Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people's martial arts spirits

Chapter 205 I want to come here every day

"Alas! Since I came to this world, my health has been getting worse day by day..."

In Yulang Pavilion, Lingmo woke up from the bed with a smile on his face, while Shui Bing'er and Xuewu lay weakly on the bed.

These two girls were taken to the ghost gate by Lingmo yesterday on the fighting stage.

They didn't even know what happened, they were brought back by Lingmo inexplicably.

"Get up..."

Lingmo patted the two of them, then got up from the bed, and put on his clothes in the blink of an eye.

Xuewu got up with a resentful look on her face and glared at Lingmo.

Shui Bing'er didn't have any expression, she stretched lazily and got up too.

However, seeing Xuewu's frustrated look, he couldn't help but snickering, "Hehe, Wu girl, you played the craziest yesterday, and you still have the nerve to say..."

It would have been fine if he hadn't said it, but Xuewu's face immediately turned red, "Sister Bing'er, why are you speaking for that stinky hooligan..."

"Have you two talked enough! Hurry up, put on your clothes, I'll take you on a tour later..."

Lingmo said with a smile, but he couldn't bear to leave the two of them, and kept watching.

"Stinky hooligan, still looking! Don't look, I'll dig out your eyes..."

Xuewu cursed, and then climbed up from the cold jade bed.

Last night, they were also shocked by this cold jade bed. With their martial spirits, sleeping on the cold jade bed was actually better than others.

They were not afraid of the cold, but felt very comfortable.

"No wonder you level up so fast. With this bed, the speed of cultivation is indeed much faster.

Just last night, I broke through the first level! The effect is really great..."

Shui Bing'er lay lazily on it, reluctant to get off, she likes this cold jade bed very much.

"Really? From now on, this bed will be exclusively for you..."

Lingmo laughed secretly, he wished Shui Bing'er and Xuewu stayed on the mountain every day.

"Hehe, are you thinking of something bad again? Want to trick us to stay here and do bad things every day?"

Shui Bing'er is not as shy as Xuewu, on the contrary... she is very smart and bold.

Generally, as long as he agrees with something, no matter how to do it, she can accept it.

"Am I as bad as you think?" Lingmo laughed, this is not the first one who is attracted by the cold jade bed.

In the attic not far away, Qian Renxue comes every day and cultivates on the cold jade bed every day.

It must be said that after the crazy thing last night, these two girls have completely belonged to Lingmo.

They couldn't resist, because behind the Fengqiuhuang martial soul fusion technique, there was a subtle push for them.

This fusion technique was different from other fusion techniques, so... Lingmo was considered to have made a profit.

Not only did he make a profit of Shui Bing'er, but he also got a dancing Xuewu for free with the buy one get one free deal.

When Xuewu dances, she must be the most beautiful, no one can compare to her!

"Sister Bing'er, I think this bed is really comfortable, no... I will live here after the Soul Master Competition..."

After Xuewu put on her clothes, she turned around a few times beside the cold jade bed and decided that after this Soul Master Competition, she would move here and practice on it every day.

"Aren't you afraid of what this gangster will do to you?" Shui Bing'er said with a smile, looking very tired, lying there gently.

"Tsk, what am I afraid of, what should happen has happened, what is there to be afraid of.

And... if he is not good in the future, I will cut his hair..."

Xuewu said fiercely, and Lingmo took a breath of cold air.

Fortunately, fortunately, I had eaten red hyacinth before, otherwise there would be this danger.

"Well! That makes sense..."

Shui Bing'er smiled implicitly, winked at Lingmo, and then got up!

After tidying up their clothes, the two of them took Lingmo's hand directly, "Let's go, didn't you say you would take us on a tour? I don't know what your parents are like..."

Yesterday, the two of them were brought back by Lingmo, but Lingmo didn't tell them that this was the Ghost Gate.

"By the way, aren't your parents at home?" Xuewu suddenly got a little flustered, she didn't know Lingmo's situation.

Since it's at Lingmo's house, his parents should be at home, right?

It's inevitable that a daughter-in-law will be a little nervous when meeting her parents-in-law, not to mention her, Shui Bing'er is also a little nervous.

"Haha, what are you thinking about! I'm an orphan, where are my parents..."

Lingmo thought it was funny. He was brought here by the bronze coffin of the third generation, and his body was directly reduced to a baby state, and fell on the tree at the head of Daoxiang Village.

From then on, he became attached to the tree, and the village chief Ultraman specially asked the villagers to build a small tree house for him.

Therefore... the only one who can be considered Lingmo's elder is Ultraman, and the rest are not considered elders.

If it weren't for Ultraman, Lingmo would have starved to death! Ultraman helped him find animal milk all over the mountain.

Lingmo still remembers that scene! He is thinking about going back one day to at least repay this favor...

"Ah? No way... I'm... sorry!"

Hearing that Lingmo is an orphan, Xuewu looked a little uncomfortable, as if she had spoken of Lingmo's pain, and blamed herself.

"Silly girl! What's there to be sorry about..." Lingmo rubbed her head, and then continued: "I was born between heaven and earth, and even the son of destiny, hehe... In the future, I will definitely have the appearance of a great emperor..."

"Hehe, you are worthy of it, as shameless as always..."

Xuewu couldn't help but complain.

Shui Bing'er looked at Lingmo gently, and suddenly felt sorry for him.

Others have parents, but he doesn't. How did he get to where he is today?

Shui Bing'er was very confused. She was more careful and considered a lot.

Lingmo, a young man without support and backing, could actually get to where he is today. It was really amazing.

"He... must have suffered a lot, right?" Shui Bing'er asked herself, but didn't say it.

She felt sorry for Lingmo inexplicably and couldn't help but kiss him on the face, which made Lingmo a little confused.

"What's wrong with this girl? She suddenly became so gentle..."

Lingmo looked confused, and Shui Bing'er found his reaction funny.

When he took the two away from Yulangxuan and walked towards Zhaixing Tower.

Both were stunned by the scenes in front of them. Looking down from Zhaixing Tower, hundreds and thousands of people were performing martial arts together.

When the sun rose in the east, one figure after another stood on the martial arts stage and performed martial arts slowly.

Each of them held a sword in his hand, and the technique was very strange. The speed was not fast, but they performed martial arts very rhythmically.

The whole mountain was filled with people. Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu were stunned by this scene.

They looked at Ling Mo and were curious about where this place was.

"Where is this place? Isn't this your home? Why are there so many people..."

Shui Bing'er asked in confusion.

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