A few days have passed since that day, and the farce has subsided!

Lingmo has been staying at Shrek Academy for the past few days and has not gone out.

A few days ago, news came from Dugu Bo that Tiandou Academy was making good progress and that the Ghost Sect might welcome its first batch of disciples in the next period of time.

"Flanders, I want to discuss something with you..."

On this day, Ling Mo came to the dean's office and slipped in without knocking.

Flanders and Master, a long and beautiful beauty, were sitting inside.

If Ling Mo remembers correctly, she should be Liu Erlong, right?

Ling Mo has been in Shrek Academy for so many days, but has never had a chance to see what this woman who can compete with the Pope for a man looks like.

This book was first published on 69 Book Bar → 69𝙨𝙝𝙪𝙭.𝙣𝙚𝙩, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters.

Ling Mo was also amazed when she saw him for the first time.

"It's Xiao Mo! If you don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for any reason, why do you want anything from me..."

The three Flanders seemed to be discussing something, but Ling Mo's unexpected intrusion interrupted their conversation.

"Flanders, is this the student you often talk about?"

Liu Erlong frowned and looked at Ling Mo carefully for a while, feeling very dissatisfied.

What she was dissatisfied with was Ling Mo's sudden intrusion, which was very rude.

"That's right, Erlong! Let me introduce to you, this is the most outstanding student of my Shrek Academy in the past twenty years, Ling Mo...

He is only thirteen years old now, and his soul power has already reached the soul king level..."

Flanders said proudly that every one of the students he brought out from Shrek Academy was what he was most proud of.

Especially Ling Mo, this perverted existence.

Although Ling Mo's training had nothing to do with him, as long as Ling Mo's name was still written on the Shrek Academy sign, she was his student and it was useless for anyone to come.

"Okay, stop bragging!"

The master doesn't like Ling Mo very much, because he steals Tang San's limelight and thus steals his own.

At first, he liked Ling Mo because of his martial spirit, but later he realized that he didn't understand Ling Mo's martial spirit at all and could not provide help.

Moreover, Ling Mo always contradicted him in theory.

So he gave up...

"Xiao Mo, what's the matter with you coming here?"

The master said calmly, his tone a little uncomfortable.

"Uh...it doesn't look like I'm welcome here?"

Ling Mo was depressed. Is this master not so stingy?

Didn't you just contradict him a few times? Why did you behave so unnaturally?

Flanders seemed to have discovered something. He didn't want to get involved in the matter between Master and Ling Mo.

"Xiao Mo, what did you say you wanted to do with me just now?"

"Nothing! I just want to ask you about some investment matters, but it seems that you are not very willing, so forget it..."


Upon hearing this, Flanders suddenly saw a golden light in his eyes and quickly grabbed Ling Mo.

"No, come... let's find a place to have a good chat..."

Flender was serious about money and took Ling Mo to find a quiet place to talk slowly and in detail.

As for the master? No matter what, I am the dean. As long as we get the money, we will take care of the rest.

When the two came to the office next door, Flanders said impatiently.

"Investment, how to invest? Tell me quickly..."

"It's nothing! I just want to use this soul master competition to gain some popularity for my sect...

Therefore, I want to invest one million advertising dollars to put the Ghost Sect’s sign on the school uniforms, and take advantage of the large number of people in the Soul Master Competition to attract more people..."

As soon as these words came out, Flanders made the decision without hesitation.

"Did it! Haha... One million, not even a cent less..."

Flanders's eyes widened when he heard it was one million!

This is a huge sum of money, who can bear it?

Ling Mo caught Flanders' greed for money and came to discuss it with him specifically. If it had been anyone else, it might be hard to tell.

Flanders is basically stable.

You know, in the original book, he specially customized a special set of school uniforms for the Shrek Seven Devils for the sponsorship of tens of thousands of gold soul coins.

"Don't worry! I have one more thing..."

This time, Lingmo didn't just come here for advertising.

"What else?"

Flanders was stunned for a moment. As long as the one million couldn't escape, he would agree to anything.

"I want to set up an admissions office in Shrek. Students who have graduated from Shrek Academy and want to join the sect can directly go through the admissions office and join our ghost sect...

In addition, in addition to this million, I can allocate a special sum of money every day to support Shrek Academy! "

As soon as these words came out, Flanders hesitated...

Almost every academy has such a system, but Shrek Academy does not currently have one.

Like Tiandou Academy, if you perform well, you can directly join the Tiandou Empire's army after graduation.

Similar to Wuhun Palace, there are also colleges like this, and almost every college has a big force behind it.

"Don't rush to agree, think carefully! If this happens, I will be the one behind Shrek Academy from now on...

You should be very clear about the current situation in mainland China, right? If you want to develop smoothly without a supporter, it will be difficult to compete with other colleges..."

Ling Mo's words struck a chord in Flanders' heart.

Originally there were Liu Erlong and Grandmaster, and there was also a Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex behind them.

But...they have now left the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family, and this backer no longer exists.

How strong is the Ghost Gate? Flanders has a deep understanding of it.

"Of course, it doesn't mean that everyone must join the Ghost Gate. It is completely voluntary.

The assessment of my Ghost Gate is also very strict. Not everyone can enter!

You can consider it. It will not do any harm to Shrek Academy..."

Lingmo finished his conditions and prepared to leave!

He knew that Flanders would have to consider it for a while. After all, this was not a trivial matter.

"Okay, I'll give you an answer in two days..."

Flanders hesitated for a while and decided to discuss it with the master.

For the sake of Shrek Academy and these students, he had to consider it.

Although Lingmo is also a student of Shrek Academy and will not harm them.

But...a sect involves a lot of interests. Once these students join it, it will be difficult for them to get out.

"Okay, think about it! The advertising fee has nothing to do with this. Even if you don't agree to the conditions later, the advertising can still continue..."


Flanders felt relieved when he heard it, as if he saw a million waving to him.

To be honest, Lingmo is really not short of money now.

There is no way. The heirs of the two major Douluo consortiums are all his wife. He can't be rich.

Suddenly, he started to hate money... numb to money and not interested at all.

After leaving the office, Lingmo wandered around the academy. He didn't go to class. At his level, the teachers couldn't teach him anything.

Seeing that the Soul Master Competition is coming, Lingmo still has a lot of things to prepare. During this period, he was very busy.

He was fine, but Dugu Bo was blocked everywhere. He fought with Tiandou Academy for several days and invested a huge amount of money before the other party agreed to set up an admissions office.

But they didn't give him publicity, so he had to promote it himself...otherwise, they didn't know what the Ghost Gate was.

The three old men at Tiandou College didn't like Dugu Bo in the first place, so it was already a great achievement for them to barely pull down an admissions office.

As for publicity, we can only rely on Dugu Yan, because in terms of fame, she is still one of the best in Tiandou College.

The results have recovered a little! Keep it up, the next wave of recommendations will explode

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