This book was first published in 𝟲𝟵 book bar → 𝟲𝟵𝘀𝗵𝘂𝘅.𝗻𝗲𝘁, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters

"Old ghost, the situation is not right, retreat quickly!"

At the moment, the situation has completely reversed. Lingmo, who should have been controlled, was not affected at all, but appeared outside the field as if nothing had happened.

Above, the rolling thunder has condensed into shape, and the entire canyon is shrouded in it.

If they don't leave at this time, it will be difficult for them to leave again.

"Such a strong suppression force..."

A series of reactions shocked everyone.

Lingmo actually fought against two titled Douluo at the same time with his own strength without being defeated. This record against the sky is simply too outrageous.

"This guy..."

In the back, Dugu Yan smiled, her eyes full of relief and pride.

This is her man, standing tall.

At that moment, she really thought Lingmo was dead, and her heart was broken. She was thinking about fighting the two Title Douluo to the death.

But she didn't expect that Lingmo was not hurt at all, and she also put a domain restriction on the two.

"I was scared to death. My little darling couldn't stand this kind of stimulation. No... He dared to scare me. I must make him look good when I go back, hum..."

Xuewu patted her chest with relief. At that moment, everyone was scared.

"You are just unforgiving in words, but you really want to hit him?"

Shui Bing'er smiled gently, and the tears on her face had been wiped away.

"Who said I want to hit him! In addition to hitting him, I have other ways, hum..."

Xuewu's angry look is extremely cute, but it's a pity that Lingmo can't see it.

"Want to leave? Since you are here, don't think about leaving, stay..."

The divine punishment was activated, and the thunder rolled in an instant, and kept striking down, making the canyon a mess.

Under this divine punishment, ordinary people can hardly shake it, but these two are Title Douluo, and their defense is extremely strong.

Although the paralysis effect of lightning can penetrate their defense, it is obviously not enough to cause a fatal blow to them.

"The King of Hell is asking for my life, the little ghost is taking my soul! Two bastards, give me your life..."

The puppet was dispatched, Lingmo directly entered the field, and began to move quickly with the help of teleportation.

"Looking for death!"

The two were worried about how to attack Lingmo, and were about to retreat.

Unexpectedly, he came to the door himself, and the two gave up the idea of ​​retreating and began to organize a counterattack.

"Looking for death? It's not certain who will die..."

Cleverly avoiding the attack of the ghost, Lingmo smiled playfully, and slapped Yueguan on the shoulder with a backhand palm.

With the help of the puppet, he just jumped out of another attack of the ghost and attacked Yueguan again.

"Fuck, what's the point of staring at me and beating me!"

"Because you are too cheap, it disgusts me! You deserve to be beaten..." The answer was very direct.

Yueguan collapsed, the ghost was very fast, Lingmo couldn't catch his trace, and Lingmo was also very fast, and the ghost couldn't catch his trace either.

The unlucky one is Yue Guan. He is not a spirit master of the agility attack system. In terms of speed, he is definitely not as fast as Ling Mo in the supreme realm.

What's more, Ling Mo has a puppet, which can achieve the effect of surprise by using the displacement.

In the whole battle, Yue Guan was hit by Ling Mo eleven palms and twenty-eight kicks.

He was beaten so badly that he was in a mess. Although he did not cause fatal injuries, he was really angry.

"Damn, I'm angry..."

Yue Guan was furious. This guy was unreasonable. He just stared at one person and beat him. He didn't even look at the old ghost. He just stared at him and beat him.

What kind of hatred and resentment is this!

Yue Guan shouted loudly. As soon as he finished speaking, a divine thunder suddenly fell from the sky and hit him fiercely.

This strike directly split his whole body into black charcoal. This time, his proud defense could no longer be relied on.

"Thousand Machine Sweep..."

Ling Mo seized the time, mobilized the puppet, and directly started the Thousand Machine Sweep.

In an instant, countless poison needles shuttled through, continuing to sweep in one direction.

Yue Guan, who had lost his defense, dared not take it head-on, and the only way was to dodge.

For a while, the whole canyon was in chaos, Lingmo chased Yue Guan and Guimei chased Lingmo.

But... no matter how Guimei attacked Lingmo, he did not achieve the attack effect.

On the contrary, Yue Guan was very unlucky. In just a few minutes, he was injured in many places.

"Old ghost, what the hell are you doing..."

Yue Guan cursed angrily.

Guimei was also very angry, but could not find a reason to refute.

The two looked at each other, and the tacit understanding of many years was reached. They fought side by side and attacked Lingmo head-on.

The hasty fight just now was too impatient, so they abandoned tactics and were dominated by Lingmo.

After a hard fight, they finally realized that even if Lingmo stood in front of them, they might not be able to hurt Lingmo. The only way was to join forces.

"Come on! Flying flowers, rain of arrows..."

Ling Mo was not surprised when he saw the two people attacking together, but laughed instead, and directly urged the puppet to appear beside him.

His figure was seen dodging in the air quickly, without any pattern at all.

He could constantly shuttle through the gaps in space and appear at another node.

And where he had appeared before, after he left, there would be a puppet left behind.

And this puppet became the target of attack by Gui Mei and Yue Guan.

Obviously, if they attack the puppets rashly, they will definitely suffer.

The Flying Flower Arrow Rain was launched, and instantly countless poisonous needles were flying like flying flowers, flying and flickering in four directions.

Yueguan and Gui Mei were beaten and retreated steadily, unable to get close at all.

"This kid is too difficult to deal with! I can't find his movement trajectory at all. It seems that I still have to retreat..."

Ghost suggested.

Yueguan has long wanted to run away. From the battle to now, he has always been the one injured. If this continues, he will definitely be the first to die.


Reaching a consensus, the two titled Douluo took a step back at the same time.

Ling Mo saw what they wanted to do and immediately became anxious.

The reason why he left the two of them alive was because he wanted to wait for Dugu Bo to come over and deal with them himself so that he could take revenge with his own hands.

This is also the reason why Ling Mo keeps hanging them, otherwise, Ling Mo will directly release the ghost master, and they will die in a few seconds.

"I want to leave! Stay with me..."

Ling Mo's murderous intent was revealed, he activated the puppet and shot out hundreds of poisonous needles in an instant.

The Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle starts directly.


Suddenly, the ghost threw something unknown, and the entire canyon was instantly shrouded in a layer of fog.

Ling Mo also lost her vision and could only blindly administer two injections, hoping to gain something.

With the Double Eyes open, he could vaguely catch a figure in the fog, and Ling Mo directly activated the Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Needle.

call out……

The sound of the hidden weapon breaking out was very harsh, and the poisonous needle stabbed a person hard.

Ling Mo was not sure who he had hit, because when the fog receded, they were no longer there.

"Damn, he actually ran away! Mad, what is the old monster doing over there? The battle hasn't been resolved for so long..."

Ling Mo kept cursing. Although the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle was extremely poisonous, it could not kill a titled Douluo in an instant.

Let them go back, Wuhun Palace must have a way to detoxify them, which means that in this hunting game, the two most important prey escaped.

However, despite this, Lingmo also severely damaged Wuhun Palace this time.

Although it can't kill them, they still have to rest for a few years before they can catch their breath.

Having these is enough, after all... What Guimen lacks most now is time. As long as there is time, Guimen will soon surpass Wuhun Palace.

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