
After the two disciples saluted, they distanced themselves!

It's a martial arts practice that doesn't hurt the vitals. They've had a lot of practice during this time, and basically there won't be any problems.

As long as you don't use poison, there won't be any problem.

"let's start!"

As soon as Ling Mo finished speaking, the two of them took action almost at the same time. In an instant... two puppets appeared on the martial arts field.

69 Book Bar→69𝔰𝔥𝔲𝔵.𝔫𝔢𝔱

The person on the left pulled horizontally and directly turned on Qianji Scan, and countless steel needles flew out!

"Huh? There are also skills? It's interesting..."

Dugu Bo was dumbfounded when he saw it. When used with soul power, this puppet was actually the same as the soul skill.


When the steel needle struck, a disciple on the right remained calm. When the puppet was pulled, he jumped into the air and continued to dodge in the air with the power of seven-star transformation.

"Rain of Arrows..."

Avoid the attacks of all steel needles, and at the same time the puppet activates, shooting steel needles from the air continuously, just like petals withering, flying from the air.

"What a wonderful move..."

That flying flower skill actually has such exquisite dodge skills, and... it can also dodge and attack at the same time.


As soon as the Feihua skill came off, the disciple used the puppet to instantly change his position and appeared in front of the disciple on the left.

Unexpectedly, just as he was about to strike out with a palm, the man disappeared and was replaced by a puppet.

"What? Teleport?"

At this moment, Dugu Bo couldn't calm down anymore. The use of this puppet was so clever that there was no pattern at all.

It is both true and false, and can be changed freely.

The moment the puppet appeared, the Exploding Star was activated directly.

As a mechanical sound sounded, a strong explosion broke out in the martial arts field.

Countless steel needles shot out.

"it's over?"

Under that kind of explosion, most people would be unable to withstand it, and even if they wanted to retreat, it would be too late.

Dugu Bo was very curious, how would that disciple respond just now?

Looking again, I saw a puppet standing in front of the disciple, perfectly blocking the attack of the steel needle.

And he stayed behind intact, nothing happened at all.

"Holy crap! This...is this still possible?"

Dugu Bo was stunned. Although the hidden weapons they used were not very powerful, it was just because their soul power was low.

But...this exquisite skill is exactly what Dugu Bo lacks!

The reason why he was shocked was entirely because these exquisite fighting skills and various changes made it difficult for people to guard against.

In the situation just now, all he could think of was to use his own defense to resist the opponent's attack.

But I never thought that there is another way, which is to use the puppet's indestructible defense to perfectly avoid the opponent's attack.

"Seven Stars Zhanyue..."

On the field, the disciple who had just dodged a blow immediately launched a counterattack, and the puppet moved accordingly.

The two move forward side by side, one to the left and the other to the right. The people watching are dazzled and cannot tell which one is the real body.

This change is almost instantaneous and even more subtle than the soul skill.

The two moved forward together, burst out in an instant, and slapped him directly with one palm!

However, when everyone thought that the man would definitely lose, he moved...

"The wind and flowers drink in the moon..."

With a startled shout, he turned around and slapped the attacking disciple hard.


The two sides exchanged palms, and when they saw that they were about to fight, Ling Mo immediately interrupted.

To avoid unnecessary casualties.

"You two, you're doing well! It seems like you haven't been lazy during this period...

However, your biggest flaw now is that you don't know how to use the cooperation between martial spirits and puppets.

Even if you simply use the puppet and ignore your own martial spirit, you can also cooperate with the puppet to attack...

You all have to remember this. The subtlety of the puppet mechanism lies in a clever word.

It can be used in conjunction with any martial spirit. Whether it is offensive or defensive, it is extremely powerful.

Since you have only been cultivating Tianji Transformation for such a short time, I am very satisfied with your performance, so please continue to work hard..."

After Ling Mo finished speaking, everyone immediately responded: "I will follow the Patriarch's teachings..."

"Well! Keep practicing and don't just pursue power. Sometimes defense is also important!

I have said everything that needs to be said. How great your fortune can be depends on your personal understanding..."

After saying that, Ling Mo left Tianji Pavilion with Dugu Bo.

Although their performance is not as good as they thought, in the past few days, they have been able to use puppets skillfully, which is already the biggest improvement.

Don't rush everything, they also need time.

Back at the Star-Zhaing Tower, Ling Mo looked at Dugu Bo's old face, which had not yet recovered, and wanted to laugh a little.

"So, do you still think this puppet is useless?"

Ling Mo said amusedly.

"Haha, no way! Master, I feel like this puppet is tailor-made for me!

This kind of fighting skills, style, and defensive effects are really abnormal.

Just that wave of exquisite changes just now is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

I have never seen such a magical thing in my life. It can be said... that it can be practiced as a second martial soul. "

Dugu Bo praised him without any hesitation. This puppet was simply too unbelievable.

In the world, only Lingmo could think of it.

Before Lingmo, no one had ever thought of using machines to fight, and the skills used were so magical.

Once the puppet establishes a connection, all its actions are controlled by his own thoughts.

It can be done to the point where the body moves with the heart. This skill alone is beyond the understanding of ordinary people.

"The puppet I gave you is currently the highest level.

Later, I will teach you a special puppet control method. With your current strength, it won't take long to master it.

There is still a month before the promotion match. After the promotion match is over, we should go to the Wuhun Hall.

At that time, there may be a good show..."

Lingmo has already started planning in his mind how to make a lot of money in this soul master competition.

As for what to make? The key lies in how big this storm can be.

What is the most valuable thing of Guimen at present? Undoubtedly, it is the hidden weapon...

As long as the hidden weapon can make a name for itself, Guimen may make a lot of money in the next period of time.

Lingmo is now looking forward to it, hoping that this day will come sooner, after all... Guimen's expenses are getting bigger and bigger, and it needs a huge amount of money.

Although most of the industrial chain has been formed now, it is not enough to further expand the sect, and Lingmo needs more funds.

"Understand! We have earned enough reputation in this Soul Master Competition, and the next step is to cast a net!

After the Soul Master Competition is over, there will definitely be a wave of people entering our Guimen.

At present, in addition to funds, our worst thing is talent, talent in various industries.

The foundation of a sect is not only in strength, but also a space for development, trend, and future..."

Lingmo naturally knows what Dugu Bo said! This is also his most troublesome thing at present.

Dugu Bo and Lingmo stayed in the Zhaixing Tower for a long time, during which time they discussed many plans.

After Lingmo passed down the Tianji Bian and other skills, Dugu Bo happily returned to the back mountain to practice.

He now wishes he could succeed in his practice immediately and go to the Wuhun Hall to settle accounts with those two bastards.

Okay! Now the subscription has declined, five updates this month, and maybe three updates next month! I'm preparing a new book...

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