"Dugu Bo, what do you want to do?" Hu Yanzhen said angrily, gritting his teeth.

He looked warily at the dense crowd of disciples from the Ghost Sect around him. Although he was very angry, he was still too angry to express his anger.

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"What do you want to do? What else can I do, can't you see?"

Dugu Bo said jokingly, feeling indescribably happy.

Good guy, this old guy actually had a day when he stepped under his feet. Dugu Bo was so happy in his heart.

In fact, the reaction of the disciples of the Ghost Sect surprised even Dugu Bo, let alone Hu Yanzhen.

That kind of mobility is really too strong. Using ghost shadows and puppet mechanisms to transform and change places, he was able to enter the Elephant Armor Sect silently without being discovered.

As far as this infiltration ability is concerned, it is not comparable to other sects, and it is even more terrifying than the empire's army.

"Father! Fight with them..."

Hu Yanli finally came to Hu Yanzhen's side, followed by a group of people, all members of the Huyan family.

At this time, everyone is activating the martial soul state, but no one dares to act rashly.

Because the hidden crossbow weapons that had just killed their sect disciples were already aimed at them.

In his entire life, Hu Yanzhen had never seen anything with such terrifying lethality. He was able to ignore their defenses and directly take the lives of the disciples in the sect.

Originally, the Elephant Armor Sect took defense as its advantage, but... this advantage was of no use in the hands of these hidden weapons.

Hu Yanzhen could no longer keep calm, "Ali, don't be impulsive!"

After giving instructions to Hu Yanli, Hu Yanzhen looked at Dugu Bo and said directly: "Dugu Bo, aren't you afraid of Wuhun Palace's revenge?"

Everyone knows that the Elephant Armor Sect has secretly taken refuge in Wuhun Palace and is a dependent force.

However... the Guimen attacked the Elephant Armor Sect so rashly, did they really think they could hide it from the eyes of the Wuhun Palace?

Could it be that the Ghost Sect has grown so much that it doesn’t even care about the Spirit Hall?

"Martial Soul Hall? Haha, what am I afraid of? Do you really think you can be accommodated under the big tree of Wuhun Palace?

No one can protect you today, and I am not afraid to tell you that long before I came to the Elephant Armor Sect, my disciples from the Ghost Sect had already surrounded the entire Elephant Armor Sect.

A skynet has already been formed on the shore of this huge lake. As long as someone from the Spirit Hall dares to come, I will let him come and go..."

Dugu Bo sneered, Hu Yanzhen was extremely shocked when he said these words.

He really didn't expect that Dugu Bo would even start plotting against Wuhun Palace.

From the appearance of the ghost gate to the present, everything he does is incredible.

Hu Yanzhen's mood at the moment was very complicated. According to this trend, even if the Xiangjia Sect used all its strength, it would be impossible to win.

"Don't worry, before the people from Wuhun Palace come, you will definitely be wiped out..."

Dugu Bo said with a joking smile, he knew Hu Yanzhen wanted to buy time, but unfortunately...after all calculations, he still overestimated the position of the Elephant Armor Sect in the heart of Wuhun Palace.

No one will come to save them tonight! No sect dared to interfere in this matter.

Unless the Tiandou royal family dares to take action, because they are in Tiandou City and can provide support the fastest.

It's a pity... Hu Yanzhen has attached himself to Wuhun Palace and has been at odds with the Tiandou Empire in recent years.

That old guy Xue Ye, no matter how stupid he was, would never be able to save them.

"Stop scaring me! The worst we can do is fight to the death. Do you really think I'm afraid of you?" Hu Yanzhen cursed, knowing that there were no reinforcements, and he was extremely angry.

"The fish is dead and the net is broken? It seems that you still don't realize the seriousness of the problem..."

Dugu Bo sneered and saw him gently raising his right hand. Suddenly... a thousand people poured out from the lakeside, everyone was wearing armor and hiding in the darkness.

The giant swords in their hands were extremely conspicuous, and they were dressed the same as No. 1 standing in front of them.

Everyone's aura is very strong, their strength is above that of the Soul Saint, and there are hundreds of Soul Douluo.


Hu Yanzhen was completely dumbfounded. Hundreds of Contras, what is this concept?

Dugu Bo and No. 1 were already difficult to deal with, but hundreds of Contras and Soul Saints appeared.

This was not over yet, suddenly several black shadows flashed past, and several more black shadows appeared around No. 1.

"Six titled Douluo! Oh my god..."

For a moment, the entire audience was shocked. Hu Yanzhen's face was full of disbelief and despair.

The same is true for Hu Yanli. If he had the idea of ​​​​destroying everything just now, then... this idea has become extremely childish at this time.

Including Dugu Bo, there are a total of seven titled Douluo. With such top-notch combat power, they can sweep through any sect.

Not to mention, there is Dugu Bo, the king of team battles. The Elephant Armor Sect doesn't even have a titled Douluo. How can it compete with the Ghost Sect?

"Hu Yanzhen, your vision is too narrow, you are self-righteous and willful!

Do you really think that your Xiangjia Sect has survived to this day because of your strength?

You can develop to this day only because others don’t bother to take action against you. If you want to deal with you, I am enough..."

Dugu Bo sneered and said, he was not joking, he alone was enough to deal with the Elephant Armor Sect.

Just release a wave of poison to directly wipe out the Elephant Armor Sect. As for the remaining Hu Yanzhen, he is no match for him now.

"Now, I give you two choices! Either surrender or... die!"

Dugu Bo didn't want to continue talking nonsense with him. He wanted to finish the job first and then pretend to be cool, so as to avoid any accidents.

It's said to be two choices, but in fact there is only one! Hu Yanzhen and others have no choice but to surrender.

Because the life and death of thousands of clansmen in the whole sect are completely determined by his choice.

"Don't worry! As long as you surrender to my Ghost Gate, your future will not be worse than that of the Spirit Hall, and... this is also a great gift for your Elephant Armor Sect.

If you insist on going your own way, I believe that the Spirit Hall will save you! The stakes are the lives of your entire clan.

I don't know if you can afford such a price..."

Dugu Bo continued to say that when he invaded just now, he specifically ordered not to shoot the Elephant Armor Sect disciples with the Diamond Mammoth Spirit.

The rest of the relatives, if there are any resistance, will be killed.

The purpose is to give Hu Yanzhen a way out! If he chooses to resist to the end, then... the next scene will definitely be a bloody river.

Hu Yanzhen hesitated, looking at the thousands of clansmen behind him, each of whom was looking at him expectantly.

He had never felt this way in all the years since he took over the Xiangjia Sect.

It was as if a thousand pounds of weight was pressing on him, and he couldn't raise his head.

"Master, make a decision! Whether it's surrender or fighting, we swear to follow to the death..."

"That's right, father! Decide..."

Voices came one after another, and Hu Yanzhen was very desperate. He looked at the center of the lake, the man in the raincoat who was still fishing.

The lives of all the clan members were now on him alone, just a matter of words.

"Dugu Bo, I am willing to surrender, but... my ancestral foundation..."

Although he was reluctant, Hu Yanzhen still chose to surrender.

"Don't worry, as long as you surrender, you will be fine!

However, your clan members, including your son, relatives, etc., must follow us up the mountain."

Dugu Bo said that in order to prevent Hu Yanzhen from making a fuss, before he expressed his sincerity in surrendering, his relatives, especially his son, must be specially taken care of by Guimen.

This is the safest way to prevent rebellion.

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