

The battle was over. After struggling, Feng Xiaotian stood up dejectedly.

At this time, there was no fighting spirit in his eyes. Facing Ling Mo, he had no chance at all.

The gap between them is so great that it is unimaginable.


Feng Xiaotian looked at Ling Mo and sincerely said thank you.

Just now, if Ling Mo hadn't taken action in time, he might have died from the backlash of his soul skill.

No one knew the situation more clearly and felt it more directly than him. At that moment, he had given up.

Unexpectedly, Ling Mo saved his life at the critical moment, so this was Feng Xiaotian's heartfelt gratitude.

"You don't need to thank me! I don't need verbal gratitude..."

Ling Mo said meaningfully, and immediately began to plan how to subdue the wolf.

The implication is obvious. If it is just a verbal thank you, there is no sincerity, and Lingmo does not need such a thank you.

The most direct thing is to come up with something practical. Lingmo doesn't have the kind of holy heart of doing good deeds without asking for anything in return.

Everything he does has a purpose, otherwise... anyone's life or death has nothing to do with him.

Unless this person is very important to you.

"What do you want me to do?"

Feng Xiaotian heard it and asked.

He is not the kind of person who doesn't know how to be grateful. Ling Mo saved his life, and this life belongs to Ling Mo.

The so-called "thousand years of kindness and gratitude" is what he values ​​the most.

"It's very simple. If you really want to thank me, then join my sect! Work for me..."

At this moment, whatever he said was nonsense, Lingmo didn't hide it and went straight to the point.

Either join the ghost sect or get out. Lingmo has nothing to lose. He just saved a worthless waste.

"Is your sect the ghost sect?"

Everyone knew that behind Shrek Academy was the Ghost Sect, but no one knew that Ling Mo was a member of the Ghost Sect.

Therefore... Feng Xiaotian raised questions to determine whether Ling Mo was from the underworld.

"That's right! It's the Ghost Gate..."

Ling Mo answered directly that there was no hiding clumsiness, and there was nothing to hide clumsiness in.

Moreover, no one else heard the conversation between them.

"Ghost Gate!!!"

After hearing Ling Mo's confirmation, Feng Xiaotian fell into deep thought.

He was hesitating because he knew nothing about the Ghost Gate and very little about Lingmo.

His personal future is more important than anything else. He can do anything for Lingmo, even if he sacrifices his own life, but this does not include selling his future.

Of course Ling Mo knew what he was thinking, and he must be worried whether joining the Ghost Sect would limit his future.

"Don't worry! If you join Guimen, I will give you the best treatment and resources so that you can grow up in the fastest time.

But... the premise is that you have to be loyal, loyal to the ghost gate, loyal to me!

As long as you achieve these two points, I can guarantee that you will reach the level of a Titled Douluo in less than ten years..."

Regarding this, Ling Mo is still guaranteed. After all...with the resources in his hand, even if he smashes them, he can create a titled Douluo.

Not to mention, Feng Xiaotian's qualifications are not bad to begin with, he is a rare genius.

Only with Ling Mo's support could even a pig rise, let alone him.

"Loyal to you? Dare I ask, what position do you... hold in the Ghost Sect?"

Feng Xiaotian heard the fishiness in Ling Mo's words and asked directly.

As for the previous points, he did not question them because... Ling Mo had no reason to lie to him.

With his current strength and status, he couldn't afford to lie to his defeated general.

"Haha, you are quite good! It looks like you agreed?"

Ling Mo didn't answer directly, he was not a fool.

Although his identity was secret and there was no need to hide it,... in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Ling Mo still did not choose to reveal it.

"Okay, I promise you!"

After thinking about it, Feng Xiaotian finally decided.

For no other reason than to repay the favor.

Moreover, the ghost gate is not bad to begin with. He is approaching graduation and has not yet found a new home.

Originally, I was thinking of joining the Tiandou Empire or selling the Emperor's family.

Now Ling Mo intervened and cut him off. After careful comparison, Guimen may not be worse than Tiandou Empire.

"Very good! You are a smart man, and you will be proud of the choice you made today in the future."

Ling Mo clapped his hands and praised him. This guy was very decisive. He didn't waste Ling Mo's patience too much and he was very measured.

"So, can you tell me your identity now?"

Feng Xiaotian continued to ask. He was really curious about Ling Mo's identity.

After all, with Lingmo's strength, performance, and various outstanding abilities, he is at least an elder level in the Guimen, right?

It was understandable that Ling Mo didn't say anything before, because he was not yet a member of the ghost sect and was not qualified to know this.

But now he is! Ling Mo had no reason to hide it from him anymore.

"It doesn't matter if I tell you, the current leader of the Ghost Sect is me!"

Ling Mo replied that no third person heard the conversation between the two.

The people in the audience only knew that the two were whispering on the stage, but they could not hear what they were talking about at all.

Can't help but be curious.


As soon as Lingmo finished speaking, Feng Xiaotian took a step and almost fell to the ground.

He was obviously frightened.

He had thought about all of Lingmo's identities, such as an elder, a deacon, or the heir of Guimen.

But he had never thought that Lingmo was the leader of Guimen!

This was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue, and Feng Xiaotian was completely stunned.

What is this concept? It's like competing with your opponent and fighting to the death for better treatment.

In the end, I found out that the other person was already at the top of power, and fighting with you was just playing with you.

What is the current status of Guimen? It is a top force that can compete with the empire.

And Lingmo is actually the leader of Guimen, which means that he is now at the top of power, above everyone else.

"Don't be surprised! There are more surprising things waiting for you in the future.

Okay, you need to rest well for the backlash of soul power you suffered. Go back first!

Someone will find you in a few days! Then we will take you to the mountain for a tour and arrange a place for you to practice..."

Lingmo didn't have the time to continue talking nonsense with him. He accidentally talked about a chapter and was probably scolded to death by readers.

After the referee announced the result, Feng Xiaotian left the fighting spirit stage in embarrassment, but... he did not show the frustration of failure, but walked off the stage with a smile.

It made everyone confused. Why did he feel happier when he lost than when he won?

Could it be that this kid was beaten stupid by Lingmo?

After the game, Emperor Xue Ye was undoubtedly another passionate encouragement and motivation.

Next, the finals will start soon, and that will be the real battle to decide who is the strongest academy on the continent.

After the speech, Emperor Xue Ye announced that Prince Xue Qinghe would represent him as the envoy of the Tiandou Empire to participate in the judging of this competition.

The fifteen teams from the Tiandou Empire will be accompanied by him personally to the Wuhun City, a city at the junction of the two empires, for the finals.

The finals will be hosted by the Wuhun Hall.

"Oh, I've been waiting for this day for a long time!"

After listening to Xue Ye's words, Ling Mo showed a meaningful expression on his face and looked at Saras in the VIP seat.

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