"Let's go! Those girls will be delivered soon. Let's go and see where it would be more appropriate to place them..."

With that said, Ling Mo took the lead to get out of the Star Reaching Tower, followed closely by Zhu Zhuqing.


This was her first time coming to the Ghost Gate, and she was also shocked.

It’s hard to imagine how Lingmo could establish such a large sect in such a short period of time with his own efforts.

Before she met Ling Mo, if she had heard about such a thing, she would have smiled and said nothing.

How could such a thing be accomplished?

How could a young man with no background and no money be able to build such a sect?

But... now that this sect is in front of her, she has to believe it even if she doesn't believe it.

It can only be said that Ling Mo's methods are simply amazing. With his uncanny skills, he was able to build a large sect in such a short time.

Such ability is simply unheard of.

Compared to the kind of people who wait to die, or eat, drink and have fun all day long, waiting to go home and inherit the family business.

Such a man is better and more charming.

"To the north from the Star-Zhaing Tower, there is a bridge called Luoxia Bridge. It stands slowly under the sunset! It's like a magpie bridge.

Leading to another mountain, that mountain is Beishan! On top of Beishan is Langhuan Pavilion! Yuling Hall, and Qingyuxuan...

I have thought about it. After those girls arrive, they should be placed there, just in time to be separated from the male disciples of Yama Hall, so as to prevent some people from plotting evil and doing something excessive..."

In order to protect the safety of these girls, Lingmo decided to place them in Beishan.

There was no way, they had been trained to be tools that only knew how to serve others. Before they could change, Lingmo decided that it would be better to leave them alone.

So that when new disciples come in, some people with dirty ideas will ask them to serve themselves, go to bed or something like that! That would be difficult.

If they were really called, they would absolutely obey, because this idea has been injected into them since they were born, and they would not refuse at all.

At the very least, they must be allowed to rejuvenate their souls and gain independent consciousness before they can decide their own lives.

Ling Mo does not have the hegemonic characteristics of those powerful people. Perhaps years of education have fixed his thoughts, so that he will always have an illusion.

Everyone is equal.

But... this kind of thinking is wrong in the world of Douluo!

Ling Mo is also slowly changing her mind, but it just takes a certain amount of time.

Stepping onto Luoxia Bridge, Zhu Zhuqing was stunned by the scene in front of him.

At dusk, the sky in the northwest is filled with red. Walking on the bridge is like being trapped in a fairyland.

The surroundings are filled with clouds and smoke, as if you are stepping on the clouds.

"What a nice view!"

Zhu Zhuqing stopped by the bridge and looked at the scenery in front of him quietly, completely amazed by the beautiful scenery.

Looking through the clouds, I could faintly see several fairy palace-like palaces in front of me, and on the top of the mountain, the peach blossoms were extremely bright red.

The peach blossoms fell one after another and floated in the air, as if it was raining flowers.

Ling Mo stood by quietly without speaking, just looking at her quietly.

Coupled with the beautiful scenery, it becomes even more beautiful.

Gently holding Zhu Zhuqing's slender waist, Ling Mo stood side by side with her and whispered: "Do you like it? If you do, I will accompany you to see Huayu every day from now on..."

The biggest feature of Beishan, in addition to the falling clouds, is the rain of flowers all over the sky.

"Hehe! Forget it, you are so busy. Besides, the Soul Master Competition is about to start. How can I have so much time to bloom every day..."

Zhu Zhuqing hesitated for a moment. She wanted to agree, but when she thought that there were still so many unresolved issues, she gave up immediately.

After the Soul Master Competition, there is still another trouble waiting for her, that is the danger from the Star Luo Empire, and her fate has not yet been resolved.

There was a hint of worry on her beautiful face, and Ling Mo felt distressed.

After kissing her forehead gently, Lingmo promised: "Don't worry, I won't let you get hurt in any way. Even if I am the enemy of the world, I will not be afraid..."

Ling Mo naturally understood the sadness in her heart.

Earlier, Ling Mo worked so hard just for that day, but now... he is no longer afraid!

On the contrary, I am looking forward to that day coming soon. Only in this way will more smiles appear on Zhu Zhuqing's face.

Nestling in Ling Mo's arms, Zhu Zhuqing felt very satisfied!

He said softly: "With your words, I am already content! I am a damned person, and I have nothing more to pray for in life.

It's you who give me hope to live and give me something to look forward to!

Even if it does fail, I don’t blame you! Along the way, I have been satisfied..."

yes! She came across from the Star Luo Empire with the determination to die, and she had no hope for life.

However... after meeting Ling Mo, her life became colorful again, and she gradually gained joy, anger, sorrow, and joy. She was no longer the cold, lifeless girl she once was.

Ling Mo said nothing more, and made a vow in his heart that he would never let her get hurt again.

"Let's go and see what the scenery is like over there..."

Zhu Zhuqing whispered, holding Ling Mo's hand and heading towards Beishan.

After crossing the Luoxia Bridge and successfully entering Beishan, what you see is the peach blossoms all over the mountain! Extraordinarily delicious.

There is a courtyard among the flowers, which is the Qingyu Pavilion. There is a small pavilion in front of the courtyard for flower viewing.

Don't mention it, Dugu Bo is really good at it. He designed it completely according to Lingmo's ideas, with almost no difference.

This style of architecture is the most perfect architecture in Lingmo's mind.

The front mountain is the main hall, which is characterized by coldness and weirdness, while the two mountains behind are built in different styles, which are very beautiful.

Completely separated from the front mountain, the gap of a bridge is two different worlds.

"Here is Qingyuxuan, a place for enjoying flowers and scenery.

In front... Langhuan Pavilion, which can be used as a place for classes.

And on the left is Yuling Hall, which can be used as a dormitory, with complete furniture and sufficient rooms."

Lingmo introduced while accompanying Zhu Zhuqing to watch.

"I've thought about it. This place...will be a place exclusively for female disciples. As for male disciples, they will be placed in the Yama Palace.

There are only four mountains in Guimen at present. In addition to the front mountain, only the North Mountain and the South Mountain have been built. Currently, the last one, the West Mountain in the west, is still under construction.

When the West Mountain is built, it can be used to settle those who have made great contributions to Guimen as a worship hall!

As for the South Mountain, it is where we live! In the entire mountain, no one else can enter except us..."

Lingmo introduced it over and over again, as if he was afraid that Zhu Zhuqing couldn't hear it.

You know, when Qian Renxue and Dugu Yan went up the mountain, Lingmo didn't introduce it in such detail.

There is no way, the first wife has to introduce it well.

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