Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people's martial arts spirits

Chapter 225: Lure the snake out of its hole

"Also! In addition to the reward system, the punishment system should also be mentioned...

Although you have already disabled the several disciples who broke into Beishan before and drove them down the mountain.

But...the force is not enough. In order to prevent such things from happening again, you must suppress them strongly.

There are many disciples who have ulterior motives. In order to prevent the emergence of traitors from other forces, from today on, the mountain gate will be closed and properly rectified...

The combination of kindness and force is the main core!

Use the training field in the back mountain as a lead to lead out those who have ulterior motives."

Lingmo said seriously.

Dugu Bo was shocked when he heard this. He really hadn't thought about this problem. After all, these people were all dug up by him from other colleges.

He didn't know these people well. Now, after listening to Lingmo's words, if there are really ulterior motives among these people, it would be really bad for Guimen.

"Master, what do you want?"

Dugu Bo had a vague guess that Lingmo's next plan must be as fierce as thunder.

"That's right! I haven't had time to manage the affairs of the sect for some time.

It's just right to take advantage of these few days to deal with some people who are betraying me.

Pass the order to close the mountain gate from tomorrow and open the Shura Field for seven days first.

Using the excuse of closed-door cultivation, all disciples are prohibited from going out.

The cultivation field is of great importance. I guess... someone has been secretly spreading this information back.

As long as anyone dares to step out of the mountain gate, he will be caught by three thousand soldiers...

Also, arrange a few guards on the North Mountain. Male disciples are not allowed to enter the North Mountain. If they dare to trespass, they will be killed without mercy.

I don't want similar things to happen again..."

Lingmo said in detail. After listening, Dugu Bo was thoughtful.

Then he nodded, and admired Lingmo's methods in his heart.

This trick of luring the snake out of the hole was very clever.

Since the early days of the establishment of Guimen, the system has been imperfect and very lax.

So these people enter and leave the mountain gate at will.

First, use favors to eliminate their suspicions. When everyone's focus is on the Shura Field, some people have already started to pass on information.

Now is the time to make a move! Secretly control these people in one fell swoop and wipe them out.

There are many disciples of Guimen, and many forces are involved. Some people are confidants of other forces and are deliberately inserted.

Such people are useless no matter what favors they receive, so they can only be killed.

Some people are willing to sell out Guimen for a little profit and make a profit for themselves.

Such fence-sitters can be dealt with much easier as long as they are warned and shocked, and then given favors.

Most of the disciples are still good, working hard for the development of Guimen, and Lingmo sees all of this.

For example, the disciples of Tianji Pavilion and Cangfeng Valley, these disciples have been carefully observed by Lingmo, and there is no problem.

Lingmo's double pupils have a strong ability to see people, and he can't hide whether there is a problem or not.

Now the only thing he is worried about is the disciples of Yanluo Palace and some female disciples mixed in Beishan.

There were too many people, Lingmo couldn't see them all one by one, so he could only use this trick to lure some people out.

Although the mountain gate was closed, Lingmo still left a way down the mountain, just to give these people a chance to go down the mountain.

"I understand! I'll do it now. If nothing unexpected happens, there will be a result in the next few days...

In addition, should the captured disciples be dealt with on the spot, or should they be captured and wait for their fate?"

Dugu Bo's last question, many things were decided by Lingmo, and he was responsible for execution.

"Don't rush to kill them, bring them back directly, and then hold a ceremony to sacrifice to the sky. I want to kill the chicken to scare the monkey..."

Lingmo sneered and said that there was no end to the spies, but... he could put on a show, not only for these spies, but also for those forces who wanted to figure out the details of the Ghost Gate.

The game of power is not a joke!

"Okay, I'll do it now..."

After Dugu Bo finished speaking, he left the Zhaixing Tower directly, and Lingmo... stayed alone in the Zhaixing Tower.

As the night gradually darkened and dusk fell, looking down from the Zhaixing Tower, one could see the mountain scenery in full view.

The wild geese were flying, and there was a sound of silence.

Now all the disciples were still in the training field, practicing desperately.

The training speed in that training field was very abnormal. How could they dare to be lazy? They wished they could stay in the training field all day.

As night fell, Lingmo did not leave the Zhaixing Tower, standing on the windowsill on the top floor looking down.

Dugu Bo's order had been conveyed, and the mountain gate had been closed, but Lingmo deliberately left a passage on the north side of the Yama Palace.

This path can also go down the mountain, but... ordinary people can't find this path at all, it is hidden very deeply.

Only some people with ulterior motives will know the mystery of this path.

Many people appeared in the Yama Palace one after another. These people were disciples who had practiced for a day and were mentally exhausted. They returned to the Yama Palace and began to rest.

At midnight, suddenly, several figures flashed on the square of the Yama Palace, and they were very agile.

Under the moonlight, it was particularly conspicuous.

Unfortunately, it was already midnight and no one was walking around in the Yama Palace, so no one knew what a group of people were secretly planning.

"You all know the secrets of the training field, right..."

"Boss, the power of this training field is too strong. In just one day, I actually increased my soul power by one level.

I didn't expect that this young-looking sect leader could actually build such a training ground.

This matter is of great importance. Should we arrange for someone to go down the mountain and convey this secret? "

A group of people were plotting something in a dark corner, but they didn't know... all their actions were in Lingmo's sight.

Even though he was thousands of meters away, Lingmo could clearly see their every move, and from the shape of their mouths when they spoke, he could also judge what they were saying.

"Hmph... finally willing to come out?"

Lingmo was not in a hurry to take action, and casually summoned a few ghost soldiers to secretly pay attention to these people.

And Dugu Bo was already waiting at the foot of the mountain, leaving such a passage, waiting for them to enter the net.

In addition to this group of people, there were also many people in another corner, about more than ten groups of people of all kinds.

Good guy, you don't know until you check, and you'll be shocked when you check.

Lingmo was so scared that he sweated coldly, as if a sharp sword was hanging over his head, which could fall at any time.

It's really annoying that so many scumbags have mixed in among these disciples.

"Follow me! I know a small path that can bypass the mountain gate and reach the foot of the mountain directly..."

The group of people had almost finished their plot and began to move towards that small path.

Today, they have witnessed the horror of the training ground. This is definitely a shocking secret.

If this news is passed back, they will definitely get a big reward.

They are all paid to do things. They have never belonged to any sect. As long as they are willing to pay, they will work for anyone.

"Well... It's time to close the net!"

Lingmo watched all this and ordered the ghost soldiers in the mountain stream to act at any time. As long as they dared to step out of the mountain gate, they would start to arrest people directly.

They didn't know that this small path was full of ghost soldiers, waiting for them to enter the net.

Please give me a monthly ticket, please give me a monthly ticket, brothers, shake the tickets in your hands...

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