Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people's martial arts spirits

Chapter 227: Killing the chicken to scare the monkey

A beam of light in the morning warms the whole world!

The flowers are still covered with dewdrops, and amidst the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers, there is a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere.

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However, no one is in the mood to enjoy this beautiful scenery!

At this time, tens of thousands of people gathered in front of the Star Reaching Tower, including everyone from the Ghost Sect.

They didn't know what happened, why Lingmo suddenly called the whole sect to a meeting. people have realized that something is wrong, so they are very frightened.

They gathered in the martial arts field of Zhaixinglou. The whole martial arts field was full of people, and they were in uniform queues, distributed in various halls.

"Is everyone here?"

Ling Mo fell from the sky in one step and landed directly on the roof of the Star Building. Then he flashed and reached the stairs above the martial arts arena.

Looking at the dense group of people below, Ling Mo suddenly felt like he was in a dream.

I don’t know when I started to have such a strong team.

It feels like a dream, but it really exists.

Ling Mo was very satisfied with this team, was a pity that a lot of mouse droppings were mixed into this good pot of porridge, which ruined the pot of porridge.

This makes Ling unfamiliar, and the price of anger is also very cruel.

"People of all sizes are here from all over the Ghost Sect! I just checked and all the disciples from all the halls have arrived."

Dugu Bo replied, looking coldly at the group of people below.

"Sect Master, why have you summoned us here?"

Someone started asking questions. The atmosphere has been very weird since the beginning today. Many people feel this way.

"Don't worry, you will know in a moment!"

Ling Mo waved his hand to signal them to be quiet first, and then walked straight to a stone tablet.

This stone tablet was just built and stands on the steps below the Star Reaching Tower. It is very conspicuous.

It is filled with dense words. These words are the latest rules of the Ghost Sect.

As well as various reward systems and punishment systems...

"In the past few days, several things have happened to me that made me very unhappy, so I specially called everyone here to share..."

Ling Mo glanced at the stone tablet, then took a step forward and scanned the group of people.

Even the slightest disturbance cannot be hidden from his own eyes.

"what happened?"

Many people were puzzled and began to whisper among themselves. Looking at Ling Mo's expression, it seemed that this matter was not a small matter and might affect many people.

"Let me ask you, have I ever treated you wrong since you came up the mountain?"

Ling Mo said with a smile, but...that smile was indeed extremely scary.

"No, the sect master has been very kind to us. He not only took us in and gave us strong support, but also taught us many unique skills..."

"Yes, Guimen is our home. Here, I get the respect I deserve and get everything I want. The sect master has never treated us badly..."

That's right, from the moment they went up the mountain, Ling Mo tried his best to get them resources, sort out their treasures and techniques.

Money, power, strength, everything is taken care of, and many people are grateful.


"Very good! It seems that you all know it in your heart. If this is the case, then I won't hide anything anymore. Bring it with you..."

Ling Mo waved his hand, and Dugu Bo immediately signaled to the Yin soldiers behind him to press the hundreds of people onto the martial arts field.

At this time, their expressions were very frightened, knowing that they would definitely die, but they could not resist.

"What happened to these people?"

"Did they make any mistake?"

"I asked why I haven't seen them recently. It turns out they are being held secretly..."

With the appearance of these hundreds of people, the martial arts arena caused another commotion, and everyone was talking about it.

"Everyone must be curious about what these people committed and why they were locked up, right?"

Ling Mo said with a smile, but that smile was so terrifying that all the disciples were too scared to say a word.

"Let me give you an answer! These hundreds of people are all eating the inside out.

Those who eat the ghost gate and those who hold the ghost gate are always thinking about the golden gold outside.

For money, you provided information about the Ghost Sect to other sect forces. All your actions on the mountain were exposed by these people.

Every move of our ghost sect is under the prying eyes of other sect forces.

I am angry! I think I have not treated you badly, but... there are always people who feel that what they get is not enough, and it is not good enough.

He will always be an ignorant white-eyed wolf, eating the ghost gate, but thinking about how to sell the ghost gate.

What do you think we should do with these people? "

Ling Mo did not make a conclusion, but looked down.

Obviously, after what he said, it immediately caused a sensation.

Most people showed angry expressions. They had regarded the ghost gate as their home.

But someone wanted to destroy their home, and the anger of these people was very obvious.

Ling Mo had been observing, and almost everyone showed angry expressions.

There were only a few people mixed in with the crowd, looking frightened, as if they had something wrong with them.

"Kill them, kill them..."

There was great public outrage, and more and more people shouted to kill them, while only a few remained silent.

Lingmo has been observing, and through his observation with his pupils, he has found quite a few big fish.

"Why do you say we betrayed Guimen? What evidence do you have..."

Seeing the situation getting more and more serious, one of the people being released questioned.

"Evidence? You want evidence?"

Lingmo was not in a hurry, he turned around and looked directly at the disciple, who looked pale and ashen.

"Okay, today I will let you die clearly..."

After saying that, Lingmo's eyes lit up and scanned these hundreds of people, like the gaze of the god of death, making people panic.

"You, Otto, soul power level 38, 30 years old, graduated from Tiandou College, no relatives at home."

As Lingmo spoke word by word, Otto's face became more and more ugly.

"A few months ago, you, Ma Yue, and Tuosven entered Ghost Gate together.

You thought you could realize your ambitions, but you were resentful because you couldn't enter Tianji Pavilion and Cangfeng Valley!

You conspired with Ma Yue and Tuosven to secretly deliver intelligence to the Tiandou Empire and received a generous bonus from the Tiandou Empire.

You don't know if what I said is right or not? What do you have to say to defend yourself?"

Lingmo's words were like the call of the god of death. After listening to Lingmo's explanation, the three people were completely dumbfounded.

" did you know?"

Otto was completely dumbfounded at this time. He didn't know how Lingmo knew it so clearly, and it was exactly right.

"If you don't want others to know, then don't do it yourself! Do you think you can hide your little tricks from me?

My eyes can see through the past and present lives, the past and the future!

There is nothing in the world that can be hidden from me. Let alone these things, I even know when your mother died..."

Lingmo said coldly. He was not exaggerating. The double pupils can indeed do it.

But he has never used this function of the double pupils. This is the first time.

Unexpectedly, this first use was to eliminate traitors.

After Lingmo finished speaking, Otto and the other two seemed to have lost their souls and completely collapsed on the spot.

He had no ability to refute. Lingmo didn't say a single lie.

At the same time, the remaining hundreds of people were also ashen, obviously frightened.

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