Three knives struck in a row, and the whole place was boiling.

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"Holy shit, shit..."

"It's totally useless. This, I feel like I can do it..."

"Did Feng Xiaotian lose his temper? Damn, why do I feel like this wind blade is so weak..."

Wind blades hit Ling Mo one after another, unable to even make him move, let alone defeat him.

"This kid's defense is so amazing..."

The crowd was boiling, and several people in the VIP seats were so surprised that they couldn't believe their eyes.

"How about it, Bishop Salas, do you still think he is arrogant?"

Dugu Bo said sarcastically.

"Humph, the power of the first few wind blades is average. Let's look at the back. If he can really resist it, then he is really capable..."

The two of them choked again, and Xue Ye on the side looked troubled, feeling more and more regretful.

Why can't this kind of person serve the empire? Guimen actually gets an advantage.

He glanced at Xue Xing with cold eyes. Poor Xue Xing was unlucky again.

I thought to myself, I wasn’t the one who drove this girl away. This kid wasn’t there at the time.

"This is already the seventeenth Wind Blade. Is this all you can do?"

On the field, Ling Mo remained motionless and looked at Feng Xiaotian teasingly.

Following seventeen wind blades in a row, the order gradually enlarged.

The impact on Ling Mo's body became stronger and stronger, but unfortunately, the fur was still not injured.

It has to be said that the defensive power of the Supreme Bone is really amazing. Not to mention them, even Ling Mo finds it incredible.

But this is the fact. Others cannot understand the huge gains brought by the Supreme Bone.

"Damn it, is this guy really made of iron?"

Above the sky, Feng Xiaotian became more and more impatient. As the twentieth wind blade was fired, it still failed to make Ling Mo take a step back.

With his kind of defense, he doesn't even need to fight, he can defeat him with a direct collision.

Facing such an unsolvable opponent, he had no chance at all.

"If you really can't do it anymore, just give up! Because of your kind reminder before, I don't want to hurt you..."

Looking at the stubborn Feng Xiaotian, Ling Mo couldn't help but admire him. With a character like his, if he had the aura of a protagonist, he would definitely become a god.

Alas, it seems that there is someone next door who gave him the halo of the protagonist. I wonder if he has become a god.

"Don't be too happy too soon, the more powerful ones are yet to come!"

With an angry shout, Feng Xiaotian waved the wind blade in his hand again and kept sending it towards Ling Mo.

Twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three.

Until the thirtieth time, Ling Mo still didn't move.

"Okay, then I'll wait! Let's see what else you can do..."

To be honest, he quite admired Feng Xiaotian's character.

It's a pity that after such a blow from him, it will be difficult to take him under his wing.

Feng Xiaotian's body flew extremely high this time. If you could see it, you would definitely see a crack on his wings this time.

The severe pain had already made Feng Xiaotian's face turn red.


A scream sounded out, it was from Feng Xiaotian.

"Damn it, is this kid going to die?"

Ling Mo saw clearly that this guy really risked his life in order to defeat him.

Those thirty-six consecutive cuts were originally soul skills that he had discovered by himself.

It became more and more difficult to control the farther back he went. Even he himself didn't understand it clearly. It would be strange if he could use it so easily without being revolted.

Feng Xiaotian wanted to stop, but he found that he couldn't do it at all.

Completely drawn into the whirlpool, wind blades were sent out one after another, sweeping across the entire Soul Fighting Platform.

A sudden change shocked everyone!

A strong wind rose up and covered the entire Soul Fighting Platform. In the chaos, everyone saw a pair of wings suddenly growing out from behind Ling Mo on the Soul Fighting Platform.

That was his signature martial soul possession, and everyone could recognize it.

"Are you finally going to use martial arts?"

Everyone was shocked, but they didn't expect that after activating the martial spirit, Ling Mo still didn't move or launch an attack.

"No, he... actually treated Feng Xiaotian. What is he going to do?"

Ling Mo's next move puzzled everyone. He was glowing with green light and rising into the sky.

Surrounding Feng Xiaotian's body, in an instant... the wounds that appeared on his body were healed.

"This... I really don't understand what he is doing!"

Everyone was stunned. How could they treat their opponents and let them use their skills to blast them?

In the world, only Lingmo could do such a thing.

However, from another aspect, everyone also admired Ling Mo's generosity.

He was actually willing to save his opponent and prevent him from being killed by the soul skill's backlash.

This kind of mind can't help but be admired, at least they can't do it.

In their opinion, the result of the game is more important than anything else! As long as they can win, even if Feng Xiaotian dies, it's none of their business.

"He... was actually willing to save Feng Xiaotian!"

Off the field, Huo Wu murmured, his mood was a little low, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"This...maybe the reason why he has been able to reach this stage today. Such a generous mind and broad-minded character are exactly what a strong man should have!"

Huo Wushuang echoed from the side, already feeling admiration for Ling Mo in his heart.

The second soul ring on Ling Mo's body flickered, constantly healing Feng Xiaotian's injuries to prevent him from suffering severe backlash.

However, this kid was so ignorant that he refused to stop and kept slashing Ling Mo with the wind blade.

"Depend on!"

Ling Mo cursed angrily, but still did not stop and continued to treat him.

It's not that this kid doesn't want to stop, it's that he can't stop. Once he stops forcibly, his soul power will immediately backfire on him and he will be useless.

Even if Ling Mo is treating him, he can't be saved. This is the uncertainty of self-created soul skills.

As the last blade of light came to an end, Feng Xiaotian finally finished the fight and fell from the sky with a total of thirty-six consecutive cuts.

Just when everyone thought Ling Mo was going back to catch him, he suddenly released his strength and Feng Xiaotian hit the floor hard.

" hurts to look at it!"

"I didn't expect that this guy looks so upright, but he is so evil in his heart..."

“In the end, I paid the wrong amount!”

I saw Feng Xiaotian hit the ground hard, the pain was unbearable, and he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

"You deserve it. You hit me with the wind blade and you thought I could catch you. It would be a pity if I didn't smash you to death..."

Although he was cursing a lot, Ling Mo still chose to treat him to prevent the boy from suffering any backlash.

To be honest, Ling Mo admires him very much. If possible, Ling Mo would like to win him over to the underworld.

Ling Mo did give up this idea before, but when he was in a dilemma about life and death, Ling Mo came up with this idea again.

What kind of kindness can make a person who hates you feel grateful to you?

Maybe this is the only life-saving grace?

If Ling Mo hadn't taken action just now, Feng Xiaotian would have died. In other words, Ling Mo had saved his life just now.

After all, he should thank himself, right?

Ling Mo took action with this idea in mind. Don't get me wrong, he doesn't have a broad mind.

I just want to win over this kid and prevent him from being wasted.

Recommend a new book.

I can brush unlimited attribute points.

It definitely looks good. If it doesn’t look good, come back and hit me.

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