Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people's martial arts spirits

Chapter 234: The Elephant Armor Sect surrenders


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Looking at the clan members behind him, Hu Yanzhen had mixed feelings in his heart, especially towards his son.

If he refuses to surrender, no one will be able to escape tonight.

He no longer placed his hope on Wuhun Palace. Even if Wuhun Palace was willing to take action, it would not be possible for him to come in such a short time.

It can only be said that Guimen's movements were so fast that no one could react.

Shocked by Guimen's mobility, it was incredible that such a large force could sneak through the Sunset Forest without being discovered.

"I surrender……"

Finally, after feebly saying these words, Hu Yanzhen almost collapsed on the ground.

From today on, the Elephant Armor Sect may be a thing of the past. I can only pray that the ghost sect can treat the disciples of the Elephant Armor Sect well.

Moreover, the conditions proposed by Dugu Bo were not bad. They would not interfere with the operation of the Xiangjia Sect, but they must serve the Ghost Sect.

Rather than saying it is attachment, it is better to say it is gathering and annexing.

Once the Ghost Sect intervenes, the nature will completely change. Unlike the Wuhun Palace, he still has the right to make his own choices.

Because Wuhun Palace is not as determined as Guimen and insists on messing with you.

Although Wuhundian has great ambitions, it has not made any moves yet and still maintains the attitude of a good old man.

Because they want to build a reputation and accept more outstanding talents.

But the ghost gate is different. It will kill you if it says it will, and you won’t even have the ability to resist.

"Very good, you are a smart person! You know how to choose...

Don't worry, joining the Ghost Sect does not mean the complete destruction of the Elephant Armor Sect. Maybe... your Elephant Armor Sect will have a brighter future.

Starting today, the Ghost Sect officially accepts the Elephant Armor Sect..."

After saying the last sentence, Dugubo directly began to arrange for manpower to take over.

The disciples of the Ghost Sect left a group of people to settle in the Xiangjia Sect and take charge of supervision.

"Dugu Bo, I just hope you don't harm my people. I can agree to any conditions you have..." Hu Yanzhen said weakly.

He is making conditions, but in fact he is not qualified to make conditions.

Whether the conditions can be agreed or not depends entirely on Dugu Bo's mood.

"As long as you don't do anything outrageous, I believe that no one can harm your tribe..." Dugu Bo replied.

With the strong background support of the Ghost Sect, even if the empire wants to take action, it has to think carefully.

"I hope so! If you violate the agreement, even if it means death, I will make you lose your skin..." Hu Yanzhen said seriously.

Dugu Bo naturally understood that although this old guy had surrendered, if he dared to touch his relatives, he might really fight to the death.

With so many disciples of the Elephant Armor Sect, gathering them all can expand the strength of the Ghost Sect. Of course, Dugu Bo will not kill these people stupidly.

What's more, Lingmo's original purpose is to conquer as many people as possible.

Therefore... Dugu Bo will naturally not break the agreement and solemnly promised: "You can rest assured on this point, my Gui Sect Zhili Sect has always been arbitrary!

As long as you don't betray the sect, we won't care what you do..."

After thinking about it, Dugu Bo said again: "Tomorrow morning, you guys, go back with me...

The future development of the Xiangjia Sect still needs careful planning!

I know what you are worried about. The inheritance of your ancestors is lost at a moment's notice, and you must feel very uncomfortable.

But you can rest assured, after you go back and see the sect leader, you will still take over the Elephant Armor Sect.

It will develop as it should, and there will be no changes in name. "

"Okay! I'll believe you for now..."

Hu Yanzhen felt happy when he heard that he could continue to take over the Xiangjia Sect.

He had no chance to protest and could only believe Dugu Bo.

The only chance is to go back with Dugu Bo and meet the legendary leader of the Ghost Sect.

He really wanted to see what kind of person he was, who could cultivate such an outstanding assault force.

He was able to control a huge sect in such a short period of time.

This kind of ability to control the battlefield is really amazing! In a team battle, it is definitely a sharp sword, a sharp sword that sticks across the enemy's throat.

It was raining heavily, the turmoil in the Elephant Armor Sect had subsided, and everyone began to clean up the battlefield.

It has to be said that Guimen was indeed very fast, and they defeated the Elephant Armor Sect in less than an hour.

No one could react. At such a speed, no matter which sect they attacked, they could win by surprise.

This fast-break style of play has also become the core style of Guimen, laying the foundation for future battlefields.

Early the next morning, Dugubo led Hu Yanzhen, Hu Yanli and others to the ghost gate together.

This is the first time they have truly entered the ghost gate. The last time... they just watched from the bottom of the mountain and couldn't even go up the stairs.

After entering the ghost gate, Hu Yanzhen was completely shocked by what he saw.

The architectural style of the Ghost Gate is unique, and the characteristics of the disciples within the gate are very distinctive.

What's even more frightening is that there is an icy aura surrounding it, making people feel hairy all over.

"follow me……"

After delivering the disciples of the Elephant Armor Clan, Dugu Bo took Hu Yanzhen and Hu Yanli to the Star-Zhaing Tower.

The rest of the Huyan family members were all sent to the back mountain to provide them with shelter.

These people were temporarily detained in the Ghost Gate to prevent Hu Yanzhen from going back on his word. After all... his relatives were all in the Ghost Gate, so even if Hu Yanzhen wanted to betray him, he had to think carefully about it.

If he is an inhumane beast, then...he can ignore these relatives.

However, people...all have feelings.

"Sect Master! People have brought..."

Walking into Star Reaching Building and heading straight to the top floor, Dugu Bo shouted directly.

Hu Yanzhen and Hu Yanli looked over and saw a young figure standing by the window sill.

Wearing white clothes to match, he looks very elegant and gives people a bright feeling, as if... all the men in the world should have the same temperament as him.

When Ling Mo turned around, Hu Yanzhen and Hu Yanli's expressions changed, and they were extremely surprised.

"It's you!"

The two of them said almost in unison, feeling very shocked.

They had imagined that the leader of the Ghost Sect must be at least a Titled Douluo-level expert.

But he didn't expect it to be Ling Mo.

They were too familiar with Ling Mo. The several times they had conflicts were all conflicts with Ling Mo.

Among them, Hu Yanli was defeated by Ling Mo single-handedly in the soul master competition, and was unable to fight back...

"Haha! Are you surprised?"

Ling Mo looked at these two people and wanted to laugh. He could understand the confused expressions of these two people.

Just imagine, it is ridiculous that the leader of such a powerful sect is a young boy.

"You... are actually the sect leader of the Ghost Sect?" Hu Yanli was shocked, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"That's right! I... am the sect leader of the Ghost Sect. This is the sect that I built with my own hands.

Don't say you don't believe it, even I find it incredible, but it is the truth. "

Ling Mo said with a smile, walked straight to the chair on the side and sat down.

The confused expressions of these two people were really funny. No one could have imagined that Ling Mo was actually the leader of the Ghost Sect.

If other people knew about it, they would probably have the same expression.

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