During this period of time, there has been a lot of rumors about the sect's ghost sect. The sect leader is actually so young?

Regarding the Ghost Sect, whether it is the Tiandou Empire or the Star Luo Empire, it is an existence with a prominent reputation.

Davis and others have naturally heard of this newly rising large sect.

I just never thought that the dignified leader of the Ghost Sect would be so young.

"Is he the leader of the Ghost Sect?"

"Oh my god, too young?"

For a time, Ling Mo's identity was widely spread in the conference, causing a heated discussion.

However, most of the discussions were made by the teams of the Star Luo Empire, and the people of the Tiandou Empire already knew this.


"I put my words here today. If you want to find me, I'll be here at any time. I'm not afraid of you hitting me, I'm just afraid you can't afford to fight..."

"Humph, we'll see..."

Davis was very angry and left directly with Zhu Zhuyun.

Today, the grudge has been settled and there is no way to reconcile it. The only way is to fight.

But... there are too many interests involved here, and no one can afford it.

If the Ghost Sect and the Star Luo Empire go to war, maybe...some people will reap the benefits.

Ling Mo is not afraid, but the Star Luo Empire may not be afraid! After all, the two empires have been in constant friction over the years. Once a problem arises, it is very likely that the other side will take advantage of it.

After Davis left, the Shrek Academy started to make a fuss.

"Holy crap, who is this person? So arrogant?"

"Damn fat man, can you speak? If you can't speak, just shut up!"

Oscar and Fatty started fighting each other, while Dai Mubai on the side looked extremely ugly.

The same goes for Zhu Zhuqing.

"Okay! It's okay, don't worry, I'm here..."

Ling Mo comforted her, and then said to Dai Mubai, "What are your thoughts next?"

Dai Mubai's face was livid, and after watching Davis leave, he let out a long sigh.

"I don't know! The battle between me and him has never ended.

With my current soul power, it is unrealistic to deal with them!

Although Yue'er and I have developed our own fusion skills,... compared to martial soul fusion, the power of this fusion skill is simply incomparable..."

Dai Mubai was finally willing to tell the secret in his heart. It turned out that... he and Shui Yue'er had been studying their fusion skills for a while.

No wonder Shui Yue'er has been so positive recently. It turns out that she has known about Dai Mubai for a long time and chose to face it together with him.

This kind of choice is really difficult, because... once Dai Mubai fails, her fate will be the same as Dai Mubai's, and it is inevitable.

"Do you need any help?"

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing suddenly said coldly, this was the fate she should have faced, and she felt bad that she had hooked up with an unrelated girl for no reason.

"No need! This matter has nothing to do with you. Since you have chosen to withdraw, you should not get involved again.

I was sorry for you before, but now... I shouldn't let you get involved again.

Do not worry! Even if there is no chance of winning, I will not give up easily. "

Dai Mubai said with a smile, politely rejecting Zhu Zhuqing's request.

If Zhu Zhuqing is willing to take action, they will definitely win, because Zhu Zhuqing's soul power has reached level 49 and is about to enter level 50.

He is stronger than Zhu Zhuyun, and with her joining, Dai Mubai naturally doesn't have to worry about losing.

But... considering Ling Mo's feelings, Dai Mubai still refused.

If he only had resentment towards Ling Mo at the beginning, then... now he only has admiration.

If Zhu Zhuqing gets involved again, this relationship will deteriorate.

"Boy, you really have the guts. I saw you right! After the game, you take Yue'er with me back to the ghost gate..."

After hearing Dai Mubai's answer, Ling Mo felt grateful. He really didn't want Zhu Zhuqing to get involved again or leave him.

If Zhu Zhuqing insists on helping Dai Mubai, he can't stop him, but... he will feel very uncomfortable.

Obviously, Dai Mubai did the right thing. He had already considered Ling Mo's feelings, so he rejected Zhu Zhuqing.

"Hey, Xiaomo! Are you going to secretly train Mubai?"

Hearing Ling Mo's words, Tang San and others smiled. As long as Ling Mo was willing to help, with the resources at his disposal, it wouldn't be too difficult to cultivate a true genius.

"Secret training is out of the question! However, it shouldn't be difficult to defeat Davis...

Isn't it just a martial soul fusion skill? It's no big deal!

After the game, you take Yue'er up the mountain with me, and I'll teach you some interesting things..."

Suddenly I remembered that the bluestone bricks excavated in Jingjue Ancient City previously recorded many double attack skills. If they cooperate with their martial spirits and sort out a perfect fusion of martial spirits, it will not be a problem.

After all, this Dai Mubai is also his brother-in-law, so he should help him.

"Okay! It's time to go and see what the legendary ghost gate looks like."

Dai Mubai smiled, feeling relieved and accepting Ling Mo's help.

"I'll go too, I'll go too, I haven't seen what the Ghost Gate looks like..."

Ma Hongjun shouted.

"Okay, everyone, let's go! Those who want to stay in the mountain can do so, and food and accommodation will be included..."

"Is there any pretty lady?" Ma Hongjun asked maliciously.

"Of course there are, there are all kinds of beauties, they are so beautiful, their figures are amazing..."


Tang San suddenly coughed, Lingmo felt a chill on his back, turned around, and found Zhu Zhuqing looking at him fiercely.

"Okay! Go find your beautiful lady..."

"No, Zhuqing, that's not what I mean! You listen to my excuses, uh... No, you listen to my explanation..."

"What do you have to explain? What do you have to explain... There are so many ladies on the mountain, I don't believe you don't do anything? The high and mighty master..."

Lingmo was depressed, and glared at the fat man with a complaint. It was all the fault of this little fat man. If it weren't for him, he wouldn't have let it slip.

Ma Hongjun gave him a look that said, "May the best of luck to you." It seemed that he had planned it in advance.

"Fatty, wait for me..."

After cursing, Lingmo quickly put his arm around Zhu Zhuqing's waist, hugged her into his arms, and began to coax her, no, to comfort her.

"Zhu Qing, listen to my explanation! I really didn't do anything. Those people have been kept in Beishan. I have never set foot in Beishan. How could I do anything excessive?

Besides, with such a beautiful wife like you at home, how could I still think about women outside? Don't you think..."

"You can lie to Rongrong, but you lie to me? How many times have you cheated? Now tell me, how many women do you hide outside?"

Zhu Zhuqing naturally didn't believe Lingmo, but she knew about Lingmo's affairs a long time ago, and thought it was fun, so she deliberately scared him.

"By the way! How do you want to solve the problem between you? The Empire will not let it go like this, you should be prepared."

Dai Mubai came to the rescue in time, and Lingmo's favorability towards him rose sharply.

This kid is sensible, worthy of being my brother-in-law.

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