"Two times! This extreme cold ice is indeed difficult to shake..."

Behind him, Ling Mo looked at the entire scene. Tang San was waiting for the opportunity to make a move, directly using his fourth soul skill and lowering the blue silver cage.

It's a pity that his control skills can't restrict the opponent's soul skills.

"Fat man! Give me something exciting..."

Ling Mo shouted in surprise and used all his strength. His wings suddenly waved behind him, and a strong wind burst out!

Immediately afterwards, a more powerful flame instantly enlarged and covered the entire place.

"The fourth soul skill, Phoenix Roaring Secret..."

After using the fourth soul skill, Ma Hongjun briefly gained the ability to fly, but it looked like a fat chicken flapping its wings and flying at a very low altitude.

The phoenix flame enlarged again, connecting with Ling Mo's skylark flame, and the two flames suddenly burst out.

The raging fire covered the entire Soul Fighting Platform, and for a moment... everyone was trapped inside.

"Snow Dance!"

Behind, Shui Bing'er's face was solemn, she just called out, and Xue Wu walked out from behind.

She did not attack directly, but danced on the spot.

That graceful dance, under the ice and snow, is obviously particularly moving.

This was the first time Ling Mo saw that she actually had such a gentle side. Her graceful dance alone was enough to make thousands of boys forget to leave.

Her black hair fluttered and danced gracefully. The four soul rings on Xue Wu's body alternately shone, and circles of blue halo spread as she danced.

As she danced, a dark cloud appeared directly above the main arena in the center, completely covering the arena.

Immediately afterwards, huge raindrops began to fall from the sky, turning into a large curtain of water.

These water droplets will not fall on the girls of Tianshui Academy. They will slip quietly when they get close to their bodies. However, it is not that simple to fall on the members of the Shrek Academy team.

"Martial soul fusion skill?"

After Xue Wu and Shui Bing'er performed their martial soul fusion skills, the whole audience was in an uproar!

This is not an ordinary fusion skill, but a real martial soul fusion skill.

"They, they actually hide such a skill..."

On the stage, Huo Wu and others were all stunned! She didn't expect Tianshui Academy to have such a trump card.

The last time they faced off against their Blazing Academy, they didn't go all out at all.

A sense of shame came through, and Huo Wu felt a huge blow.

The last time, the opponent almost defeated them without using martial soul fusion skills.

If it wasn't Shrek Academy that encountered them this time, but them, maybe... they wouldn't have the ability to resist at all.

Although resisting the fire ring can rebound the attack, the snowflakes in the sky are really endless.

"I didn't expect that Tianshui Academy is so hidden. It's useless to keep the trump card..."

Everyone showed solemn expressions. Almost every team would have a hard time winning when they met Tianshui Academy.

If they use this ice and snow drifting, they may be able to maintain a complete victory.


After the ice and snow drifting was turned on, snow began to fall in the entire fighting spirit arena, and it drifted with the dance of the snow, dancing gracefully like an elf in the snow.

In the venue, Ling Mo watched mesmerizedly. Previously, Ling Mo had not realized that Xue Wu was so beautiful.

Especially in this kind of atmosphere, it's really amazing.

"Is the ice and snow falling?"

Ling Mo could tell at a glance that this was Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu's martial soul fusion skill, causing the ice and snow to drift.

The snowflakes that looked like rain falling down looked very beautiful.

But...only if you go deep into it can you experience how deadly the snowflakes are.

Like a sharp blade, it cut across the skin of Ling Mo's left arm, and a dark mark appeared.

You must know that Ling Mo’s current defense power is such that people below level 50 cannot hurt Ling Mo at all.

However... this ice and snow floating martial soul fusion skill was actually able to cut Ling Mo's hand.

As soon as this martial soul fusion skill was completed, the flames were suppressed, and the two forces collided violently.

As the number of snowflakes increased, Shrek's group was obviously restricted and unable to launch attacks at all.

Fortunately, with Jiangzhu's subsequent treatment, I could barely hold on.

But in the long run, Jiangzhu's soul power could not last long.

"Everyone come behind me..."

Ling Mo opened his wings and waved his hand, and the terrain of the Soul Fighting Platform below began to slowly change.

"The fifth soul skill, Earth River Cart..."

With a startled shout, Ling Mo directly used his fifth soul skill! Start changing the terrain.

Tang San's Lan Yincao immediately moved out and pulled everyone behind Ling Mo.

In an instant, a thick wall appeared in front of Tang San and others. The stone wall turned out to be protruding from the floor beneath their feet.

"Gravity field, ten times supercharged..."

Ling Mo has the ability to change the terrain, taking advantage of the terrain and the gravity field to instantly make the group of girls lose their center of gravity.

For a time, the scene was extremely chaotic, between a sky full of ice and snow and a sky full of fire.

After Ling Mo used the Tuhe Cart, he immediately began to change the terrain. Xue Wu was still dancing, but the terrain suddenly changed, and he almost fell into the gap if he wasn't paying attention.

"Xue Wu, come back..."

Fortunately, Shui Bing'er blocked the gap with ice in time, otherwise Xue Wu would definitely fall.

"Sister Bing'er, this guy is so disgusting, he didn't even let me finish the dance..."

Xue Wu was furious and quickly returned behind Shui Bing'er. The Tianshui Academy group began to slowly get closer.

"This pressure is so strong! I feel like my body can't support it anymore..."

Several members of Tianshui College were obviously unable to bear this kind of gravity suppression, and their movements began to slow down.

"Everyone come to me..."

Shui Bing'er's face was solemn, and another soul ring on her body lit up, and then... a halo appeared.

This halo, like Huo Wu's anti-fire ring, has a rebound effect.

The gravity field was quickly decompressed and slowly rebounded, but unfortunately... it was withdrawn by Lingmo before it rebounded.

But fortunately, Xue Wu's dance was interrupted, and the ice and snow drifting ended.

After the ice and snow drifting ended, Lingmo removed the earth wall, and then... the fighting spirit stage began to restore its original appearance.

The protruding stone wall and the broken fighting spirit stage could quickly restore their original appearance.

It must be said that Lingmo's skill can be called a magical skill of architecture.

"What tricks do you have? Use them all, otherwise there will be no chance in a while..."

Lingmo was not in a hurry at all, and gently waved his wings, watching them in mid-air.

Shui Bing'er's control skills were ineffective against him, and she had no way to deal with Lingmo at all.

"Too difficult to deal with, no wonder so many teams can't do anything to them..."

At this moment, even Xuewu, who had always been dissatisfied with Lingmo, had to admire him!

Lingmo's ability was too comprehensive, and there was no flaw at all.

"If this continues, we will lose!"

Shui Bing'er suddenly looked at Lingmo with affection, blinking from time to time.

That look was full of teasing.

"Damn, honey trap?"

Lingmo was speechless, he really could use any method! This is a competition, can you be serious?

If she dared to use the honey trap on Lingmo outside, she would take Lingmo one by one.

But it's not possible now... the two girls in the stands are still watching.

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