What Guimen lacks the most now is time. As long as Ling Mo is given enough time, soon... he will be standing on the top of the pyramid on this continent.

As long as the big guys in the God Realm don't interfere, no one can do anything to Ling Mo.

Even if those people from the God Realm interfere, Ling Mo has nothing to fear, because...he has many ways to deal with these gods.

That is the Immortal Slaying Sword. With this imperial weapon, no matter whether he is a god or a ghost, he can kill him without fail.

However, Ling Mo can't use Immortal Killing yet, so he has to keep a low profile for a while. When his soul power reaches level 90, no one in the sky or on earth can stop him.

"Xiao Mo, are you okay?"

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At the end of the battle, thousands of people from Wuhun Palace set up an ambush, but only two people escaped in the end, which can be said to be a heavy loss.

Shrek and the others hurriedly gathered around, and Zhu Zhuqing even jumped directly into Ling Mo's arms.

"I'm fine! The two bastards can't do anything to me. Let's take a rest first, sort out our situation, and continue our journey later..."

Ling Mo patted Zhu Zhuqing's back gently and comforted: "Okay, I'm fine! Don't worry..."

Zhu Zhuqing stood up and said coldly: "You are not allowed to do this again. What should I do if something unexpected happens?"

As she spoke, Zhu Zhuqing's eyes filled with tears. Just now...she had an emotional breakdown many times, and she couldn't wait to enter the field to help Ling Mo.

"That's it, do you think you are still alone now? Such a risky thing, what should we do if something unexpected happens?" Ning Rongrong also said.

Ling Mo knew in her heart that this time she seemed to have gone a little too far. She was just patronizing those two people, forgetting that there were so many people who cared about her.

yes! Lingmo enjoys this feeling of being connected to others. Perhaps due to lack of it for many years, Lingmo likes this feeling very much.

"Don't worry, it won't happen again..."

After giving a word of comfort, Ling Mo motioned for everyone to adjust on the spot, and then walked to the disciples of the Ghost Sect.


everyone shouted in unison.

As soon as these words came out, everyone except Shrek was shocked.

"He is actually the leader of the Ghost Sect? How... is this possible?"

"Such a young sect leader is really incredible!"

Except for a few who knew the truth, no one else knew that Ling Mo was actually the leader of the Ghost Sect.

"Well! You did a good job this time. I will remember it when you go back..."

Ling Mo said happily, and then asked the ghost disciples to leave in an orderly manner.

Soon, the canyon became empty again, and the disciples of the ghost sect came and went in a hurry, appearing and disappearing in a confusing way.

"Master Ling, thank you very much for taking action this time and saving me and my wife..."

Meng Shu came up gratefully. If Ling Mo hadn't taken action in time, they might have died in Yueguan's hands.

"Senior Long Gong is joking, I haven't had time to thank you for your generous action to save our Shrek Academy from the crisis..."

Ling Mo is courteous and courteous.

"That's right, Senior Duke Long took action just now, and we will bear it in our hearts..."

Tang San and others turned around and said, feeling very grateful to Meng Shu in their hearts.

"Okay! Let's all adjust where we are. I'll go to the front and take a look..."

Seeing that the matter here was almost settled, Ling Mo motioned for everyone to adjust first, then spread his wings and headed straight ahead.

On the way, I said hello to Shui Bing'er, Xue Wu and Dugu Yan.

"What a god! Old lady, it seems we are all old..."

Meng Shu couldn't help but sigh as he watched Ling Mo leave.

"Yes! It's true that a hero comes from a boy. He has achieved such an achievement at a young age, which is beyond the reach of others.

Back in the Star Dou Forest, it was a good thing we didn't have any enemies with the Gui Sect. Otherwise... with the Gui Sect's performance today, we would never have survived. "

Chao Tianxiang was thoughtful, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

The ambush came to an end. All the Wuhun Temple believers in front and behind were made dumplings by the Ghost Sect disciples. Except for the ones at the front, the whole army was wiped out.

Ling Mo opened his wings, jumped directly to the front, and found that the battle here was over. It could be said that he had won a great victory.

"Old monster! How's the situation..."

Ling Mo fell from the sky and landed on the ground. Looking around, she found two corpses lying not far away, both with their heads severed.

"Sect Master! This can be said to be a great victory. Not only did I kill so many Wuhun Palace disciples, I also killed two titled Douluo with my own hands."

Dugu Bo said proudly.

He and Kendo Chenxin were facing each other, but he was the only one who really killed him.

The Qibao Glazed Sect has not yet reached the point of fighting with Wuhun Palace, so Chen Xin has been holding back.

Dugu Bo was different. The original plan of Guimen was to weaken Wuhundian's strength and prepare for future plans.

If you don't want to be friends in the first place, why bother killing him?

What's more, this time it was Wuhun Palace who took the initiative to attack, and they only responded passively, regardless of circumstances or reason.

A dumb person can only eat Coptis chinensis, even if he refuses to take it, it will be of no use.

"You're so useless! I was trying to buy you time over there. I didn't expect you to spend so long and still not solve it. Those two idiots ran away..."

Ling Mo said with a smile that originally this time he wanted Dugu Bo to personally avenge the blood revenge of that year, but unfortunately Dugu Bo was restrained here and had no way to pass, so in the end Yue Guan and Gui Mei ran away.

"Hey, next time! Next time I will make those two bastards look good..."

Dugu Bo smiled and said, he didn't take it to heart. He was already very satisfied with being able to kill two titled Douluo.

"Xiao Mo! It seems that your ghost sect has been prepared for this ambush..."

Ning Fengzhi walked over, followed by Ken Dao Chen Xin and Qian Renxue.

Ling Mo looked over with a smile and found Qian Renxue looking at him with a resentful look, a bit gnashing her teeth.

Ling Mo felt guilty and did not dare to look her in the eyes. After returning this time, she would probably be whipped by this woman.

The attack was so ruthless, almost with the intention of killing them all, and it was done in front of her, the saintly girl of Wuhun Palace.

It would be surprising if Ling Mo could have good results when he goes back. All the Eighteen Dragon-Subduing Whips must be arranged.

"Uncle, thank you! I am more afraid of death, so for my personal safety, I ordered all the disciples of the Ghost Sect to come and protect me before setting off.

I didn’t expect to be ambushed. A blind cat meets a dead mouse. It’s all luck..."

Avoiding Qian Renxue's gaze, Ling Mo explained forcefully.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that his words were humble words.

Is he afraid of death? Is there anything in the world that he doesn't dare to do? Who believes it?

Everything in front of him was planned in advance, otherwise it would not go so smoothly.

"Haha, you! Forget it, how do you want to end it now? Wuhun Palace has been seriously injured this time, and they will definitely not give up."

Ning Fengzhi said helplessly, he was not a fool, he could tell that those were just polite words from Ling Mo.

"We can still prepare! Just let nature take its course. This time, they are all disguised and obviously want to hide their identities.

So... no one knew that they were from Wuhun Palace, and I didn't know either. I thought they were just bandits. What's the big deal..."

Ling Mo smiled meaningfully. Ning Fengzhi was stunned for a moment when he said this.

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