"Well... just send it over directly!"

Ling Mo thought about it and decided to let them send it there by themselves. He didn't have the leisure to lead so many scantily clad girls through the market.

"Okay, sir, where do you want us to send you?"

69 Book Bar→69𝙨𝙝𝙪𝙭.𝙣𝙚𝙩

"Ghost Gate!"

As soon as these words came out, Ross was stunned on the spot.

"Ghost Gate!!!"

This name was still fresh in his memory. It was a sect that was rumored to be a hot topic some time ago. It was rumored that it could rival the top sects of Haotian Sect.

A few days ago, several major forces went to worship the mountain. Unexpectedly, they all returned without success. I heard that they were forced back by the ghost sect.

Among them is the Xiangjia Sect.

"No wonder he dared to fight with Hu Yanzhen, not afraid of Xuexing! It turns out that he came from the ghost gate..."

Ross was extremely shocked. He tried to think that Ling Mo might be from Wuhun Palace, or might be related to Qibao Glazed Sect.

But I didn't expect that he turned out to be from the ghost sect.

The most mysterious force in the mainland today, the ghost gate that has not yet exposed its edge?

"That's right, it's the Ghost Gate! Just send people there and don't ask any questions about the rest..."

After saying that, Ling Mo took Zhu Zhuqing's arm and left the auction house directly.

Catwoman followed closely, seemingly afraid of Ling Mo, but reluctant to leave Zhu Zhuqing.

"Speaking of which, wouldn't it be bad if you let her follow you all the time?"

In the wonderful world between two people, a catwoman suddenly came in, and Ling Mo felt a little depressed.

"What's wrong? Could it be that you still want to do something bad?"

"Ahem, what bad things can I do!"

"Forget it, let's go back! Just thinking about how to arrange these people..."

With that said, Ling Mo took Zhu Zhuqing towards the ghost gate.

When he walked out of the city gate, he suddenly noticed that there were a few strange smells around him, following him all the time.

"Did you find something?" Zhu Zhuqing also felt something was wrong.

She is now at level 46 and practices on the cold jade bed every day. Her level has already surpassed that of Dai Mubai.

The speed was so fast that Flanders and the others were stunned, wondering if she had taken some magical medicine recently and how could she improve so quickly.

"There are a few tails at the back, they should be Xuexing's lackeys, maybe Huyanzhen's lackeys, but it doesn't matter!

You take her back first, I'll stay and take care of them, and I'll be back soon..."

Ling Mo turned back and glanced coldly at that corner of the city. There were two waves of people, one on the left and one on the right. They didn't seem to be in the same group.

"No, let's go together..."

Zhu Zhuqing did not choose to leave, but stayed to fight the enemy with Ling Mo.

"What? Are you afraid that I will be in any danger? Are you feeling sorry for me?"

Ling Mo smiled coquettishly, but who knew that Zhu Zhuqing would just roll his eyes.

"Tch, I'm worried that no one will worry about you. I'm just afraid that you'll take advantage of my absence to have a secret meeting with some lover behind my back..."

"That's too much! Am I like that kind of person?"

"Aren't you like, you are that kind of person..."

Ling Mo’s head is full of black lines, he can’t survive! It seems that his image has completely collapsed.

In front of his own woman, he has no prestige at all. It seems that he must find an opportunity to regain his glory and rectify his family education.

"Let's go back first. These clowns are just here to explore the road..."

With that said, Ling Mo directly activated his martial spirit, and the peacock's colorful wings spread out, rising up from the ground in an instant.

The same goes for Zhu Zhuqing. Fengxia Caiyi opened her eyes directly, spread a pair of purple wings, then took Catwoman's hand and headed straight for the ghost gate.

"They flew away, what should I do?"

The three of them flew away, and the people below were anxious. They were ordered to follow Ling Mo, but they didn't expect him to fly away.

"What else can we do? We've lost him. None of us will survive if we go back. Chase him!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a group of people rushed out from the corner, activated their martial arts, their speed reached the limit, and they chased with all their lives.

A wave of people chased Ling Mo until they reached Guimen Mountain.

"This is?"

When they came to Guimen Mountain and looked at the long stairs, everyone stopped.

It's so weird here, the eerie atmosphere is so cold that it makes people feel uncomfortable.

"Ghost sect? Is this kid from the ghost sect?"

With sharp eyes, he saw the stone tablet in front of the mountain gate, with the words "Ghost Gate" written on it.

Suddenly, everyone was shocked!

Some time ago, the reputation of the Ghost Sect has been spreading for a long time. Not only in the Tiandou Empire, but also in the Star Luo Empire, the deeds of the Ghost Sect have been spread.

It’s hard for them not to know.

"Boss, what should we do now?"

Everyone's expressions changed drastically, and they were very frightened!

They didn't dare to step onto that ladder at all. There was an inexplicable sense of crisis telling them that once they stepped onto that ladder, death would be the only thing waiting for them.

There was a commotion in the forest.


Everyone looked around and saw another wave of people rushing over from that side, they were people from the Elephant Armor Sect.

It can be seen from their clothing and burly bodies.

"Who did I think it was? It turns out to be Hu Yanlie from the Xiangjia Sect!"

The leader of the Elephant Armor Sect is named Huyan Zhuolie, a level 61 soul emperor who is very powerful.

"Haha, it turns out to be Xue Yan from the Snow Star Palace. What's wrong? Don't you dare to go up?"

Hu Yanlie looked at Xue Yan with a sneer. After tracking all the way here, he already realized that something was wrong.

He was very familiar with this place. He had been here with Hu Yanzhen two days ago and was very aware of the horror here.

"You dare?"

Xue Yan laughed instead of getting angry. He knew that Hu Yanlie deliberately provoked him. His purpose was very clear, that is, he wanted to get rid of him by using the Ghost Gate.

The Elephant Armor Sect has always been at odds with the Snow Star Palace. It is said outside that the Elephant Armor Sect has secretly surrendered to the Spirit Hall, and the relationship between them is very ambiguous.


Hu Yanlie naturally didn't dare. So many people didn't dare to go up the mountain last time, not to mention that there were only a few people this time.


Seeing that Ling Mo had already entered the Ghost Gate, it seemed... he should be a member of the Ghost Gate, otherwise he couldn't get in.

In this way, it seemed that Hu Yanlie had already obtained the information he wanted to get, and there was no need to waste words with Xue Yan here.

For a while, all the people of the Elephant Armor Sect withdrew, and they withdrew quickly as they came.

"Boss, what should we do now?"

The people under him asked very unhappy, very unhappy with Hu Yanlie's tone just now.

"What should we do? What else can we do? Do you dare to go up?"

Xue Yan felt very uncomfortable. Before he came out, he received an order from Prince Xuexing to find a place where no one was around to secretly deal with Ling Mo.

But... things are not as simple as he imagined. Lingmo... is actually from Guimen?

This sect is a large sect that has emerged from nowhere. It is not yet clear who they are loyal to.

Such a large sect is likely to dominate the future direction of the continent. Once it joins hands with another large sect, the so-called balance will be broken at once.

Not to mention that they are already very powerful and can be compared with the existence of the world's number one sect. Who dares to offend them at will?

"Let's go back and report to the prince, let the prince decide..."

Xueyan looked at the stairs above with an extremely ugly face, but still didn't dare to go up.

Then, he left Guimen with a group of people and returned the same way.

On the Zhaixing Tower, Lingmo watched all this. Through his double pupils, he could clearly see everything happening below the mountain.

"Prince Xuexing? Well... If I remember correctly, he... seems to be assisting the fourth prince Xuebeng?"

Lingmo murmured to himself. This Xuebeng was hidden very deeply in the early stage because Xuexing was assisting behind him. Otherwise... he would have been killed by Qian Renxue long ago.

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