After a day or two of rest, all members of Shrek are in good condition. Today is the last day of the finals.

It is also the last step in their journey to this competition. As long as they take this step, everything will be over.

"Master, I will not participate in this soul battle!"

In front of the conference room, Ling Mo said seriously.

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As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned. In this last step, Ling Mo didn't leave?

"Boy, do you know what you are talking about? Everyone's efforts have been put on you alone. What do you mean by quitting at this time?"

Flender was anxious. He also wanted to rely on Lingmo to win a championship and expand Shrek Academy after returning.

"Yes! Xiaomo, why did you suddenly give up? Did something happen?"

Tang San said with concern, based on his understanding of Ling Mo, he would not give up without any reason, there must be a reason.

"It's very simple! Wuhun Palace...has already targeted me. If nothing else happens, there will be a storm after the competition.

I need to prepare well, so... I won't participate in the competition.

You should have already felt that there are spies from Wuhun Palace all around. You don’t need to think too much, they are just coming for me.

He’s also here for Shrek Academy!

In order to ensure the safety of everyone, I need to plan carefully. If everything is guaranteed, I will take everyone back..."

Ling Mo said what was in her heart, and everyone fell silent.

They naturally knew that Ling Mo, as the sect leader, was the first to bear the brunt of Wuhun Palace's hatred towards the Ghost Sect.

"What are you going to do? Earlier you secretly gathered a team and killed so many people in Wuhun Palace.

This time, they will definitely not give up. It will be difficult to leave safely..."

Flanders said worriedly, he was already aware of this problem.

"If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have let you come to Wuhun City. Now, leaving is a problem..."

"Fland, when did you become sentimental? Things haven't reached that point yet. Even if Wuhun Palace wants to do it, it doesn't dare to do it openly.

Moreover, they have no reason to take action! Unless they still use the old method before, using ambush.

Otherwise, what excuse do they have to attack us? Liu Erlong said seriously.

It can only be said that her thoughts were too simple.

No force would allow an existence that could threaten its own status, let alone such a threat that would have inextricable grievances with them.

"You can rest assured! I have arranged everything. I guarantee that you will leave Wuhun City one by one.

Of course, I dared to enter the city even though I knew there was a dead end, which proved that I had a way to leave.

How you play the game is how you play it, without considering these factors.

Leave everything to me! I will make proper arrangements for you..."

Ling Mo said with a smile, and everyone saw confidence in his smile, extremely confident.

Then I felt relieved, and Lingmo’s words proved it! He had already made all preparations.

Based on everyone's understanding of him, it was impossible for him to lie to them, nor was it necessary to lie to them.

"But if you don't participate, with our strength, how can we defeat each other..."

Oscar said worriedly.

Currently, Shrek Academy's biggest trump card is Lingmo, its most stable point.

If even Ling Mo doesn't participate, then... they have no chance of winning.

"You brat, how can you inflate other people's ambitions and destroy your own prestige? You are not weaker than the other person, it's just that you haven't explored your potential."

Ling Mo hates that iron can't make steel. This kid has always been the most negative. It will definitely not be good if this continues.

"Xiao Mo is right! After several years of training, your team's tacit understanding has already exceeded everyone's understanding.

Even without Xiaomo, you can still win!

Your only shortcoming is your lack of self-confidence.

Mistress, do you still remember what I told you? Your Clear Sky Hammer will be the most dazzling thing in this competition..."

The master suddenly said.

"Haotian Hammer? Teacher, you mean..."

Tang San suddenly remembered what the master had said to him.

It turned out that before Ling Mo returned to the team, the Shrek Seven Devils had secretly trained many tactics and various coordination skills.

Among them is a seven-in-one fusion skill, which uses Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer as the core to display the true form of Clear Sky.

If Haotian appears in person, then... there will be no suspense in this soul battle.

However, this is still a theoretical fusion technique, and they have not yet really tested how to use it.

"Since Xiao Mo won't participate, the only chance now is to use this move.

If it doesn't work, the field will change and the tactical arrangements are all under your command. It's best to adapt to circumstances.

It doesn't matter if we lose, as long as we can ensure that everyone is safe, that is the best result. "

The master said that to this day, he still doubts whether this theory is true.

Because too many theories he created were broken by Ling Mo and Tang San, he now began to doubt himself.

"Master, when did you become so unsure?

Do not worry! Although I have never seen them perform the seven-in-one fusion technique, I can tell that it will definitely succeed..."

Ling Mo has the ability to foresee things. Without him, Shrek Academy would still win.

Not to mention, Shrek Academy's most powerful killing move, Haotian's identity was not exposed in advance.

This is really a killing move. How powerful the Clear Sky Hammer is, I think the chrysanthemum and the old ghost in Wuhun Palace must have felt it deeply.

"Okay, everyone, cheer up. Where is your fighting spirit?"

Ling Mo has said everything that needs to be said, but whether they can win or not is up to them.

Anyway, Ling Mo never cared about winning or losing, he was thinking about different things than Tang San and the others.

What Tang San and the others considered was the honor of the academy and the honor of the competition area.

What Ling Mo considers is Guimen's interests and his own interests.

This time during his trip to the Spirit Hall, he had already brought out all his old tricks. Whether he could make a smooth profit depends on the performance of Tang San and the others.


Tang San stepped forward. Ling Mo was gone, so he was the only backbone.

With his encouragement, everyone's morale suddenly soared, and everyone burst out with a strong fighting spirit.

"We are the Shrek Seven Devils!"

In the chorus of shouts, everyone's fighting spirit was aroused.

"Yes, we are the Shrek Seven Monsters! No opponent can stop us! Fight..."

Dai Mubai responded, once again boosting morale.

Seeing their fighting spirit, Flanders, Master, and Liu Erlong looked at each other and smiled, as if they had seen them in their youth.

With a happy smile in his eyes, it was enough for Shrek Academy to reach this point.

Regardless of whether they can win the championship next, they are already content. As long as these children are fine, that is the best result.

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