"Sister Bing'er, what's going on!"

Holding Lingmo uncontrollably, feeling his warmth, Xuewu panicked.

This feeling was like wanting to melt into his body.

"I don't know either..."

Xuewu was confused, and so was Shui Bing'er. She had no idea what was going on, and this happened.


Feeling the soul power in their bodies constantly weakening, this soul skill consumed too much of them.

"Damn hooligan, what on earth did you do..."

Xuewu couldn't help but curse, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't break free from Lingmo, as if her hands were forbidden.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't open her hands and couldn't break free from Lingmo's arms.

The three of them hugged each other tightly, completely stuck together.

Lingmo enjoyed it, and a few curses were nothing.

Lingmo vaguely guessed something, this soul skill actually had nothing to do with Xuewu.

It was the attraction between Lingmo and Shui Binger's martial spirits that caused the fusion of martial spirits.

Unexpectedly, Xuewu's snowflakes suddenly broke in, broke the balance, and also merged in.

Now, the situation created is that the three people are hugged together like conjoined twins, and they can't break free at all.

No one knows what happened to the three people in that beam of colorful holy light.

On the fighting spirit stage, a peacock was seen flying and howling in the sky, followed by snowflakes. Behind the snowflakes was the ice phoenix.

The three combined.


With a violent sound, the entire fighting spirit stage exploded, and the explosion directly swept the entire fighting spirit field.

"Damn! This is too fierce, the range strike effect, the power is so great..."

On the stands, a group of people were blown up and hit the ground hard.

Those with stronger strength could barely hold on, because this place is far away from the fighting spirit stage, so they didn't suffer any injuries.

Fortunately, there was no one on the fighting spirit stage at this time, otherwise, they would definitely not survive the explosion just now.

"Seven hundred percent increase, my God... Is this the fusion of the ultimate martial soul?

This power, I'm afraid that even Soul Douluo can't block it?"

Lingmo looked at the scene in front of him in surprise, and his heart was throbbing.

This martial soul fusion skill, even if he went all out, could not reach one-third of its power.

In addition to the fatal blow effect, it also comes with ice control and the strengthening effect of the five-color divine light.

It can be called a divine skill.

"Hehe, two little girls, now... you can't escape from my palm..."

Lingmo looked at the two girls in his arms insidiously, revealing his excitement.

Hands couldn't help but hold tighter, Xuewu wanted to resist, but couldn't resist at all, and Shui Bing'er had never resisted.

"Damn hooligan, let me go, don't touch me..."

Xuewu collapsed, she wanted to resist, but couldn't.

She didn't want to refuse Lingmo, but Shui Bing'er was next to her, she was a little embarrassed.

She had just said that she would not compete with Shui Bing'er for a man, who knew that such a thing would happen suddenly.

To be honest, the only person who could attract her attention in the entire Soul Master Competition was Lingmo.

Girls always like outstanding people. Lingmo is indeed outstanding, and she likes him very much.

But... it is difficult for her to accept this fact.

"Wu girl, save your energy. This guy won't let you run away..."

Shui Bing'er said with a smile, without any resistance.

"Sister Bing'er, I..."

Xuewu didn't know how to describe her mood at the moment. Under the light curtain, the three of them hugged each other tightly.

The dazzling light curtain made her unable to open her eyes, and suddenly she found that Lingmo kissed her.

Xuewu was immediately blocked in the mouth, hesitating and unable to speak.

"Um... woo woo..."

People outside had no idea what was happening inside.

They saw that the peacock and the phoenix slowly combined together, accompanied by snowflakes, presenting a real phoenix...

"Oh my God! This..."

When the phoenix appeared, everyone was stunned. This was a real divine bird.

It was not a single-attribute ultimate martial soul.

As soon as the phoenix appeared, everyone felt a strong repressive force, which came from the contempt of the king.

The phoenix perched on the nine branches, propped up the light curtain, and left the fighting arena directly.

This sudden change made everyone confused.

I saw the phoenix dragging Lingmo and the other two out of the fighting arena, heading towards the east where the sun rises...

At this time, the fighting arena was in a mess, the frozen ground began to thaw, and the oppressive force gradually disappeared.

"Where did it go?"

Everyone was puzzled, wondering where the phoenix went.

The fighting arena was empty, with no one.

And the outcome of this fighting is undecided, and the referee stood there in a daze.

Fortunately, the points of the two teams are enough to qualify, so the outcome is irrelevant, otherwise... the referee really doesn't know how to judge.

This fighting ended in a tie.

But... no one knows where the phoenix flew.

Everyone at Shrek and Tianshui College looked confused.

"Damn it, I'm so angry..."

On the fighting arena, Ning Rongrong was furious, clenched her fists, and wished she could dunk on Lingmo's head.

This guy always has this kind of inexplicable encounter. He is involved with other girls in front of her and Zhu Zhuqing.

Although she can't see the situation inside, she can guess that with Lingmo's personality, how could he leave two beautiful girls indifferent.

Her reaction was quite intense, on the contrary... Zhu Zhuqing was much calmer.

Obviously numb, used to it!

According to this trend, it will soon be enough for two mahjong tables...

"Teacher, what is going on?"

Tang San and others were puzzled and looked at the master.

At this time, even the master who was known as the leader of the theoretical world was at a loss. He had never seen such a scene.

In order to ease the embarrassment, he had to say: "Let's go back first, Xiaomo will be fine..."

When something like this happened, everyone was anxious, but... think about it carefully, how could Lingmo be in danger? He is probably happier than anyone else at this time.

Two top beauties, just like this, they fell into his arms, anyone would wake up laughing in the middle of the night.

"Damn, I'm a phoenix, so why can't I get such a good thing?"

Ma Hongjun fell into self-doubt and regretted.

"Come on, your chicken is not a phoenix..."

Oscar hit him mercilessly.

"Damn, I'm a phoenix, even if it came out of a pile of chickens, it's still a phoenix..."

"Come on, how can a phoenix come out of a pile of chickens? At most, it's a chicken that can spit fire..."

Even Dai Mubai said something, which made the fat man very angry.

Isn't this bullying?

Although it's a phoenix that came out of a pile of chickens, it's still a phoenix. How can you treat it differently like this?

Besides, Lingmo's peacock can't be considered a phoenix, right?

Although they are connected by blood, they have been completely separated.

But then again, Lingmo's peacock is stronger than any single-attribute phoenix.

Because... its evolution is comprehensive, and its grade is much higher than the martial spirits of the fat man and others.

"Damn it, I won't argue with you..."

The fat man couldn't beat the two of them, and he wanted to hit them, but he couldn't beat Dai Mubai.

Fuck, there are too many more, you all skipped to read! My subscription collapsed, the performance began to decline, and the turnover was serious!

No, temporarily resume five updates, and talk about it next month.

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