"There's nothing to worry about! They don't dare to fight, and they can't afford to fight...

Neither our Gui Sect nor the Star Luo Empire dare to take action rashly at this tense moment. "

Ling Mo said coldly, he was sure that if he were a poor boy with nothing, he would definitely die.

But...his identity at the moment is the leader of the Ghost Sect, one of the four major sects today, so his identity goes without saying.

With this identity, even if the Xingluo Empire wanted to teach Ling Mo a lesson, it would still have to consider whether it would go to hell for a so-called face at all costs.

At this level, everyone thinks about the same thing, which is profit.

If you give up hundreds or even tens of thousands of years of foundation just for a woman, no one can afford it.

How powerful is the Ghost Gate? Perhaps there is no strength to clearly spy on the details of the ghost sect, but... so far, how can a large sect that has ranked among the top four sects be destroyed so easily?


The Tiandou Empire is watching with eager eyes, and the Wuhun Palace is also watching. No one can afford to fight, even Ling Mo has to weigh it.

Therefore, when the time has not come, try not to take action if possible, but conflicts will definitely exist.

Maybe, on the Star Luo Empire side, it would be difficult for the Ghost Sect to develop over, and on the Tiandou Empire side, they wouldn't dare to attack easily.

As long as Zhu Zhuqing is at the ghost gate, none of this is a problem.

"With your words, I feel relieved. I don't like you fighting with the Empire. After all... it's very difficult to handle!"

As the prince of the empire, if a war breaks out, Dai Mubai will definitely side with the empire. There is no doubt about this.

He was very unhappy to see such a situation, and it was hard for him to say anything because of his special status.

"Okay! Let's not talk about these things for now, the game will start soon.

You have already had byes in the first two rounds, and your next opponent should be Star Luo Royal Academy.

That is, the Xingluo Royal Academy where Davis and Zhu Zhuyun are located.

What do you say, if it doesn’t work, just put me in your place! I'll take care of them for you..."

Ling Mo smiled and said, the master said before that he does not need to take action in the first few games, giving the Shrek Seven Devils a chance to practice.

However, he really wanted to beat up Davis Zhu Zhuyun, but he dared to speak ill of Zhu Zhuqing to his face.

These two people are very tongue-tied and need to be trained.

"Forget it! We're going to meet him sooner or later anyway, why not take advantage of today to see in advance what his strength is..." Dai Mubai felt a strong desire to fight in his heart.

He didn't want anyone else to get involved in the feud between him and Davis.

But the problem is, this is crucial to whether Shrek Academy can advance to the next round.

The overall strength of Star Luo Royal Academy is higher than that of Shrek Academy, so... the safest way is to go to Lingmo.

Because the opponent has the martial soul fusion skill, Netherworld White Tiger.

"You have to understand one thing. If Davis knows that you are a threat to him now, he will definitely kill you and solve the hidden dangers in advance.

The struggle for rights is extremely cruel, and there is no room for mercy. "

Ling Mo explained that he had already felt Davis' murderous intention.

If Dai Mubai failed, he might die here.

"Mubai, I think Xiao Mo is right! I have been observing your brother for a while and found that he is very murderous. Maybe... they have started secretly planning how to deal with you..."

Tang San explained that from the time Davis appeared until now, he had been observing the other party's every move.

Hearing Tang San's words, Dai Mubai hesitated. If he died here, what would Shui Yue'er do?

That girl was going crazy because of him! I practice hard every day just to catch up with him and face difficulties at the same time as him.

Dai Mubai was very moved to meet such a girl and didn't want to let her down.

"Okay! Who do you want to replace?"

Dai Mubai finally gave in. Based on Ling Mo's past behavior, he was probably used to being the first one to replace him.

But this time he guessed wrong. The reason why Lingmo replaced him before was because he didn't want him and Zhu Zhuqing to be on stage at the same time.

There is no need to worry about this now, because Zhu Zhuqing completely belongs to him.

"Xiao Ao! Please lie down and win..."

Ling Mo turned to Oscar and said with a smile.

"Hehe, no problem! I didn't want to fight in the first place, so I just lay down if I can..."

Happiness came so suddenly, Oscar was instantly happy.

Looking at the murderous looks of those people, he is just an auxiliary soul master. He will get beaten if he goes up to him. He will not be beaten if he can, so why not do it.

After the lineup was agreed upon, there was still a little time to consider the lineup. Since Ling Mo joined again, the command power returned to his hands once again.

Ling Mo began to simply customize the tactical arrangement. It was a very simple tactic. If the opponent didn't pride themselves on being noble and confident in their own strength, then he would give their confidence a severe blow.

"Zhuqing, with your soul power, you have the highest soul power among the two teams except me.

You have only one mission, to deal with Zhu Zhuyun as quickly as possible without letting them complete the soul fusion.

It's okay if you can't stop it. You must proceed with caution and retreat before fighting.

With your speed, it won't be a problem to kill several people in the crowd.

As for Davis, leave it to Mubai to deal with! With Rongrong and me assisting you, they won't be able to cause trouble.

Fatty, Xiao Wu, you assist Zhuqing and Mubai from the side, disrupting the enemy's formation.

Mistress, you are responsible for controlling the other party's actions and buying time for Zhuqing and Mubai.

Rongrong, you are right next to me, let me see who dares to come up and kill you..."

Ling Mo's last words were quite domineering.

According to convention, the auxiliary soul master is always the one being targeted. As long as it is a team battle, the auxiliary soul master is a living target and the first to be eliminated.

However, this time... Ning Rongrong no longer has to worry about being the first to be attacked. With Ling Mo protecting her, who dares to come up and kill her?

This complete sense of security, needless to say, she will not be hurt by this weapon.

"Hehe, I feel so safe, let's see how you behave..."

Ning Rongrong smiled happily, her smile was very cute.

This comes from the bottom of her heart. She has never felt this safe in so many team battles before.

She would only feel this way when she was inside, because she knew that Ling Mo would rather get hurt than let her get hurt.

"Don't worry! As long as I'm here, you can rest assured that I'll help you. I'll see whoever dares to come up. I'll hammer each one..."

Ling Mo put down his bold words. In this competition, there has not yet been an opponent who can take him seriously.

With his current soul power, no matter who he is dealing with, he will be able to crush them, and there is no need to fight them seriously at all.

"Wow! I'm so touched that people want to be protected too..."

Ma Hongjun said disgustingly, and Ling Mo slapped him directly.

"Go away, you damn fat man, if you disgust me again, I'll beat my head to pieces..."

"Hey, I was just joking, why are you so serious?"

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