After Ling Mo's cold words came out, the hearts of these hundreds of people were half cold.

"Do you still think you have been wronged?"

With a sneer, Ling Mo walked straight into the middle of the group of people.

Suddenly...a beam of light flashed, and someone shot a short arrow from the darkness.

From this angle, it happens to be Lingmo’s destiny!

"Sect Master, be careful..."

The first one to react was Dugu Bo. In a rage, Dugu Bo directly activated his martial spirit, and instantly the air began to condense.

Just when everyone thought that the hidden weapon had hit Ling Mo, a ray of light flashed from his eyes and shot out instantly.

The short arrow disintegrated instantly, and the body of the person who shot the short arrow split open and was beaten into a bloody mist, leaving no body behind.


Ling Mo's sudden move surprised everyone. Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what happened.

All this happened so fast that even they didn't react.

"What a cold murderous intention. At that moment, even I felt a hint of danger..."

Under the martial arts arena, everyone was whispering to each other, shocked by the song Ling Mo had just performed.

These people didn't know Ling Mo's strength, and originally thought that given his age, he was no higher than the Soul Lord.

Unexpectedly, at that moment, everyone was wrong.

Ling Mo’s strength is not just the Soul Master! On the contrary, no one present except Dugu Bo could match Ling Mo's strength.

Even those soul saints felt a hint of danger.

"What kind of strength does the sect leader have now? It's really terrifying. I would have been unable to react to that moment just now..."

Yihun Sacred Heart said with lingering fear, he was glad that he was not the one who was attacked just now, otherwise he would definitely die.

"Since I went up the mountain, I have never seen the sect master show his strength. I didn't expect to be lucky enough to see him today..."

There was another discussion below, marveling at Lingmo's reaction.

Looking back to the stairs...

"Very good! It seems that you have a strong will to survive..."

Ling Mo said coldly, that was just a show of force, did you want to sneak attack on him?

Are you kidding me, all the hidden weapons were refined by Ling Mo. In this world, Tang San could barely compete with Ling Mo in terms of playing with hidden weapons.

For the rest, don’t even think about it! Even a sneak attack would be impossible.

"Since you want to die so much, then I will give you a ride myself..."

After Ling Mo finished speaking, he waved his hand and three thousand soldiers appeared instantly, pressing the hundreds of people onto the steps.

"Kneel down!"

Facing the stone tablet, Ling Mo shouted coldly.

"This stone tablet is the rules of the ghost sect! The cornerstone...

As the saying goes, there is no circle without rules.

Now that the rules of the ghost sect have just been established, let’s use these people to lay the foundation for the rules of the ghost sect...

I know, maybe you are all wondering, why not give them a chance to change their ways.

What I want to say here is that I have given them a chance. I have been giving them a chance since I started.

It's a pity that no one cherishes it! If you don't cherish it, then... there is only death! "

After Ling Mo finished speaking, he was not in a hurry to execute it, but instead lowered his gaze below.

The purpose of killing these people, in addition to cleaning up the family, is to frighten other restless masters.

If they can't be feared, something similar will happen...

At this time, the audience was completely silent, and everyone felt terrified.

Seeing Ling Mo's eyes flashing towards her, everyone was avoiding him, feeling frightened.

"Those who betray the sect will be killed without mercy! Execute..."

After saying that, the three thousand soldiers took action and immediately donated blood to dye the stone tablet red. For a moment... the whole audience was shocked.

Three thousand soldiers attacked at the same time, and the heads of hundreds of people were cut off directly, and the blood dyed the stone tablet red.

They wanted to resist, but... facing these three thousand soldiers, they had no ability to resist.

This is the cruelty of this world.

Without strength, you can't even decide your life or death.

After the spies were cleared, Ling Mo looked at everyone and said, "Don't panic, everyone! From today on, everything in the sect will return to normal. You should practice and do what you should do.

These traitors do not deserve everyone's sympathy. Again, I hope everyone will take a warning...

I don't want something like this to happen again, once found out there is no room for bargaining.

When dealing with traitors, my policy has always been to kill them all. If there are still those who don't believe them, they can continue to act recklessly. "

Ling Mo's heart remained unmoved as he spoke word by word, making everyone feel terrified.

If there were still people who had this tendency at the beginning, after these hundreds of people died, they have completely given up the idea.

"Sect Master..." Dugu Bo was about to say something, but Ling Mo interrupted him directly.

"There are still a few traitors among you. Now I will give you a chance to come out on your own. I can leave you a way to survive..."

Ling Mo waved her hand to interrupt Dugu Bo's words, but continued to look down.

"What, more?"

Upon hearing this, everyone was shocked. They thought the matter was over, but they didn't expect that there was a traitor.

There was an immediate commotion, and everyone began to talk and look at the people next to them with suspicion.

"There are more?" Even Dugu Bo was confused. He had caught everything he could. How could there be more?

The only possibility is that these people hid too deeply. Even if their companions were caught, they did not show any movement.

Lingmo had already said what he wanted to say, but... he waited for five minutes, but no one came out.

He was very angry and said coldly: "Very good, I gave you a chance, but you didn't cherish it! Do you really think that I can't find you if you don't come out?"

As he said that, Lingmo began to walk down...

For a moment, the whole team began to get nervous, and everyone was panicked.

"Get out..."

Walking into the team, Lingmo kicked a disciple out with one foot.

However... he seemed to have been prepared and actually wanted to resist.

But... he didn't have time to open his martial spirit, and was kicked out by Lingmo.

"Catch him..."

With a cold word, two ghost soldiers went out directly and locked the man tightly.

Lingmo continued to examine with his double pupils, but this consumed a lot of his soul power, and Lingmo couldn't finish the examination.

"I'll give you another chance! Come out, I can guarantee that you won't die..."

The only way now is to trick some people out first, otherwise Lingmo's soul power will not be able to bear it if he really has to find them one by one.

"I remember I said that my eyes can see all the past and present lives, the past and the future!

Everything you did in the past cannot be hidden from me!

Don't be lucky, take the initiative to stand up, I can not kill you..."

Ling Mo glanced coldly and kicked a disciple in front of him away. This was the second one. Those hiding in the crowd began to panic.

"Don't let me find them one by one. The people I find out, like those hundreds of people, can't leave the ghost gate alive!"

Speaking, Ling Mo continued to walk towards the team. He kicked out the few people he had observed and found to be problematic.

From the beginning, their behavior was very strange, so Ling Mo directly stared at them.

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