Some things can't be washed away!

No one knows what Zhu Zhuqing went through when she was young, and no one will understand it.

Lingmo felt distressed! From her desperate eyes, it can be seen that she was in great pain.

"So what if she is a Soul Emperor? This is a team fight, not an individual competition.

Without a perfect cooperation, even a Soul Emperor will lose..."

Compared with Zhu Zhuyun's weirdness, Davis was more determined. Even when facing Lingmo, a Soul Emperor, he did not retreat.

"Brothers, go! Let them see how powerful we are..."


With a roar, Davis launched an attack directly.

He wanted to kill Ning Rongrong in the first place. No matter which team it was, if they met someone with the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect's martial spirit on the stage, they would be the first to target.

Unfortunately... he didn't have this opportunity.

Dai Mubai smiled evilly and said, "Your opponent is me! Come on, Davis, let me see how powerful you are..."

With a roar, the two faced each other head-on. Both were transformed into White Tiger King Kong, but Dai Mubai's soul power was two levels lower than his, and he was obviously at a disadvantage.

"Rongrong, give me soul power!"

Facing Davis, Dai Mubai didn't want to lose, so he shouted directly.

"Nine Treasures turn into Glazed Glass, one is power, three is soul..."

With two beams of nine-color divine light as his body, Dai Mubai's whole body strength began to surge, and his soul power also received a great increase.

Lingmo came to the back and didn't make a move, but...he was the biggest deterrent standing there.

Everyone stared at him intently.

"Holy light! Shine..."

Just as Ning Rongrong's Nine Treasure Glazed Tower was amplified, Lingmo's five-color divine light also began.

As the violent power poured into Dai Mubai's body, in an instant...he surpassed Davis in both soul power and strength.

"How is this possible!"

"His martial soul actually has an auxiliary effect? ​​Isn't he a strong attack-type war soul emperor?"

"Oh my god, double amplification! What does this mean..."

Dai Mubai, who got double amplification, began to crush Davis, knocked him back with one punch, and then pressed him step by step, pressing him so hard that he couldn't breathe.

Zhu Zhuyun also moved, and a beam of auxiliary light shot in from behind her.

In a flash, the whole person's body left only a faint afterimage in the air!

The body drew a huge arc, went out from the side, and went straight to Dai Mubai.

She wanted to rescue Davis, relieve his pressure, and perform martial soul fusion skills.

"Humph, want martial soul fusion! Wishful thinking!"

Zhu Zhuqing had been waiting for her for a long time. The moment she rushed out, her speed suddenly increased, and she came to the top of the two of them before her, blocking Zhu Zhuyun.

"What a fast speed! This girl's soul power is even higher than mine..."

Zhu Zhuyun was dumbfounded. She had been focusing on Lingmo's 100,000-year soul ring and had not realized that Zhu Zhuqing's soul power had already surpassed hers.

Not only that, in terms of speed, Zhu Zhuqing's mutant spirit cat was even faster and attacked fiercely, and she was unable to resist for a while.

Zhu Zhuqing and Zhu Zhuyun left a series of sparks in the air during a violent collision.

Everyone only saw the sparks in the sky, but no one was seen. There were only shadows on the field.

"These two are both speed kings. They are so fast that I can't see them clearly!"

"Originally, I thought that the most powerful person in Shrek Academy, besides Lingmo, was Tang San. Now it seems... this little beauty named Zhu Zhuqing is not weak at all.

It seems that Shrek Academy has been hiding its strength in order to cope with this final..."

"The competition between the two speed kings is really wonderful..."

The bodies of the two sisters kept colliding in the air like meteors, and countless sparks bursting out due to the contact of sharp claws flashed in the air.

With Zhu Zhuqing's obstruction, Zhu Zhuyun couldn't get close to Davis at all, and it was impossible for her to perform the martial soul fusion technique.

On the other side, Davis was also retreating step by step, and was no match for Dai Mubai with a double amplification effect.

"Davis, didn't you eat? Where is your arrogance?"

After the White Tiger King Kong transformed, Dai Mubai roared domineeringly, and Davis was almost knocked off the stage by his punch.

Although they were only a few levels apart, they had the auxiliary boost from Ning Rongrong and the percentage boost from Lingmo.

Directly adding several times the boost to Ning Rongrong's original basic boost, he had already surpassed Davis in both spirit power and strength.

Judging from the current situation on the field, Shrek Academy had already gained the upper hand.

There was no need for Lingmo to take action. Just standing there with Ning Rongrong, without doing anything, the boost alone was enough for them to fight five against seven.

"Xiao Wu, Meteor Hammer..."

Seeing that the other members of Xingluo Royal Academy wanted to come up to help, Tang San sneered, offered the Blue Silver Grass, wrapped it around Xiao Wu's waist, and directly launched his and Xiao Wu's own unique move, Meteor Hammer.

Tang San and Xiao Wu attacked at the same time, blocking the attacks of others and relieving the pressure on Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai on that side.

However, they could only stop three people, and the remaining two went to Davis' side.

"Damn, are you treating me like air?"

Ma Hongjun cursed. From the beginning, no one looked at him, and they completely treated him like air.

Who can tolerate this? Absolutely not.

"First soul skill, Phoenix Fire Line..."

A flame rushed out and burned directly at the two people. The powerful high-temperature flame directly forced the two people back.

But... those two are not trash that can be manipulated by others. They are also soul sects in their forties.

Even though Ma Hongjun had a double increase, it was difficult for him to win against two.

"That noisy thing is looking for death!"

The two of them yelled angrily, almost being betrayed by Ma Hongjun, who was very angry.

"Ignore him and take care of the other two auxiliary soul masters..."

Just when they wanted to settle accounts with Ma Hongjun, Davis shouted angrily.

Putting the target on Ling Mo and Ning Rongrong, obviously... the fact that the Shrek Academy people can unleash such combat power obviously comes from the opponent's two auxiliary soul masters.

Only by solving them can this deadlock be broken.


The two of them did not dare to question Davis's words and came directly towards Ling Mo and Ning Rongrong.

Surprisingly, when they saw the two of them rushing over, no one paid attention to them.

Ma Hongjun, who was originally his opponent, actually stood there stupidly, shaking his head to express his disappointment.

"What's going on? Why didn't they stop me?"

One of them questioned, growing more confused.

From all aspects of performance, they could clearly see that Ling Mo was an auxiliary soul master.

It's just that the level is a little higher, but... no matter how high the soul power is, it will be difficult for an auxiliary soul master to fight against a combat soul master.

Rao is the leader of the No. 1 auxiliary sect in the world, and Ning Fengzhi does not dare to be alone, and is protected by a powerful titled Douluo.

Why is he lonely?

Could it be that he is not a pure auxiliary soul master?

But, how is this possible?

"Be careful, there's something weird here..."

The two discussed, not knowing what to do for a while.

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