"Okay, Uncle Gu!" Ning Fengzhi had a headache. Every time Gu Rongyi and Lingmo met, they would definitely disagree.

This old man and this young man, neither of them is serious.

"By the way, Xiaomo, what is your relationship with this Tang San?"

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Ning Fengzhi finally asked, he was very confused in his heart, how did Lingmo know Tang San, and the relationship was so close.

You know, Lingmo's identity is not simple now, his every move is related to the future trend of the continent.

Whoever he joins hands with can rest assured.

No wonder Ning Fengzhi is worried, although he can rest assured with Ning Rongrong.

But... it is inevitable that he is a little uncomfortable with the sudden insertion of the Haotian Sect.

"You mean Xiao San? Well, it's a long story.

The two of us should be friends who have been playing together since childhood!

We know each other very well, and it's not an exaggeration to say that we are brothers..."

After Lingmo finished speaking, Ning Fengzhi frowned, thinking that things were not that simple.

"I see, so you also know Tang San's father?" Ning Fengzhi wanted to get some information from Lingmo.

After all, Tang Hao's whereabouts has always been a knot in everyone's heart.

This tough guy either doesn't show up, or something big must happen when he shows up.

After that bizarre battle, Tang Hao disappeared, and he was also expelled from the Haotian Sect.

And... the Haotian Sect also disappeared strangely, completely disappeared on the mainland, and no one knew where it was hiding.

The soul masters on the mainland may still be confused and don't know what happened.

But as one of the top three sects, Ning Fengzhi does know some secrets.

It is rumored that Tang Hao had a dispute with the Spirit Hall and fought a battle with the Spirit Hall twelve years ago. He not only severely injured the former Pope, but also severely injured two Title Douluo.

The Spirit Hall Pope died soon after returning to the Spirit Hall after that battle. Everyone believed that Tang Hao did it.

The Spirit Hall also confirmed that it was Tang Hao who killed the Pope.

However, whether there is anything strange in it depends on the perspective of the bystander.

"Are you talking about that drunkard? I know him, isn't he just a blacksmith..."

Lingmo laughed. Of course, he saw that Ning Fengzhi was trying to trick him.

"Blacksmith? Haha, he is quite a match for him..."

Ning Fengzhi was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

He couldn't help but look up to Lingmo in his heart, thinking that this kid has become a smart man, and it seems that he can't get anything out of him.

"By the way, when do you plan to settle your marriage with Rongrong?"

Ning Fengzhi suddenly mentioned another question.

Before Lingmo answered, Gu Rong was already unhappy, "Master, how old is Rongrong? Aren't you a little anxious?"

Ning Fengzhi knew it, but seeing that there were more and more women around Lingmo, he was a little worried about Ning Rongrong's status.

The only solution was to marry first, only in this way could she firmly occupy the sovereignty.

He could see that Rongrong could not give up Lingmo, even if it was too late to break up the couple now.

"Marriage? Well... I have no problem with this, we can get married at any time, but... shouldn't we ask Rongrong's opinion on this matter?"

Lingmo didn't mind getting married, anyway, the Ghost Gate had been built, and he had a piece of territory of his own.

It's better to get married early, so that he doesn't have to run back and forth.

"Well, you are right! I should ask Rongrong..."

Ning Fengzhi was indeed a little reluctant, and it was really uncomfortable to give away his daughter who had raised him so much.

He could only slow down for a while.

Soon, Tang San walked in.

"Uncle Ning! Sorry to have kept you waiting..."

"Nothing, sit down, Xiao San, can I call you that?"

Tang San nodded and said, "You are Rongrong's father, of course."

Ning Fengzhi laughed and said, "It seems that I have benefited from Rongrong! Speaking of which, I was just thinking about how to get you into my sect, but I didn't expect that you are the son of an old friend."

"Uncle Ning knows my father?" Tang San's heartbeat, which he had suppressed with great difficulty, became excited again.

Ning Fengzhi nodded, "Of course I know him. He is the youngest Titled Douluo on the continent. I'm afraid there are few people in the spirit master world who don't know him..."

Ning Fengzhi continued, "Your father has been missing for many years. I wonder where he is now? We brothers haven't seen each other for many years. If there is a chance, I will visit him in person."

Tang San looked at Ning Fengzhi, then at Lingmo, and finally said.

"I don't know where my father is. He disappeared eight years ago.

Eight years have passed, but there is no news. If it is true as the senior said, my father is from the Haotian Sect, then maybe he should be in the Haotian Sect now."

He did not tell Ning Fengzhi what Lingmo said to him just now.

Since Tang Hao did not show up, he must have his own reasons. Tang San would not expose his whereabouts.

He is not a child. His character is not much worse than Ning Fengzhi.

"Oh? That's a pity..."

Ning Fengzhi was a little disappointed when he heard it! He originally wanted to use Tang San's relationship to form an alliance with the Haotian Sect.

Now it seems that this idea will fail.

"By the way! Does uncle know about my father? Some things about my father's disappearance back then..."

On the Titan side, Tang San didn't get the information he deserved, so he had no choice but to focus on Ning Fengzhi.

"This... I actually don't know much about it, but I have heard some stories about your father.

Back then... there was a conflict between your father and Wuhundian, and there was a fierce battle.

In that battle, Ling Zongzheng killed the former Pope of Wuhun Palace, and then disappeared, and this disappearance lasted for twelve years..."

"Twelve years!!!"

Tang San gritted his teeth, this seemed to be a very special number.

This happened to be the year he was born. Recalling the scene he saw in a daze when he just traveled through time, he suddenly realized.

"Martial Soul Hall..."

Tang San seemed to know something. His father's disappearance must be related to Wuhun Palace.

Several people chatted inside for a long time, mostly about Tang Hao.

Ling Mo didn't interrupt. He knew that Tang Hao was in Binghuo Liangyi's eyes at this moment, but he didn't say anything.

When I came out of the room, it was almost dark.

"Uncle, why don't you stay for a meal tonight before leaving?"

Before leaving, Ling Mo said something polite, but in fact, she wished Ning Fengzhi would go back early so as not to disturb them.

"Haha, no! This place is not far from the Qibao Glazed Sect. I'll see you again when I have time."

Ning Fengzhi smiled, declined Lingmo's offer to stay, and then left with Gu Rong.

After Ning Fengzhi left, Ling Mo looked back and found that Tai Tan was still there.

"Why haven't you left yet?"

Ling Mo was very unhappy. This guy showed up twice, almost always against him.

"I...I'm waiting for you, young master!"

Tai Tan didn't dare to look directly at Ling Mo, he was afraid! Keep your head down.

"Mistress, you can figure it out, I'll leave first..."

With that said, Ling Mo left directly, not bothering to listen to their nonsense.

After leaving the teaching building, Ling Mo went directly to the dormitory. There was nothing to do in the next period of time, so he would just stay in Shrek Academy for a few days.

If Zhu Zhuqing hadn't arrived suddenly today, I'm afraid Ling Mo wouldn't have arrived so quickly.

Originally, he wanted to go to the palace to find Qian Renxue, but unexpectedly he met Zhu Zhuqing on the way.

Fortunately, he was not discovered, otherwise he would have been beaten again...

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