"Tch! Do you think I'm afraid of you? Who can't get out of bed is not necessarily..."

Qian Renxue felt ashamed even when she said such explicit words, but... facing Ling Mo, she dared to say anything.

"Wait! I'll let you see how powerful I am when I get back..."

Ling Mo was furious, but managed to hold on.

Due to two byes from Shrek Academy, they did not officially participate in the competition until the third day.

In the past three days, other colleges in the Tiandou Empire have opened the way for Shrek College to eliminate all potential dangers.

On this day, a team appeared in sight, catching his attention.

The leader had long golden hair cascading down his shoulders and a confident smile on his face.

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The purple light in his eyes was clear, but they were not pupils.

His appearance is at least 70% similar to Dai Mubai's, but his figure is a bit taller than Dai Mubai's.

Behind him, followed a tall girl, almost as tall as him, with an extremely plump figure, which was as tall as Zhu Zhuqing.

This girl is very beautiful, and she is even more similar to Zhu Zhuqing than Dai Mubai and the man before.

It's just that she lacks Zhu Zhuqing's coldness.

The whole person looks very soft, and in this gentleness, the beauty is easier to be recognized.

"Davis? Zhu Zhuyun?"

Ling Mo recognized him at a glance. He had such the same features that it was difficult not to recognize him.

After these two people appeared, Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai's expressions obviously fluctuated and they were very excited.

The silent fighting spirit gradually rose, and the anger from both sides began to rise.

"Xue'er, have you seen those two people below?" Ling Mo said suddenly.

Qian Renxue was confused and glanced away, looking back and forth at Davis and Zhu Zhuyun.

It was obvious that Ling Mo seemed to have a strong interest in that team from the Star Luo Empire.

"Interesting! Is she Zhuqing's sister?"

Qian Renxue murmured, a trace of killing intent flashing in her eyes.

After this period of contact, she fell in love with Zhu Zhuqing, a well-behaved girl. Her inner stubbornness was the same as hers.

In her body, it seemed that she saw her former self.

Of course she knew the power game of the Star Luo Empire, and she also understood the fateful battle between Zhu Zhuqing and her sister.

Unfortunately, Ling Mo's intervention is destined to make this fateful battle particularly lively.

"That's right! That's Zhuqing's sister..."

Ling Mo opened his double eyes and had detected her martial spirit. It was almost certain that she was Zhu Zhuyun.

"What? Are you attracted to her?"

Qian Renxue joked.

"What nonsense are you talking about! Be careful when Zhuqing gets angry..."

Ling Mo's face darkened and he wanted to slap her on the butt. This girl choked him on purpose.

"I heard that the battle for the throne of the Star Luo Empire is extremely cruel. If two tigers fight, one of them will die!

What are you going to do! Now, it is obvious that Zhuqing cannot participate in this kind of struggle. Once the Xingluo Empire finds out about your affairs, it will definitely be angry with the Xingluo Zhu family.

At that time, Zhuqing will really be in a dilemma. Now I just want to see how you want to end it!

If it doesn’t work, just tell your sister! I will eliminate these hidden dangers for you and strangle Davis in Wuhun City..."

Qian Renxue was full of murderous intent as soon as she spoke her words. To be honest, as soon as Ling Mo let go, she would take action immediately without hesitation.

"The end? I haven't thought about how it will end. The soldiers will come to cover up the water and the earth. If it were before, maybe I would still be afraid of the Xingluo Empire.

But... I'm not afraid now. If they really dare to fight, I will fight with them.

I can accept playing for a year and a half, two or three years.

I just don’t know if they can sustain it for so long...

As for what you said about killing Davis in Wuhun City, if you want to, I won't stop you!

However, once Davis died, you personally pushed Wuhun Palace to the forefront, so this matter has nothing to do with me..."

There is no doubt that Ling Mo is willing to give everything he has for Zhu Zhuqing.

As long as the Star Luo Empire dared to embarrass her, Ling Mo would not hesitate and would immediately send troops to attack the Star Luo Empire.

"Oh, you are so manly! It really surprises me...

But what you said makes sense, this matter... Wuhun Palace should not get involved, after all... this is a conflict between your Ghost Sect and the Star Luo Empire..."

Qian Renxue joked, her eyes filled with happiness. She could feel that if she were in Zhu Zhuqing's position, Ling Mo would also fight for her.

Although this damn man is a little sentimental, he is sincere to every woman, even if he spends everything he has to protect her.

However, her last words made it clear that she could help Zhu Zhuqing, but only in her own name.

She couldn't represent Wuhun Palace because... she couldn't afford such a price.

"But it's the same thing! Whenever you need a sister, just say, I can do it for you.

Zhuqing is not just yours, it’s mine too! whee……"

Qian Renxue is about to turn into a rotten girl, and she tries every means to possess Lingmo's Zhu Zhuqing.

"What's yours and mine, even you are mine!"

"Bah, what's mine is mine, I'm not yours..."

Below, Davis and Zhu Zhuyun have already found Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing. It seems that they are not having a pleasant chat.

You can tell from Dai Mubai's murderous eyes.

"Xue'er, I'll leave for a while..."

Lingmo looked at Zhu Zhuqing's helpless expression and felt very distressed.

He said hello to Qian Renxue, left the VIP seat directly, and went straight to the Shrek Academy area.

"Hey, isn't this our young master Dai Mubai? How come he is still so weak after so many years!

Alas... Actually, as a brother, I am very pleased that you can make it to the finals..."

The provocative words came, and Dai Mubai gritted his teeth and shouted angrily: "Davis, you don't have to act hypocritical here.

You are so weird, who are you trying to scare? Don't think I'm afraid of you..."

"Haha, aren't you afraid of me? Otherwise, how could you degenerate to run to such a remote place to be a playboy and sink all day long..."

As soon as these words came out, Dai Mubai's face suddenly turned pale and he was unable to refute.

Yes, he was indeed afraid. It was just a verbal statement. To this day, he has not come out of Davis' nightmare.

If he hadn't come to Shrek Academy, he might not dare to face Davis until now.

Everyone in Shrek was dumbfounded by Davis' appearance.

They didn't know what was going on, and saw Dai Mubai and that person quarreling.

"Zhuqing, what's going on?"

The careful Ning Rongrong found that Zhu Zhuqing beside her was getting colder and colder, with a strange expression.

"Who are they? It seems that they know Mubai..."

Tang San asked in confusion, but no one answered his question.

"Oh, is our young master Dai Mubai so tough now? It seems that he is fully prepared and wants to challenge us at any time?"

Zhu Zhuyun came from the side, looked at Dai Mubai teasingly, and then looked at Zhu Zhuqing.

"Zhu Qing, I didn't expect you guys to make it to the finals. You seem to have grown up a lot.

However, that's all for you. Come back with me after the game. You sneaked out when you didn't agree with me. You don't know any rules.

Mom and Dad miss you so much. You didn't come home to visit for so long. Sigh... You are such a willful young lady..."

"Zhu Zhuyun, stop pretending here. Miss me? Haha, does this kind of affection exist in our family?

You and I both know that failure means death. If you are the loser, I think... no one will pity you."

With a sneer, Zhu Zhuqing responded positively.

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