Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people's martial arts spirits

Chapter 281 The whole audience was boiling

"One hundred thousand year soul ring! is this possible?"

As soon as this soul ring appeared, the whole audience was shocked, and everyone cast incredulous looks.

"The sixth soul ring can absorb a hundred thousand year soul ring, how did he do it?

With his soul power level, it is impossible to withstand that kind of soul power impact..."

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The master said seriously that in the theory he believed, this possibility did not exist at all.

"Xiao Gang, shouldn't your focus be on how he killed the 100,000-year-old soul beast?

Even a titled Douluo would not dare to challenge a hundred thousand year soul beast easily.

Moreover, there were very few hundred thousand year soul beasts, but he was able to find one, kill it and successfully absorb the soul ring.

This is the scariest thing about him, his potential has always been a mystery..."

Flanders said with emotion, even though they claimed to be very close to Ling Mo, they didn't realize that Ling Mo's soul power had reached level 60 before they knew it, and he had also successfully absorbed a hundred thousand year soul ring.

This is the most precious thing in the soul master world, and everyone is envious of it.

"When did he reach level 60? Why don't we know anything?"

Liu Erlong murmured, his eyes full of disbelief, this guy is not a human at all.

She didn't know much about Ling Mo because he had never participated in the Shrek Seven Devils' training camp.

"I don't know, this child has always been independent and doesn't like others to interfere with his affairs.

The first year I taught him was okay, he listened to me very carefully.

But later, after he gained a solid grasp of theory, he went out on his own and continued the path of a soul master that he understood, step by step until he is today.

I can't give him the correct experience and path for his martial spirit, so he can only walk on his own...

I didn't expect that he could really walk out of the sunshine. This child's talent is extremely terrifying..."

The master explained that his relationship with Ling Mo has always been very delicate.

Regarding theoretical knowledge, he only taught Ling Mo some basics, and the rest was all explored by himself and had nothing to do with him.

On the stage, everyone was dumbfounded as Ling Mo's sixth soul ring was revealed.

Regarding Ling Mo's sixth soul ring, most people who participated in that ambush battle have seen it.

But at that time, everyone's attention was on Ling Mo's fight against two titled Douluo, and they did not pay attention to his sixth soul ring.

Compared to the Tiandou Empire's lineup, the people in the Star Luo Empire were crazy, with incredible expressions on their faces.

"How is this possible! There is no hope at level 40 when going to level 60, but you still have a hundred thousand year soul ring. This is unfair..."

"They cheated, it's not fair..."

Suddenly, a debate started, and the scene was extremely chaotic and noisy.


The referee scolded coldly and looked at Ling Mo with a deep look, a little apprehensive.

Then he said: "According to the rules of the competition, there are no requirements for the upper limit of soul power. Anyone from the entire continent can participate in the competition as long as their age meets the requirements and they are still students."

"But this is not fair at all..."

More and more doubts came, the whole place was boiling, and the referee couldn't hold it back.


An angry shout rang out, and a cardinal, a powerful Contra-level man, was greeted on the Soul Fighting Stage.

The eight soul rings were released and suppressed the storm at once.

"This competition is absolutely fair and just! Those who say it's unfair, why don't you ask yourselves.

Why can others at the same age reach more than sixty levels, but you can only reach more than forty levels?

If you are incompetent, why should you blame the world for not revolving around you?

This contestant has no problem! He is the youngest Soul Emperor in the entire continent.

If you want to question others, first ask yourselves why others at the same age can improve so quickly, but you have not made any progress at all.

Fairness is not something others give you, but something you strive for! If you don’t have the ability, just leave me alone. If anyone says more, don’t blame me for being rude..."

Although Wuhundian is very sensitive and hostile to Lingmo's identity.

But... in the competition, they treat everyone with absolute fairness and will not favor any party.

No problem means no problem, that's the rule.

The red-clothed leader's words directly suppressed this farce, and no one dared to say anything anymore.

"Keep playing!"

After saying that, the red-clothed leader left the place directly and headed to the Pope's Palace alone, not knowing what he was going to do.

Ling Mo kept her eyes on him and already guessed what he wanted to do, but she didn't take it to heart.

A hundred-thousand-year-old soul ring alone caused such a big sensation. If Lingmo showed its original form and appeared as a million-year-old soul ring, would these people go crazy?

You must know that the original form of Suani's soul ring was a million-year soul ring with no upper limit.

The potential of the prehistoric behemoths that came out of the ancient era is endless.

"One hundred thousand year soul ring! No wonder you dare to be so arrogant..."

After seeing the hundred thousand year soul ring on Ling Mo, Davis and others were dumbfounded.

How to fight this? It is a top-level martial spirit, and it has a hundred thousand year soul ring, but the soul power is still twenty levels apart. Such a gap is impossible to fight.

"Zhuqing, you really surprised me and my sister. Why did you give up on that playboy? It turns out you have found a better support."

After discovering Lingmo's true strength, Zhu Zhuyun said in a somewhat sarcastic tone.

She was obviously a little sour!

She also wanted to get rid of this tragic fate like Zhu Zhuqing, but... she didn't have the courage like Zhu Zhuqing.

With the talent Lingmo showed now, not to mention their Zhu family, even the empire dared not provoke him easily.

How old is he? According to the information, among the Shrek Academy players, the oldest Dai Mubai is only 18 years old.

And Lingmo, in the team, is only 15 years old, the same as Tang San.

He reached the Soul Emperor at the age of 15. If he is given another five years, should he be a Soul Douluo?

"Are you burying me or praising me? Should I thank you too?"

Facing Zhu Zhuyun's sarcastic words, Zhu Zhuqing said coldly.

She never thought that her sister could say anything praising.

They have always been enemies, never sisters.

In such a family, there is no family affection, only survival and interests.

Zhu Zhuqing was instilled with a concept since she was a child, that is... the only way to survive is to kill the other party.

"Zhuqing, I don't care what you think! You are my sister, this is a fact that neither you nor I can question.

I am very pleased that you can find such a support and break free from the shackles of fate."

Zhu Zhuyun tried to restore their family relationship, because Zhu Zhuqing was no longer her opponent.

They had no rights or interests.

Since Zhu Zhuqing chose Lingmo, this fateful battle between them had already ended.

"Stop talking nonsense, fight if you want! What you have done to me cannot be washed away by a few words..."

Zhu Zhuqing said coldly.

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