"

Tang San's eyes were very lonely, eager to know these things.

But Ling Mo didn't answer him, just shook her head.

Although there was no problem in telling Tang San, but... he promised Tang Hao not to tell Tang San.

If a person has no faith, he will not be established. Since Ling Mo agreed to Tang Hao, he would not expose these secrets casually.

"Xiao San, why your father didn't show up? He has his own reasons. If the time comes, he will naturally show up.

But don’t worry, he has been silently guarding you. When you are in real danger someday, you might turn around and see him..."

In order to dispel Tang San's worries, Ling Mo had no choice but to say.

Sometimes, he envied Tang San for having a silently protective father behind him.

And I... can only maintain my life like this by cheating.


It's too much. It's just cheating. You still talk about it every day. How shameless?

"Think about it for yourself! There are some things that you should be able to figure out. You are not a child..."

After saying that, Ling Mo turned his attention to Tai Tan and said coldly: "This time, I will give Xiao San some face! If anyone else dares to come to Shrek Academy to cause trouble, no matter who it is, they will be killed without mercy..."

After saying this sentence, the scene instantly became quiet.

Cold murderous intent enveloped him, and no one would think that Ling Mo was joking.

Ling Mo wasn't joking, he was serious.

This time it was Tang San, next time it might be Zhu Zhuqing or Ning Rongrong's turn.

Lingmo doesn't want this to happen again!

"Thank you..."

Tai Tan was completely frightened and glanced at Ling Mo fearfully, not daring to look at Master Gui at all.

His sword, the Titan's inner fear.

"You don't need to thank me. If you want to thank me, just thank Xiaosan. If it weren't for him, today... not one of you in the force clan would be able to leave alive..."

After Ling Mo finished his sentence, he retreated directly into the crowd, not bothering to talk nonsense with him.

Next, it's Tang San's time!

"Hey, I didn't expect you to be quite domineering when you take it seriously..."

Ning Rongrong looked at Ling Mo with a smile. With Ning Fengzhi aside, she didn't dare to do anything intimate.

"That's natural. I've always been domineering, okay?"

Ling Mo laughed and said, while Zhu Zhuqing rolled his eyes at him and said, "I don't know if he is domineering or not, but he is quite mean..."

As soon as these words came out, Ling Mo suddenly became depressed.

"Damn girl, how long has it been since I last repaired you, and you're starting to drift?"

"How dare you! Believe it or not, I let you..."

Zhu Zhuqing stood up mid-sentence and was too embarrassed to continue.

"Okay, okay, let's watch the show first! I feel like there's a good show to watch..."

Ning Rongrong said excitedly on the side.

She saw everything that happened just now, especially Tang San's martial spirit. She also saw it.

Originally, she thought Tang San was really just an ordinary person without any background.

But now, she doesn't think so.

Because the appearance of that martial spirit already meant that Tang San could not be an ordinary person.

“Xiaosan, no matter what they say to you later, you must remain calm.

That old guy from Taitan and Ning Fengzhi are not competing against each other. I arranged them in two rooms. It's up to you to decide who to meet first.

However, no matter what, don’t make a decision easily..."

In the end, Zhao Wuji stood up and gave instructions.

"Don't be afraid, go ahead! They don't dare to hurt you..."

Lingmo patted Tang San's shoulder and said nothing.

In the end... Tang San decided to meet Tai Tan, because he was eager to know about his father.

He was very familiar with Lingmo, and generally, he would not tell Tai Tan about things that Lingmo did not say, no matter how hard he tried.

Therefore... he could only pin his hopes on Tai Tan, hoping that Tai Tan could tell him something about his father.

"Uncle, please come this way..."

Seeing that Tang San went to see Tai Tan first, Lingmo greeted Ning Fengzhi into a room.

After all, he was the future father-in-law, and it was really a bit unreasonable not to entertain him.

"Zhu Qing, you wait outside first, I'll go meet them..."

After giving a word, Lingmo followed Ning Fengzhi into a room, and Ning Rongrong did not follow in.

"Haha, long time no see, your level seems to have improved a lot..."

In the room, Ning Fengzhi sat on a chair, and Gu Rong stood behind him all the time, and did not sit down.

Lingmo sat on the lower side, without any restraint.

"Hehe, it's just so-so! Cultivation is all about fate. If it's time to break through, it will happen naturally..."

It has been several months since I went to the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect last time, and Lingmo's level has successfully reached level 58.

There is no way. The effect of the cold jade bed is too abnormal. Even if Lingmo doesn't want to practice, he can't control it.

What's more, the immortal medicine in the body has not been completely absorbed, so this cultivation speed is also normal.

"Damn, you kid, you are so irritating! It seems that cultivation is as simple as eating and drinking water..."

After Lingmo finished speaking with full of pretentiousness, Gu Rong was immediately unhappy.

Which of them didn't work hard for half a lifetime to achieve the current achievement.

Why did it taste different in this kid's mouth?

It feels like telling you that what you must pursue in your life is just the time it takes me to drink a sip of water...

"Too irritating, Sect Master, I can't stand it, please allow me to fight this kid..."

The more he thought about it, the angrier he got. Gu Rong really couldn't stand it.

"Hehe, I'm not kidding, really, cultivation is quite simple..."

"Damn, I can't stand it..."

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