"So you still refuse to give up? You don't even listen to your wife?"

Qian Renxue turned over with resentful eyes. She really didn't know how to persuade Ling Mo.

Going to Wuhun City this time will inevitably cause a wave of chaos. The seemingly calm lake surface is filled with undercurrents and murderous intent.

Didn't he see it? Qian Renxue didn't believe he couldn't tell.

With her understanding of Ling Mo, how could he not understand such a simple truth.

"A real man never retreats!"

"Holy shit, he's really a man! A little brat who doesn't even have all his hair..."

Qian Renxue said with merciless contempt, Lingmo immediately became unhappy after hearing this.

"It's all right, don't you know?"

Qian Renxue's face turned slightly red upon hearing this. Seeing that there were so many people around, she was embarrassed to say too many excessive words.

He rolled his eyes at Lingmo and then said, "Don't be so talkative! I'm telling you something serious..."

"This is business!"

Ling Mo said amusedly.

But what Qian Renxue said is right. Going to Wuhun City this time will be surrounded by dangers. If you are not fully prepared, it will be difficult to evacuate.

Especially this time, the Ghost Sect has tricked the Wuhun Palace. It would be weird if the Wuhun Palace didn't show any reaction.

Even if they don't solve it openly, they will solve it secretly.

Sometimes, the thing in the dark is scarier than the thing you see with your own eyes, because it will be hidden, and when you let down your guard, it will be exposed.

Often, these hidden things can cause you huge trouble.

"So, what's your plan?"

Qian Renxue continued to ask, she had already begun to plan in her mind how to send Ling Mo out of Wuhun City safe and sound.

Although she is the Holy Maiden of Wuhun Palace and the sole heir of the Pope, but...she can't speak at all in Wuhun Palace.

Unless her grandfather takes action, she won't be able to save Lingmo.

But... although Qian Daoliu loves her granddaughter very much, Qian Daoliu will still choose Wuhun Palace when it comes to the interests of Wuhun Palace.

It was impossible to save Ling Mo, a factor that could destroy Wuhun Palace at any time, both emotionally and rationally.

It's hard!

Qian Renxue didn't know what to do, if Ling Mo would listen to her advice and not go to Wuhun City.

This was the best solution, but Lingmo insisted on going and she couldn't persuade him.

"It's a plan! It's nothing. To put it simply, in fact...a month ago, my people secretly sneaked into Wuhun City.

With various identities, lurking near Wuhun Hall.

I believe that what happens next will definitely be exciting enough! "

Ling Mo smiled and then said.

He knew that Qian Renxue would not betray him, because...she was now his, and all she thought about was Lingmo.

"It turns out that you have been prepared for a long time, but I was overly worried!

However, do you really think that Wuhun Palace is that easy to deal with? "

"No! I never thought Wuhun Palace was easy to deal with. From the beginning to the end, I regarded Wuhun Palace as my most powerful opponent.

Therefore, before using any tactics, I will give Wuhun Palace the highest importance and the most complete strategic plan..."

Wuhun Palace has always been the opponent that Ling Mo fears the most and also wants to face.

Therefore, Ling Mo never looked down upon Wuhun Palace and gave it the highest regard.

In fact, from the beginning, Ling Mo did not want to be an enemy of Wuhun Palace, because with Qian Renxue here, Wuhun Palace would belong to Lingmo sooner or later.

But someone has already taken action against him. Wouldn't it be very rude if he refused to retaliate.

It should be noted that it is impolite to come and not reciprocate, this is the rule.

In the early days of the establishment of the Ghost Sect, it had already entered the Wuhun Palace's field of vision. Since they could not tolerate the Ghost Sect, then the Ghost Sect must not be able to tolerate them either.

If Wuhun Palace does not take action against the Ghost Sect, Ling Mo can choose to develop slowly and not directly conflict with Wuhun Palace.

When Qian Renxue inherits the position of Pope of Wuhun Palace, won't this Wuhun Palace belong to him?

Unfortunately, this idea is doomed to fail, because Wuhun Palace has already taken action.

Moreover... Ling Mo couldn't wait that long. It was obviously unrealistic to wait until Bibi Dong abdicated.

"If I don't care about you, you won't let me worry!

I have been unlucky for eight lifetimes to be with a man like you, and I am always on tenterhooks.

It didn’t make me worry, and I don’t know what I was planning..."

Qian Renxue thought about it, but she couldn't figure out Ling Mo's specific plan, or what confidence Ling Mo had to dare to fight against Wuhun Palace.

She could only be anxious. She was not anxious herself, but she was extremely anxious.

"Xue'er! You have to have confidence in me. If you let me come and go as I please, no one in the world can stop me!

I'm not bragging, with my current strength, as long as God doesn't take action, no one can kill me..."

Ling Mo said confidently.

"Huh? If you are so proud, where does your confidence come from?"

Qian Renxue was puzzled. She had only been away from Lingmo for a long time, but he was already so complacent!

This was the same bitch she knew back then who didn't want Bilian and was sneaking around...ahem.

"Where does my confidence come from? Of course it comes from my wife..."

"Bah, shameless! My mind is filled with all those vain things..."

Qian Renxue said it was a headache, couldn't this guy be more serious?

"Let's go, let's inspect the team, readjust and start..."

Looking around, she found that the hundreds of knights were all looking here.

Thinking that her image was ruined again, Qian Renxue was immediately furious.

However, if she was a man, she might feel uncomfortable if she was rumored to like men.

But the problem is that she is not. She is a girl, and it is normal to like men, so she didn't take it to heart.

Gathering the team, Qian Renxue led these people from the front to the back to inspect the situation behind.

The mountain road was blocked just now, so she didn't know what happened behind.

When the mountain road was opened again, those students began to appear in her sight one after another.

"Your Highness!"

Along the way, many people saw her coming to inspect in person, and they all expressed their happiness.

After all, Qian Renxue is the only heir to the Tiandou Empire so far.

For the emperor of the Tiandou Empire, it is the best thing to curry favor with her.

Everyone is thinking about their own future, and being related to such a person is definitely good for future development.

"Well, is everyone okay?"

Qian Renxue said softly.

"Report to the prince, we are fine..."

The casualties this time were not great, but a few academies suffered heavy casualties.

Because of regional issues, like Shrek Academy, they were separated and did not receive the support they deserved, and suffered heavy losses.

This ambush came too suddenly, and no one was mentally prepared.

"Your Highness, this group of thieves is really bold, and they even dared to attack the Tiandou Royal Knights. It's so bold..."

Someone said angrily, with wounds all over his body, very embarrassed.

These people still don't know which group of thieves dared to attack them.

You know, this is the Royal Guard. It's so bold to even attack the imperial army.

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