In the following time, Lingmo had nearly a month to rest.

Just in time...this month, you can do a lot of things.

In the early morning, Ling Mo got up before dawn and went straight to the back mountain.


In the back mountain, in a cave, there is a long passage, which is filled with iron furnaces. There are many people inside, working non-stop.

Earlier, Ling Mo had taught them how to refine hidden weapons, but... their talents were limited, and there were very few hidden weapons they could make.

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For a more powerful hidden weapon like Peacock Ling, Ling Mo didn't even pray that one of them could make it.

But... I'm still looking forward to the more common ones, such as the Zhuge Divine Crossbow, insinuations, etc.

"Do you have any finished products recently?"

Ling Mo asked, the person speaking was the only person in charge here, Yang Ping...

An old man over fifty years old, his soul power level has only reached level 57.

"Sect Master, the hidden weapon you taught us is so exquisite. We have been researching it for so long and we have just made a silent sleeve arrow..."

They had no experience with hidden weapons, so... Ling Mo was very satisfied to be able to make a silent sleeve arrow in such a short period of time.

You know, Lingmo originally researched it for a long time.

"Well! Keep working hard and don't worry about me..."

Ling Mo said nothing, dismissed them casually, and went straight to the deepest part of the cave.

This is the place where he specializes in refining hidden weapons. The previous puppets were also refined in it.

Arriving next to the furnace, Ling Mo sat and meditated.

The only top-notch hidden weapon that Ling Mo has yet to refine is Guanyin's Tears, Buddha's Furious Tang Lotus, Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Needle, etc.

Let’s not mention the Tears of Guanyin for the moment, because it is a hidden weapon that is not suitable for the current situation of the ghost gate.

Most of the disciples of the Ghost Sect have not learned any special hidden weapon techniques, so... they are unable to exert the power of this hidden weapon.

Now... As for the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle, the puppet already has this thing, so Lingmo doesn't need to make it again.

The only thing missing was Fo Nu Tang Lian, who was the best in concealed weapons.

This is currently the most lethal hidden weapon, even worse than the Peacock Feather.

The lethality of the group explosion is coupled with the fatal blow effect.

In the original work, Tang San in the later period defeated more than ninety soul saints who had activated their true form of martial soul with one shot, and his power was extremely abnormal.

If combined with the Explosive Sky Star of the mechanism puppet, it would definitely be a truly perverted murder weapon that would be hard to guard against.

Ling Mo had a hunch that once this killing weapon was successfully made, Ling Mo could directly challenge the Titled Douluo...

With the cooperation of the five-color divine light, the puppet's power is amplified more than ten times, coupled with the puppet's own clever and changeable fighting methods.

Even a titled Douluo would find it difficult to deal with Ling Mo.

Unless the opponent has special soul skills, such as various wonderful domain powers, etc., otherwise... brute force alone cannot even break through the puppet's defense.

As soon as he said it, Ling Mo devoted himself directly to refining the Buddha's Wrath Tanglian. He had already found all the refining materials for the Buddha's Wrath Tanglian, but he just didn't have time to refine it.

For the next period of time, Ling Mo spent time in the cave. No matter who called, he ignored him.

During this period, Qian Renxue came many times, but seeing Ling Mo refining the hidden weapon so seriously, she didn't bother him.

She just stood aside and watched quietly. She would leave after dawn because she still needed to continue to lurk around Xue Ye, so she couldn't stay longer.

Xue Wu and Shui Bing'er also came, but left after not seeing Ling Mo.

After spending seven days, Ling Mo finally succeeded in refining it.

With a loud bang, the entire cave trembled. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked into the depths of the cave in fear.

"What happened?"

Everyone was shocked. They had never seen such a situation. Refining a hidden weapon would also cause an explosion?

"Haha! Finally succeeded..."

Deep in the cave, there was an excited laugh.

I saw a figure flashing past, and the people in the cave could not see it clearly.

Ling Mo, on the other hand, had already appeared outside the Ghost Gate, heading towards the Sunset Forest.

After flying for dozens of miles, Lingmo stopped on a big tree.

He was holding a strange object in his hand, like a feather, somewhat similar to a peacock feather, but... the color was different, and... its internal structure was also different.

This one is the Buddha's Furious Tang Lotus that Ling Mo spent seven days researching. It is also an evolved version of the Buddha's Furious Tang Lotus.

There is also a mechanism puppet to go with it! After Ling Mo put Buddha's Fury Tang Lian into the machine puppet.

It was obvious that the puppet's eyes lit up, as if it came to life.

Ling Mo spent seven days building this puppet, and it was more terrifying than Dugu Bo's one.

The materials used are simply not comparable.

"The little ghost seduces the soul, and the King of Hell demands his life! Yes... this puppet is really good..."

Ling Mo looked at the puppet in front of him and couldn't help but feel excited. This would be his most proud work in more than ten years.

This puppet also possesses top hidden weapons such as the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle, Peacock Feather, Buddha's Furious Tang Lotus, and various poisonous needle hidden weapons.

With the combination of Tianji Bian and other skills, with this hidden weapon, Lingmo is fearless unless he encounters an opponent like Tang Hao.

The puppet's defense and evasion skills, coupled with the enhancement of the five-color light, have increased Lingmo's strength by dozens of times.

This ingenious combination is simply seamless.

"Let's try the power first..."

Controlling the puppet, Lingmo appeared directly above the Sunset Forest. The puppet itself can fly.

In the early days of making the puppets, Lingmo added a pair of small wings to them.

This pair of small wings can be used with the flying flowers and arrow rain skills, and give the main body the ability to fly.

In other words, even if there is no flying soul skill, these disciples holding puppets can also use the ability to fly.

Controlling the puppet with one hand, moving hundreds of meters away, Lingmo directly activated the Exploding Star.

In an instant, a beam of dazzling light burst out from the forest, instantly sweeping across dozens of miles.

With a huge bang, it exploded instantly!

A strong wind blew for dozens of miles, the forest whistled past, and countless steel needles burst out from the puppet.

This piece of forest was destroyed in just a moment and turned into a ruin.

And the nearby soul beasts were not spared. Even the ten thousand year soul beasts could not withstand the power of the Sky-blasting Star.

This is a magical skill combined with the top hidden weapon of the Tang Sect, the Buddha's Wrath Tang Lotus. Not to mention the ten thousand year soul beast, even the Titled Douluo, if hit by this attack, it would be either dead or injured.

Watching from high above, Lingmo was completely shocked by the scene in front of him.

Although he had expected it, after seeing this scene, you can't control your excitement at all.

"Damn! This is too perverted..."

The effect of the group explosion far exceeded Lingmo's expectations. With this power, Lingmo can basically walk sideways in the future.

"Hehe... It's really a life of cheating! It's worthy of being a top hidden weapon that kills more than ninety soul saints in one shot. The power is really explosive..."

In the end, Lingmo also laughed! Then he put away the puppet and prepared to go back...

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