"It's time to end the battle! Go..."

No matter how much Shui Bing'er provoked, Ling Mo remained indifferent.

There is nothing we can do, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong are still watching from above.

"Blue silver cage..."

As soon as Tang San finished speaking, Shui Bing'er and the others were trapped in cages one by one.


Shui Bing'er and others also reacted very quickly. At this point in the battle, there was no need to hide anything.

Seeing her and Xue Wu join forces, snowflakes came again!

The dancing snow dance was particularly eye-catching. The graceful dance made Ling Mo intoxicated.

But... this time, he didn't plan to directly use Tuhe Che to force Xue Wu away.

After Tuheche appeared once, they obviously took precautions and formed a thin layer of ice on the ground, restricting Lingmo's Tuheche.

Shui Bing'er opened an ice seal, and everyone in Shrek was instantly frozen, including Ling Mo.

"The instant soul skill is indeed amazing, but it's a pity... just one control soul skill can't restrain me..."

Ling Mo didn't panic at all, all he saw was that he opened his wings and a ray of light burst out from his body, breaking through the ice directly.

Five-colored rays of light bloomed, covering the entire Soul Fighting Platform. At this moment, Ling Mo suddenly felt a strange call in his body.

This attraction comes from Shui Binger!

Their falling ice and snow can actually have this attraction on themselves.

When the five-color divine light didn't appear, Ling Mo didn't have such a violent reaction.

Not only Lingmo sensed it, but Shui Bing'er also sensed it.

This strange feeling is so wonderful.

"What exactly is going on?"

The soul power in his body began to boil, with a hint of violence, and suddenly... the ice and snow covered Ling Mo's wings and was actually absorbed.

A halo shrouded...

Shui Bing'er and Ling Mo slowly lifted into the sky uncontrollably...

"Sister Bing'er!"

Everyone in Tianshui College was shocked and had no idea what was happening. Shui Bing'er just took off.

Moreover, she actually flew towards Lingmo...

All the spectators inside and outside the stadium were shocked. They had never seen such a scene until this day of the soul fighting competition.

"Is this happening? I can't control it at all..."

Shui Bing'er turned pale with fright, her body flew uncontrollably in the direction of Ling Mo, and Ling Mo did the same...

In an instant, a dancing ice phoenix appeared on the Soul Fighting Stage, flying around the entire Soul Fighting Stage as if dancing.

The rays of light were endless, and under that beam of five-color divine light, a peacock silhouette actually appeared, and the two corresponded to each other.

"Martial spirit fusion skill?"

In the air, Ling Mo looked at this scene in surprise, feeling very shocked in her heart.

This was the first time he had experienced this self-triggered martial soul fusion skill.

Shui Bing'er was seen flying slowly, and uncontrollably threw herself into Ling Mo's arms, and the two of them hugged each other tightly.

"Holy shit, what the hell is this? The game was so good that the captains of both sides actually hugged each other..."

"Holy shit, they hugged me..."

For a moment, everyone was stunned. They had never seen the current situation before.

At the VIP table, several big guys also looked at this scene in great surprise.

"What's going on? This pure power is so strong..."

The energy fluctuations generated around them shocked them.

Under the ice and snow in the sky, a phoenix was flying high on a branch. In the light curtain, a colorful peacock flew out, shining in the audience.

"Uncle Bones, do you understand?"

Ning Fengzhi gently pinched a piece of snowflake, and was very puzzled. This magical power actually had the effect of suppressing soul power.

"This... seems to be a martial soul fusion skill, the collision of two ultimate martial souls, combined with the effect of another martial soul fusion skill..."

Gu Rong can give the answer. Here, he is the strongest, so... he can see much more clearly than others.

"The collision of two ultimate martial souls, combined with another martial soul fusion skill? There is such a soul skill in the world..."

Ning Fengzhi was extremely shocked. Ling Mo shocked him too much.

In theory, how could such a thing work?

In the Soul Fighting Platform, a polar vortex was generated, sweeping across the entire Soul Fighting Platform in a violent storm.

On the field, except for Xue Wu, who was still dancing gracefully, all the remaining people were cleared away by the strong wind of ice and snow.

The weaker ones were directly beaten to serious injuries.

Fortunately, with the auxiliary soul master's treatment, he could barely recover.

However... this is just the beginning. The power of this soul skill is already so terrifying. What effect will it have when it takes shape?

Tang San couldn't imagine it, so he glanced at everyone and said, "Are you okay?"

"Third Young Master, we're fine...ahem, just a little injured, but it's okay..."

Tai Lung said with a defeated expression and kept coughing up blood.

In the collision just now, he stood in front of Jiangzhu to protect him, so he was injured the most.

"Mistress, what is going on?" Ma Hongjun looked at the scene in front of him with lingering fear, completely confused.

"I don't know, let's go...leave here first and then go back.

Here, there may be a bigger storm soon..."

Tang San's face was solemn, and he called for everyone to move away from the Soul Fighting Stage.

At this time, the Soul Fighting Stage was empty except for Xue Wu who was still dancing.

In the air, a ball of five-color divine light tightly surrounded Ling Mo and Shui Bing'er, and no one saw what was going on inside.

A blizzard came, sweeping across the entire fighting spirit arena, and all I could see was...under that dazzling light.

A peacock takes the lead, dancing with an ice phoenix, and they form a pair...

Under the ice and snow, Snow Dance kept waving, and snowflakes were falling.

The resulting scene was very shocking.

"The effect of this soul skill group explosion is too violent, and the soul fighting field may be destroyed..."

Xue Ye looked at the three people below with a solemn expression. A blizzard had arrived and the entire spirit fighting arena was shrouded in it.

This is not the first time something like this has happened. The last time... Ling Mo and Huo Wu's sky-high fire also caused this situation.

But now, the power of the martial soul fusion skills created by Ling Mo, Shui Bing'er, and Xue Wu was really terrifying.

The collision of three ultimate martial souls is beyond human comprehension.

Covered in ice and snow, soon... the entire fighting spirit arena was covered with a thin layer of ice, and everyone felt unusually cold.

"How many secrets does this boy have hiding?" Xue Ye looked solemn and gave Xue Xing another hard look.

If it weren't for this guy who failed to achieve anything but failed, Ling Mo would have been a student of their Tiandou Academy.

The colorful peacocks flying in the sky and the ice phoenix presented a very shocking scene.

"What a strange feeling! The power in the body continues to increase, and there are vague signs of breakthrough..."

In the light, Ling Mo hugged Shui Bing'er tightly and watched her nestling in his arms like a little bird. Ling Mo felt very satisfied.

What surprised him even more was that he originally thought that this martial soul fusion skill was just a martial soul fusion skill between him and Shui Bing'er, but he didn't expect that there was also a light bulb, Xuewu.

After the blizzard came, Xue Wu turned into snowflakes, fell into the halo, and appeared next to Ling Mo and Shui Bing'er.

She, too, couldn't control herself at all and threw herself directly into Ling Mo's arms.

Ling Mo couldn't smile from ear to ear. Is there such a good thing in the world?

Following Xue Wu's input, instantly... the entire spirit fighting arena was directly frozen, and everyone felt an icy cold invasion.

The weak ones were almost frozen.

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