Lingmo did not continue to watch, but returned to Yulangxuan.

He had done what he should do, and now it was time to close the net!

When tomorrow morning comes, all the big fish will be caught, and they will definitely not be able to escape.

Lingmo knows the importance of the training ground better than anyone else. He does not believe that anyone can keep such a shocking secret.

The entire Ghost Gate is under surveillance, and not even a mosquito can fly out.

Back to Yulangxuan, Lingmo fell asleep...

This book was first published on 69 Book Bar → 69𝘴𝘩𝘶𝘹.𝘯𝘦𝘵, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters.

There is no one else in Yulangxuan. Qian Renxue went to get the soul ring and has not returned yet.

Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong basically do not go up the mountain, so they are not there either.

Dugu Yan is still in Tiandou Academy and has not returned for a long time.

As for Shui Bing'er and Xuewu, these two girls came to find Lingmo several times but could not see anyone, and they rarely went up the mountain.

After all, the promotion match will be held soon, and they still need to train, so they don't have so much time to go up the mountain every day.

So, Lingmo is alone in the entire Yulangxuan, which seems lonely.

Suddenly, I miss Qian Renxue a little bit. This girl used to come every day, but she hasn't been seen recently. Lingmo suddenly feels a little uncomfortable.

Soon, Lingmo fell asleep! He hasn't slept so comfortably for a long time, so he slept very soundly.

What he didn't know was that at the foot of the mountain at this time, a very interesting scene was happening.

Dugu Bo was leading dozens of ghost soldiers to catch people all over the mountain, which was very lively.

In just one night, Dugu Bo actually caught more than a hundred people, and this was not all, and some of them did not go down the mountain.

"Elder, what do you mean?"

At the foot of the mountain, the disciples who were caught were terrified and questioned Dugu Bo.

"What do you mean?"

Dugu Bo glanced at him coldly, and was very angry in his heart.

Most of these people were taken in by him. He didn't expect so many traitors to appear. It's hard to imagine how ugly his face was at this time.


Dugu Bo did not answer, but slapped the disciple in front of him and sent him flying, beating him half to death.

Everyone was shocked and thought they were dead this time!

They never expected that the Ghost Sect, which had always been lax in its rules, would suddenly do something like this, catching them off guard.

It really proved the old saying that if you walk by the river, you will get your shoes wet.

"You are such a heartless thing, I think I have treated you well, right? You actually did such a thing of betraying the sect behind the scenes..."

Dugu Bo's face was extremely ugly.

Someone retorted, "Elder Dugu, I don't quite understand what you mean. You said we betrayed the sect, do you have any evidence?"

"Evidence? You still have a fluke mentality when you are about to die? Very good...

I have killed countless people in my life, and I never talk about evidence!"

As soon as the voice fell, the person who raised the question was instantly killed by Dugu Bo's palm, and his internal organs were beaten to pieces.

At this time, everyone reacted.

This Title Douluo, who was named after the poison, was once a butcher and a murderer.

Does he need evidence to kill people?

In the world of soul masters, strength is always respected, and the weak never have the right to speak!

For a long time, the concept of equality advocated by the Ghost Gate has gradually made them lose themselves, thinking... as long as there is no evidence, Dugu Bo will not dare to kill them.

Little did they know that the so-called equality is still based on the interests of some people.

"This is the evidence you want!"

Dugu Bo casually slapped everyone, his face was extremely cold, and everyone was scared.

"I... don't need to talk to you about morality. From the moment you enter the Ghost Gate, your life no longer belongs to you, but to the Ghost Gate.

If you are really devoted to the Ghost Gate, you will get the rewards you deserve and the support of the sect.

Unfortunately... you don't! I am so disappointed.

In view of your performance, you are no longer of any use value to the sect. I... need to borrow something from you to revive the sect rules..."

Dugu Bo replied with a sneer.

"Borrow what?"

The more than 100 people were panicking and vaguely guessed something.

"Borrow your heads..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Dugu Bo waved his hand and hundreds of ghost soldiers appeared. Only then did everyone know.

It turned out that there were so many eyes in the forest of Guimen.

I thought everything I did before was so secretive, but I didn't expect it to be done under the eyes of these ghost soldiers.

In other words, Guimen has been condoning their actions. The funny thing is that they thought that the internal management of Guimen was all fools and didn't find them.

"Take them back, detain them first, and wait for the master to decide..."

At dawn, Dugu Bo directly forced these people up the mountain and secretly detained them.

What we caught yesterday were all some immature traitors. The next few days will be the highlight.

The spies hiding in the dark are the ones Lingmo wants to catch this time.

These people have been specially trained and will not be exposed so easily.

They must observe for a few days to see the wind before deciding to take action.

Dugu Bo secretly escorted this group of people up the mountain, without being discovered by others, and waited for the remaining people to continue to show up.

In addition to these captured people, their accomplices were also secretly captured by Dugu Bo.

For a time, many people were missing from the Yama Hall, but due to the training ground, no one noticed this problem.

There are people practicing in the training ground every day, and you can't help but notice that there are so many people missing when you come and go.

This is also a cover for Ling Mo. The purpose is to cover up these captured disciples.

Those who are hiding in the shadows will continue to emerge when they think the limelight has passed.

For three days in a row, Ling Mo did not leave the Ghost Gate, and observed at the Star-Zhaing Tower every night.

Through the effect of double pupils, Ling Mo almost knew who had problems and who didn't.

After this great purge, the ghost gate can rest for a period of time in the next period of time, and this situation will not happen again.

“Sect Master, we’ve caught all the big and small fish! Most of these people are from the Spirit Hall, and some are from the Empire.

Among the seven major sects, except for the Qibao Glazed Sect and the Haotian Sect, almost all of them appeared...

Now what do we do with these spies? "

In the early morning of the fourth day, Lingmo stayed up all night and stayed at the Zhaixing Tower.

Dugu Bo also completed the task and came directly to report.

"Well... this time it really opened my eyes to the empire, the Spirit Hall, the seven major sects, haha... it's kind of interesting!"

Ling Mo smiled and sat at the desk, looking at the scenery outside without knowing what he was thinking.

Dugu Bo said nothing, quietly waiting for Ling Mo's follow-up.

"Okay, let's make arrangements! Tomorrow we will hold a ceremony to sacrifice to heaven, and I will use the blood of these people to lay the foundation for the ghost sect's rules.

Tomorrow morning, all the disciples will be present and a sacrificial ceremony will be held in front of the Star Reaching Tower..."

Ling Mo said coldly and left the Star Reaching Tower directly.

He needed to calm down, what happened this time had a great impact on him.

The power game is so cruel. It was his first time to experience this kind of thing and he needed to take a breather.

Dugu Bo didn't say anything and did as ordered!

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