Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people's martial arts spirits

Chapter 268 Qian Renxue's Resentment

Yes! Why didn't he think of it.

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Since the Spirit Hall has chosen to hide its identity, no matter what the result is, it is impossible to expose its thoughts.

In other words, the Ghost Gate hit them hard this time, and they can only bear it. There is no excuse to attack the Ghost Gate.

Hiding means not tearing the face. Although the storm is surging in the dark, it is still calm on the surface.

Even if the Spirit Hall wants to accommodate, it has to find opportunities behind the scenes. They dare not retaliate openly.

"Haha, you, you are still as smart as ever. Sometimes I am very curious. Are you really only fifteen years old?"

Ning Fengzhi smiled. To be honest, he really doubted Lingmo's age.

This kind of scheming and character! It's really too deep. It's easy to be cheated when dealing with him.

"Uncle, what do you mean by that? Could it be that I am a thousand-year-old monster..."

"That's not the case, but you should be more careful when you go to Wuhun City.

If you enter someone else's territory and Wuhun Hall loses its face and directly attacks, it will be difficult for you to leave Wuhun City..."

Ning Fengzhi finally said worriedly. He bet Rongrong's life on Lingmo. If Lingmo loses, Rongrong will be miserable.

"Don't worry about this, uncle! I have prepared it..."

Lingmo didn't explain what he had prepared, and Ning Fengzhi didn't ask, but based on his understanding of Lingmo, there must be a mystery in it.

"I'll go see Rongrong first, you guys chat first..."

Finally, Ning Fengzhi, who was worried about Ning Rongrong, left here with Jiandao Chenxin.

In addition to the hundreds of guards, there were only Dugu Bo, Lingmo, and Qian Renxue left at the scene.

After Ning Fengzhi left, Lingmo finally breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Ning Fengzhi would trap him.

This guy is very cunning. Although he is his father-in-law, these relationships seem powerless when it comes to the interests of the two major sects.

Ning Fengzhi can maintain the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect so well, so he must have the ability, there is no doubt about this.

Every time Ling Mo deals with him, he usually tries not to say anything that can be avoided, so as not to be trapped.

"Sect Master, what should we do next?"

After Ning Fengzhi left, Dugu Bo continued to ask.

This time, he was in the limelight, and even Jiandao Chenxin was surprised by his methods.

You know, Chenxin boasts of his strong strength and has always looked down on him.

Now, he is convinced by his own methods and the superb puppet mechanism transformation.

Dugu Bo is in a very good mood at the moment. Although he did not defeat Yueguan and Guimei personally, he is very satisfied to be able to deal with the two titled Douluo of Wuhun Hall.

However, what happens next is very unfavorable to Guimen, or in other words, very unfavorable to Lingmo.

Going to Wuhun City this time is considered to be deep behind enemy lines. Once something happens, it will be difficult for Lingmo to retreat.

Without Lingmo, there will be no Guimen. The only reason Guimen can get to this point today is Lingmo alone.

If Lingmo gets into trouble, Guimen will soon cease to exist. Guimen cannot do without him. This is a fact.

"Don't worry, I have my own plan..."

Lingmo pondered for a moment and finally said.

"Okay! Old monster, proceed according to the original plan, everything remains unchanged..."

Things have developed to this point, Lingmo does not need to hold back.


Dugu Bo said, and jumped from the hill next to him to the top of the hill, not knowing what to do.

As early as a month ago, they had already drawn up a plan, but too many changes happened. Dugu Bo didn't know whether it was still carried out according to the original plan, so he asked.

After getting Lingmo's reply, he was relieved!

After Dugu Bo left, Qian Renxue finally couldn't help it.

"Okay! I was worried about you for so long..."

There was no one around, Qian Renxue couldn't help it anymore, and walked over with a resentful look.

At this time, she still looked like Xue Qinghe, but her eyes were scary enough.

"Wait, Xue'er, listen to my explanation..."

Lingmo was startled, but she didn't expect to be pulled by Qian Renxue, and she couldn't run away.

"Explanation? What is there to explain? What am I now? A traitor and spy of the Spirit Hall..."

Qian Renxue had specially informed Lingmo before, and now in her heart, she has become a traitor and spy of the Spirit Hall.

Although she didn't have much good feelings for the Spirit Hall, it was also her home, and this feeling was really complicated.

"Xue'er! You listen to my quibbling, no... You listen to my explanation..."

This haste made her say the wrong thing, and Lingmo was in trouble.

Qian Renxue's hand had already touched her waist.

"Quibbling? Ha, you think I'm a three-year-old kid, and you still want to quibble..."

"Ah, it hurts..."

After a fierce pinch, Lingmo pretended to be in pain, but in fact it didn't hurt at all.

"Wait, go back and see how I deal with you! Humph... damn man, this time I will definitely grind you to ashes and keep you from getting out of bed for three days and three nights..."

Qian Renxue said resentfully.

The two stood in front and talked, no one approached, but the Royal Knights felt it was strange.

I always felt that the two had an affair, but... they were both men.

The more they thought about it, the weirder it felt. The Royal Knights looked at each other and felt that their prince must like men.

Otherwise, why haven't they seen any scandal between him and any girl in so many years? No, they have never seen Qian Renxue get close to any girl.

The more I thought about it, the more outrageous it became. In the end, everyone agreed that their Highness the Crown Prince liked men.

And the person he likes is Lingmo.

After the last incident in the hotel, there was another scandal that the crown prince of the Tiandou Empire liked a man.

"Xue'er, you really misunderstood me! In fact...if you didn't tell me Wuhun Palace's actions, I also knew that Wuhun Palace was going to take action..."

Ling Mo explained.

"Really? You can tell it with your eyes again. You are trying to lie to me with such nonsense. Do you think I will believe it?"

Qian Renxue didn't believe it and continued to glare at Ling Mo.

If there weren't so many people here, she would have just knocked Ling Mo down and trained him properly.

"Really! Why don't you believe me..." Ling Mo expressed helplessness. There was no lie in what he said, but Qian Renxue just didn't believe it. What could be done.

"Come on, you better think about how to end it now! They... won't let it go so easily.

If you still listen to me, just give up and don't go to Wuhun City. I don't want to collect your body and have to be a widow for you..."

Qian Renxue complained that this was not the first time she had persuaded Lingmo to abstain.

This time when he goes to Wuhun City, there will definitely be a hardship waiting for him.

A smart person would choose to abstain, but Ling Mo insisted on having his own way. She really didn't know what to say to him.

"Hey, how could I be willing to let you be a widow for me? Don't worry, I have my own plan..."

Ling Mo smiled and said, if there weren't so many people here, Ling Mo would have picked her up directly.

Although she is very angry now, at least her heart is still with herself.

When you get back, just find some time to coax her. There's nothing you can't coax.

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