Lingmo had already discovered some people, but there might be some hiding in the crowd, so Lingmo couldn't find them.

The first release of this book provides you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters.

There are too many disciples of Guimen, and it is not realistic to find them one by one.

As Lingmo kicked out the people he had discovered earlier, some people began to panic.

Looking at the more than ten people who were kicked into disability in the square, more than ten people came out of the crowd one after another.

"Master, we admit our mistakes! We were blinded by money before, and we ask you to give us a chance to reform..."

"Very good, you took the initiative to stand up and admit your mistakes, proving that you still have a chance to make amends!"

After seeing this scene, Lingmo smiled with relief! This trick worked.

His eyes continued to sweep over, "Are there any others who took the initiative to admit their mistakes? Don't let me find them, the consequences are very serious..."

With a light in his eyes, Lingmo's eyes at this time were like the gaze of the god of death, which made everyone feel scared.

Of course... those who are innocent are innocent, and those who have not done anything wrong will certainly not panic.


At this time, a voice came from behind, and almost at the same time, the dozen people who were kicked out climbed up and looked at each other.

Start running away directly!

And in the crowd, many people also ran out, scrambling to run down the mountain. Except for those who admitted their mistakes, all ran away.

For a while, the scene became chaotic, and a wave of clamor broke out before and after. The team was disrupted, and the whole martial arts field was in a mess.

"Want to run?"

Lingmo sneered at all this, and saw a pair of wings growing behind him, and instantly rose from the ground.

A wave of people ran out of the mountain gate in a mighty manner, rushing down like crazy without caring about their lives.

"Catch them..."

In the chaos, some disciples stood up and wanted to stop them, but...their desire to survive was too strong to stop at all.

At this moment, a feather-shaped box appeared in Lingmo's hand. It was not a peacock feather.

It was a box similar to a peacock feather, very unique!

Most people had already poured out of the mountain gate and began to flee along the mountain stream.

At this time, the hidden weapon in Lingmo's hand was activated.

Hundreds of steel needles shot out in an instant, and a powerful explosion wave broke out in the entire mountain stream in an instant.


"What kind of hidden weapon is this?"

For a moment, everyone was frightened. The power of the explosion was more terrifying than the strongest hidden weapon they had ever seen, the Peacock Feather.

Even Dugu Bo looked at the hidden weapon in Lingmo's hand with a look of astonishment, and suddenly felt that the Peacock Feather in his hand was not so good.

In terms of power, it is twice as strong as the Peacock Feather, and its explosive power, offensiveness, and penetrating power are all above the Peacock Feather.

This is the top hidden weapon of the Tang Sect, the Buddha's Wrath Tang Lotus, or the advanced version of the Buddha's Wrath Tang Lotus.

In an instant, dozens of people who escaped from the mountain gate were beaten to a pulp, leaving only bones sliding down the hillside.

The power of the Buddha's Wrath Tang Lotus shocked everyone, and everyone looked at the hidden weapon in Lingmo's hand with incredible eyes.

"Don't you know that it's easier to go up the mountain than to go down? Not everyone can come in through my Ghost Gate...

You can come, but it's not that easy to leave!"

After dealing with the escaping traitors, Lingmo put away his martial spirit and slowly landed on the martial arts field.

"You guys, considering that you are first-time offenders and have the idea of ​​making up for your mistakes, I will fulfill my promise and spare your lives.

But... sparing your lives does not mean that the mistakes you made before can be forgiven.

I have always been particular about rewarding meritorious deeds and punishing faults! Considering that you have a repentant heart, I will see your performance in the next period of time.

After the meeting is over, go to Elder Dugu to receive the punishment. If you are still not satisfied, you will end up like those people..."

Lingmo said coldly. He probably saw that there were no spies carefully trained by the major sects among these people.

They were all second-rate people who took money to do things. After this warning, Lingmo believed that they were more loyal than anyone else.

No one is not afraid of death, Lingmo is also afraid of death!

He deliberately showed his cruel side in front of these people, just to suppress some restless people.

I believe that after this shock, no one will dare to do anything out of line in the next period of time.

"In addition, I have to say one more thing! If I remember correctly, I told you on the day you entered.

Male disciples are not allowed to enter Beishan, but there are always people who ignore my words.

If you find a male disciple breaking into Beishan again, don't blame me for being merciless..."

After saying that, Lingmo slowly returned to the steps. Dugu Bo had already dealt with the last Beishan incident, and he didn't need to deal with it again.

"Follow the instructions of the patriarch..."

Everyone answered in unison, and the voice was very loud.

"Very good! You are all smart people, you should know what it means to enter the Ghost Gate.

I believe that during this period of time, you have seen the power of the Ghost Gate and its development prospects...

I can tell you very clearly that in the future... our Ghost Gate will become the most powerful sect in the entire continent.

You will be proud of being a disciple of the Ghost Gate, and the future is promising.

But... between wanting and getting, there is another thing, which is to do it.

The development of a sect does not rely on me alone, but on the concerted efforts of the whole sect to create a stronger sect.

Do you have any questions? There is still some time now, you can ask me..."

Standing on the high platform, Lingmo looked at the disciples below and was very satisfied.

The bedbugs have been eliminated, and the remaining ones are core disciples. In the future... they will be Lingmo's most advantageous generals.

After the shock, there should be comfort.

The combination of kindness and power is the main core of Lingmo's governance of the sect.

"We understand..."

Everyone answered in unison.

"Very good, you are all very smart, I am very satisfied! Similar to today's things, I don't like it to happen again.

From today on, the patrol mission will be carried out, and each hall will be responsible for patrolling the mountains around the clock to eliminate all potential threats.

Our Guimen is different from other sects. We are built on the mountains, with a large geographical area, and there are many dangerous factors hidden in the mountain streams.

Therefore, patrolling the mountains is necessary! In particular, the north of our Guimen is the Sunset Forest.

Patrolling the mountains can accumulate contribution points, which can be used to reward points for entering the training field for training. Don't relax.

There are many other reward systems. Elder Dugu will explain them to you in detail later. "

Lingmo's mouth is a little dry after saying so much in one breath.

I don't know if I don't say it, it's really tiring to say it.

I don't know how those school leaders could chatter so much every day when they were in school. Wouldn't their mouths be dry?

"In addition, the hierarchy of each hall has also been announced. A large number of leadership teams are waiting for you to compete. The competent ones will take the place. Everyone can participate.

As long as you have outstanding abilities and are loyal to the sect, you have the opportunity to become the elder of each hall.

I won't say more. Now I will teach Elder Dugu here..."

After saying that, Lingmo said hello to Dugu Bo and left here directly.

After talking for a long time, he was a little bored and talked too much!

At present, Lingmo has done what he should do. Next... he should consider which direction to develop.

To be precise, Lingmo will start to attack which force.

I originally wanted to fight for the monthly ticket list, but suddenly found that the gap in strength was too big! Haha, I was so inflated that I didn't recognize myself.

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