"What's wrong?"

Zhu Zhuqing came from behind and said with concern.

"It's okay! By the way, the last time you went to Tiandou Academy, did you encounter a prince named Xue Beng who made things difficult for you?"

Ling Mo asked directly.

In fact, he was not very familiar with some of Douluo's characters who had few roles, and had forgotten many things.

Zhu Zhuqing recalled, "There seems to be one! Oh... I remember, it was because of the avalanche that we were rushed to Lanba Academy..."

"Was this Xuexing also present at that time?"

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Ling Mo continued to ask, seeming to remember something.

"That's right! Accompanying them is a titled Douluo named Dugu Bo...

At that time, Dugu Bo wanted to take action against us, but he didn't expect to be beaten up by No. 5, and finally ran away..."

Zhu Zhuqing wanted to laugh when he mentioned this.

Dugu Bo's reaction at that time was as uncomfortable as eating shit!

He originally just wanted to beat the master, but he didn't expect Zhu Zhuqing and others to come forward to help, so he just gave Zhu Zhuqing a slight push.

No. 5 took action directly, slapped him hard, and slapped his whole body against the wall.

He still refuses to accept it and wants to fight No. 5.

Who knew that his poison would never be able to harm No. 5, and that he was immune to all his controls, and could directly press him to the ground and rub him with pure strength.

Zhu Zhuqing's memory was still fresh. He seemed to have cursed at that time, saying that he was so shameless that he would let a strong person here to trick him.

Zhu Zhuqing snickered as he spoke. Thinking about Dugu Bo's deflated expression at that time, he wanted to laugh.

As soon as she mentioned this, Ling Mo suddenly felt a little embarrassed. Fortunately, Dugu Bo was not on the mountain, otherwise the old account would have to be raised again.

He was the one who left No. 5 to protect Zhu Zhuqing, but he also called Dugu Bo there.

Lingmo could imagine Dugu Bo's aggrieved face when one of his own people beat his own people.

"Ahem, girl! Actually... I called Dugu Bo there..."

Ling Mo said awkwardly.


Zhu Zhuqing was surprised when he heard this, and then pinched Ling Mo hard.

"So, Dugu Bo deliberately targeted us, all because of your instigation?"

"It hurts, it hurts! I was wrong, let go first..."

This is such a pinch!

"Tell me, what's your intention?"

Zhu Zhuqing really couldn't figure out why Ling Mo asked Dugu Bo to target them.

"Actually, I don't have any other ideas. I just want to beat the master. I have tolerated him for a long time! Hehe..."

"You...hate the master?"

Zhu Zhuqing didn't understand that in the beginning... hadn't Ling Mo and the master always had a good relationship?

"I can't say it's annoying. I just feel like he's making a lot of noise every day, which is a shame..."

Zhu Zhuqing had a dark look on his face. Sometimes he really wanted to open Ling Mo's head and see what was inside.

This surprising idea is indeed too weird.

"But having said that, Master didn't do anything wrong! What was wrong was our philosophy..."

Ling Mo was right, they did have different ideas.

When he went back this time, he found that the master had slowly rejected him. Ling Mo didn't know if he felt wrong.

Maybe it's my own existence that breaks the master's theory!

Indirectly, he began to doubt himself. Was his decades of research wrong or right?

Not only Ling Mo, but also Tang San was in this situation, breaking his theoretical boundaries.

The third soul ring and the fourth soul ring exceeded his so-called soul ring absorption limit.

He may have begun to doubt himself.

"Let's not talk about this matter for now. What happened to the avalanche you just mentioned?"

Zhu Zhuqing didn't want to delve into this issue.

What puzzled her was, what was so noteworthy about the avalanche that Ling Mo mentioned just now?

"What kind of person did you think this person was when you first met him?"

"What kind of person?"

After recalling it carefully, Zhu Zhuqing didn't see any advantage in the other party at all.

"Just a dandy, a fool..."

A very intuitive comment, at least, this is the only thing Zhu Zhuqing can see.

"Well, it seems that's right! This kid does have two hands..."

After listening to Zhu Zhuqing's evaluation, Ling Mo suddenly realized something.

It seems necessary to remind Qian Renxue that this guy cannot stay.

"What's up with him?"

Zhu Zhuqing didn't understand. She couldn't see any advantages in the other party!

"Xuebeng, that's an interesting name!"

Ling Mo said amusedly: "This person is very dangerous, he is very good at hiding and disguising himself..."


"Yes, it's a disguise! In order to avoid the struggle for power, he disguised himself as a playboy who only knew how to eat, drink and have fun.

It blinded everyone's eyes and made everyone think that he was not reusable and did not pose any danger.

However... when everyone gives up their guard against him, once his fangs are exposed, they will definitely be the most dangerous weapon...

In addition, there is a Snow Star King behind him to support him. Once the palace changes, he will definitely expose his powerful ambitions..."

Ling Mo explained slowly, and after hearing all this, Zhu Zhuqing was stunned.

It's not that she doesn't understand the struggle for power, it's just that the Star Luo Empire and the Tian Dou Empire are different.

The battle for the Star Luo Empire is directly on the table, whoever wins will take power.

As for the Tiandou Empire, the tactics inside were so cruel, which simply refreshed her understanding.

"This avalanche! It's not simple..."

Finally, Lingmo gave a very fair evaluation.

"It seems that we have to say something to Xue'er, otherwise... it may affect her subsequent plans!"

Ling Mo murmured, "It's useless to keep this avalanche!" You can consider getting rid of it.

Zhu Zhuqing didn't hear the last sentence. Lingmo didn't tell her that Qian Renxue was from Wuhun Palace. He only told her that Qian Renxue was born as a girl.

He did not choose to expose the rest of his identity secret because it might affect subsequent plans.

After all... there are too many forces involved here. Once Wuhun Palace initiates an incident, not only the Tiandou Empire, but also the Star Luo Empire will not be able to escape.

The Star Luo Empire is Dai Mubai's family, and Zhu Zhuqing is just a noble of the Star Luo. The country will never be destroyed, but it actually has nothing to do with her.

only! If she softens her heart then, it will most likely affect Ling Mo's plan.

Therefore, Ling Mo didn't decide to tell her.

"Forget it, let's not discuss this anymore!"

With that said, Lingmo interrupted the topic.

He didn't want Zhu Zhuqing to be involved in these matters, as long as she was safe and sound.

"How do you feel about the scenery in our ghost gate?"

Holding Zhu Zhuqing gently, Ling Mo smiled.

As if showing off their future new house to the woman they love.

"It used to be pretty good! It was spooky, but I like this feeling better..."

Zhu Zhuqing smiled softly and said that she had just taken a tour and was very satisfied with the decoration here.

In addition to this mountain top, the other two mountains have also been completed, and a brand new ghost gate has been officially built.

"Moreover, this kind of retro architectural style is unheard of! It gives people a very mysterious feeling..."

Zhu Zhuqing said seriously, this was her most intuitive feeling.

"No, this is the architectural style I specially requested, especially the mountain behind, which is Yulangxuan. I can carefully build it for you.

It is filled with flowers, plants, and all kinds of strange and weird things. It is so beautiful..."

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