In fact, they all know in their hearts that when they are born into such a family, there is only struggle and no family affection.

The winner lives, the loser dies, no matter who it is.

Family affection? That cold family has no such thing at all. All they do is to benefit the family and are willing to sacrifice everyone's lives.

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"You damn girl, you still dare to talk back! What kind of bullshit Shrek Academy, is this all they teach you?

He has no respect for his elders and no etiquette. He has simply brought shame on our family..."

Zhu Zhuyun became angry and wanted to take action.

Before the slap could be taken, someone suddenly appeared next to Zhu Zhuqing and took it easily.

That person was none other than Ling Mo.

I saw him coming from behind, taking Zhu Zhuqing into his arms with his left hand, and gently raising his right hand to directly block Zhu Zhuyun's hand.

"Shrek Academy, it's not your turn to dictate here.

how? Bully me Shrek no one? "

Ling Mo pushed Zhu Zhuyun back. If it weren't for the fact that she was Zhu Zhuqing's sister, Ling Mo would have wanted to slap her to death.

Dare you hit Zhu Zhuqing? It's just provoking Lingmo's bottom line.

"Boy, who are you? How dare you interfere in our affairs?"

The appearance of Ling Mo broke the original tranquility. Davis said angrily while picking up Zhu Zhuyun who was pushed back.

When his eyes met with Ling Mo's, his soul trembled unconsciously, as if he was being watched by the god of death.

"Who am I? Do I need to tell you? What qualifications do you have to point fingers in front of me, just because of your Star Luo Empire?

Even if your father is here, he doesn't dare to bare his teeth at me. Who do you think you are? "

Ling Mo shouted coldly, if it weren't for the rules of the competition and the soul master team couldn't fight among themselves, Ling Mo would have taken action directly.

When he took action at this time, he undoubtedly did not abstain on behalf of Shrek Academy.

You know, Wuhun Palace has been targeting him now. Others can turn a blind eye if they take action. If he takes action, he will definitely be the first to be eliminated.

Davis looked at Ling Mo carefully with cold eyes. He didn't know whether Ling Mo was young, frivolous or ignorant, and dared to say such disrespectful words.

Not even the Star Luo Empire noticed! Either he has the confidence not to be afraid of the Star Luo Empire, or he is extremely stupid.

Looking back and forth, he found that Ling Mo actually had his arms around Zhu Zhuqing's waist. He and Zhu Zhuqing looked more like a couple than Dai Mubai.

How is this going?

Davis looked at Dai Mubai and found that he didn't express anything and let Ling Mo hold Zhu Zhuqing in his arms.

In the White Tiger family, every prince who is born is married to the Zhu family, a noble family of Star Luo.

Dai Mubai's fiancΓ©e is Zhu Zhuqing, but looking at the current situation, why doesn't Dai Mubai show any signs of it?

"Dai Mubai! You are such a waste. Even your own woman was robbed. What's the point of living?"

After thinking for a long time, Davis finally figured it out and he was very happy.

Because... what was originally a life-and-death situation turned into a unilateral victory for me.

Dai Mubai's loss of Zhu Zhuqing meant that he had lost the ability to fight against himself.

Without the fusion of martial arts, what could he use to fight him? Is it worth looking at?

From the moment Zhu Zhuqing chose to be with Ling Mo, it already foreshadowed that Dai Mubai would definitely die.

"Whether it's interesting or not is not up to you! Zhuqing has the right to choose her own destiny. She is a human being, not a tool.

She has her own ideas and is not a victim of the so-called imperial power.

Davis, you will pay the price for your ignorance. Don't think that without Zhuqing, I can't do anything to you!

Just wait, the battle between us is far from over..."

Dai Mubai's words not only shocked Davis, but also Ling Mo.

"This guy... I thought he was a softie at first, but I didn't expect that at this time, he is still very hard!

So, where is he angry? Could it be Shui Yue'er? "

Ling Mo couldn't help but guess that without Zhu Zhuqing, he would not have the soul fusion. Davis was already several years older than him, so his soul power was naturally higher than his.

With this gap, he was undoubtedly sentenced to death. If Zhu Zhuqing was willing to help him, maybe he would still have a chance.

Hearing what he said, Ling Mo felt a little bit that he had gone too far.

Invisibly forcing him to a dead end without any help, Zhu Zhuqing must have experienced that feeling of loneliness and helplessness.

"It seems that I still have to help this kid. If he dies like this, I will always feel sorry..."

After thinking about it, Ling Mo decided to help Dai Mubai, but how?

It's very simple. With Lingmo's current resources, he can build Dai Mubai into a truly strong man in five years.

This can be considered a kind of compensation.

Moreover, he is now on good terms with Shui Yue'er. Shui Bing'er told Ling Mo before that Shui Yue'er's practice has been extremely crazy recently. It seems that she has already made up her mind to take on this battle with Dai Mubai. .

It is not difficult to help Dai Mubai, but... Zhu Zhuqing's matter is far from over.

The White Tiger Empire will not allow anyone who betrays the White Tiger Empire to exist. Zhu Zhuqing chose Ling Mo, which undoubtedly betrayed him.

Therefore, there must be a revenge against him next.

On the contrary, Dai Mubai was fine. After all, he was the prince of the White Tiger Empire. He was just a different person, and the battle between them still existed.

β€œBoy, I really don’t know where you got the courage to talk to your elder brother like this!

I'm looking forward to seeing if you'll still be this stubborn in a few years.

Without the fusion of martial arts, what are you going to fight with me for? "

Davis said disdainfully, never taking Dai Mubai seriously.

Zhu Zhuyun said sarcastically: "Zhu Zhuqing, Zhu Zhuqing, you really disappoint me! You can do such stupid things.

Even if he has no respect for his elders and has no manners, he can even do such deviant things.

You are so selfish! For your own selfish desires, everyone has been pushed to the forefront. Do you really think that fate can be escaped so easily? "

Zhu Zhuqing was very annoyed when he heard that. He wanted to rush out several times, but Ling Mo held him down and comforted him.

When she saw her sister's sarcastic smile, she was devastated, but unable to refute.

Zhu Zhuyun was right, her choice was originally a very selfish act.

In the struggle between families, anyone who gets involved will become a victim of the struggle.

She involved Ling Mo, which undoubtedly harmed Ling Mo.

"Zhuqing, don't listen to her nonsense! Don't worry, a mere Star Luo Empire can't take my life."

Seeing her depressed look, Ling Mo felt deeply hurt in her heart, and a nameless anger burned in her heart.

On the surface, she seemed to be calmly comforting Zhu Zhuqing, but in fact, Ling Mo was already murderous.

"Zhu Zhuyun, right? Since you are Zhuqing's sister, I won't embarrass you this time.

But...if you dare to talk to Zhuqing like this in the future, don't blame me for being rude.

Now, Zhuqing is the wife of the sect leader of my ghost sect. If you, the Star Luo Empire, are dissatisfied, feel free to come to me...

But I need to remind you, I am not afraid of fighting, I am afraid that you will not be able to fight..."

With a sneer, Ling Mo replied directly.

This sentence had a great impact on Davis and Zhu Zhuyun.

"What? He is the leader of the Ghost Sect?"

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