"Enjoy this gluttonous feast!"

With a sneer, Ling Mo waved his right hand lightly, and countless thunder and lightning gathered above his head.

The flashing thunder rolled down, very scary.

At this time, he was more like a god who dominated the heaven and earth. Standing under the thunder and surrounded by five-color light, he seemed even more sacred and inviolable.

"What a terrifying pressure!"

"This thunder field is so abnormal. What's even more terrifying is that his sixth soul ring is actually a hundred thousand year soul ring..."

69 Book Bar→69𝒔𝒉𝒖𝒙.𝒏𝒆𝒕

For a moment, everyone present was moved and shocked by Ling Mo's sixth soul ring.

"Isn't he over fifty? When did he break through to level sixty? Has he been hiding his strength?

In other words, in the past few months, he has continuously exceeded level ten? "

"Impossible, how is it possible that someone can break through level ten in a row for several months..."

Controversies continued, and Lingmo's strength improved so quickly that everyone was puzzled.

Even Shrek and the others didn't realize that Ling Mo had broken through level 60. They... but they had been in contact with Ling Mo for the longest time, and they didn't even know.

"Zhuqing, when did Xiaomo break through?"

Flanders had just retreated from the air. He had been injured quite a bit in the previous melee, but he could still hold on.

Liu Erlong also came back. This female tyrannosaurus, with the peacock feather in her hand, actually killed a Contra that was ten levels higher than her. It was simply unimaginable.

“After the qualifying round, he broke through!”

Zhu Zhuqing hesitated for a while and finally said.

"What? The qualifiers, that is to say, Xiaomo broke through two months ago..."

After hearing the accurate information, Flanders was shocked. In just a few months, Ling Mo's soul power was close to him.

This kind of cultivation speed has never been seen in a hundred years, and it can be called a genius among geniuses.


Ma Hongjun shouted, and everyone looked at him.

In the air, Ling Mo drew a divine thunder and struck it crazily towards the valley.


A series of screams rang out, and under the thunder of the sky, hundreds of people in the Wuhun Hall were instantly beaten to ashes, without even leaving any corpses.

The only ones who could survive were a few Soul Saints, the Soul Douluo, Yue Guan and Gui Mei.

Everyone left was wiped out by the thunder. With such a powerful blow, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Spirit was not even qualified to lift shoes.

"What a terrifying thunder and lightning! It can ignore any defense and cause a fatal blow..."

"What kind of thunder is this? It has such an effect. This kid is really terrifying.

There will be endless trouble for you, old ghost! Get rid of him..."

Yue Guan said coldly.

Looking at each other with the ghost, the two of them slowly took off in the air.

"Liangyi static field..."

The nine soul rings on his body appeared at the same time and slowly merged, forming a trend of eighteen soul rings.

And these eighteen soul rings enveloped this area, making the scene completely chaotic and uncontrollable.

"Martial soul fusion skill?"

In the air, Ling Mo's eyes flashed and he looked at the two of them coldly.

The double pupil suddenly underwent a huge transformation, transforming into a circle of miniatures, and slowly, a beam of light shot out directly.


Under the heavy eyes, smoke filled the air.

"no effect?"

With Chongtong's blow, he didn't hit the opponent, and the attack actually stopped in mid-air.

"I can't move!"

The static field of Liangyi was opened, and neither Ling Mo nor Yue Guan Ghost could move.

The divine thunder inside and outside the field was still raging crazily.

"Senas, kill him for me!"

The three of them cannot move, but there are others in the field who can move, and that is their own people.

In the Wuhun Hall, in addition to Yueguan Ghost, there is also a Soul Douluo and several Soul Saints.

"Boy, take your life!"

After rushing through the rolling thunder, Senas went straight towards Ling Mo, and the sharp blade pierced Ling Mo's chest.


For a moment, the scene was extremely chaotic, and the situation changed so quickly that no one could react.

Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong and others cried out in collapse, but... they didn't get any response.

"Dean, let us go!"

Outside the domain, Tang San, with red eyes, said loudly, the peacock feather in his hand had already been wound up, ready to be launched at any time.

"Don't be impulsive. If you go up there now, you are seeking death..."

Flanders shouted angrily, he was more anxious than anyone else, but... in the current situation, everyone would die. Rather than sacrifice for no reason, it was better to find the right time to take action.

"No, no, he won't die! He promised me, he won't die..."

Zhu Zhuqing looked miserable, whispering with tears in his eyes, and his starry pupils were bloodshot.

At this time...a beam of light lit up in the sky, like a holy light that parted through the clouds and mist.

The body pierced by Senas actually exploded on the spot.


After a deafening loud noise, countless poisonous needles were fired wildly, instantly shattering Senas and several Soul Saint scum before and after him.

"It's a puppet! It's a puppet, that's not him..."

After the explosion, Zhu Zhuqing opened his star pupils and could easily see the situation in the field.

The smoke was thick and the vision was blurry. Only she and Tang San could clearly see what was going on inside.

"What puppet?"

Flanders asked, he only knew that Lingmo was pierced by someone just now.

"That's not Xiaomo, it's his puppet! His real body is no longer here..." Tang San gave an explanation.

"What? There is such a thing, how did he do it.

In the two-element static field, everything is under control. He is obviously controlled. How could he get out?"

Liu Erlong was surprised.

"Do you remember how Xiaomo left our sight before? That is the skill of escaping from the shell.

Using the puppet as a substitute, he was locked by the opponent's field, and the real Xiaomo had already evacuated.

This instantaneous displacement is not visible to others at all, because he has no movement trajectory, and he can successfully change his position almost instantly."

Tang San continued to explain, and now only this explanation is the most reasonable.

Obviously, he guessed right.

"Too naive! Do you think a small static field can kill me?"

In the sky, there was a wanton laugh, and when everyone looked up again, they saw Lingmo looking down at this place from the sky.

The moment they saw Lingmo, everyone was relieved and showed an excited expression.

"He is not dead! I said, how could he die so easily..."

Shui Bing'er said with tears in her eyes, her face filled with a joyful smile.

Xuewu cheered and waved, but Lingmo had no time to watch, his eyes were always fixed on Yueguan and Guimei.

"How is it possible!"

"How did he escape from our territory?"

Yueguan and Guimei shouted in anger, their emotions out of control.

It was not until they fought with Lingmo that they realized how difficult this kid was.

"That dummy, it should be that dummy! This is not the first time, that dummy must have a big secret..."

Yueguan said in a lost voice, he had noticed that several failures were due to the dummy in Lingmo's hand, that is, the puppet.

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