After leaving the room, Ling Mo passed through a long corridor and could clearly feel the hidden eyes around him.

But he wouldn't pay attention and walked straight into Dugu Bo's room.


Dugu Bo was ready. He had been waiting for this day for a long time.

"Have all the disciples outside been summoned now?"

Ling Mo entered the room and did not shy away. He sat directly on the table on the side and looked at the people outside and said.

Those outside are not people from the Ghost Sect, but people from the Wuhun Palace.

“Everything is ready, the entire Wuhun City belongs to us.

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There are three thousand disciples from Tianji Pavilion and two thousand from Zangfeng Valley. In addition, I specially summoned four thousand people from Yama Hall.

In addition, five thousand people from the Elephant Armor Sect have also arrived, and Wuhun City is now very lively.

Once they dare to take action, they will definitely be removed from Wuhun Hall...

In addition to the more than a thousand Yin soldiers in hand, there are seven titled Douluo.

Haha, I have already imagined the next scene! Wuhun Palace doesn’t know what method it can use to fight against this huge army. "

Dugu Bo said excitedly, holding heavy weapons in his hands, and he felt confident when he spoke.

"Yes! You did a good job, but... now is not the time to get rid of Wuhundian. Unless it is absolutely necessary, try not to expose too much strength.

The Wuhun Palace hides clumsiness, and we must also hide clumsiness. If a tree is as beautiful as the forest wind, it will be destroyed. You should understand this truth.

Now the ghost gate is standing on the cusp of the storm, and everyone wants to come up and take a bite.

If you want to develop smoothly, and for the smooth implementation of future plans, you should try to keep as much as you can..."

Ling Mo said slowly, Dugu Bo didn't quite understand what he said.

Is it just for the sake of fame that you mobilized so many people?

"Sect Master, I don't quite understand what you mean!" Dugu Bo said doubtfully.

"It's very simple! Our main task this time is to protect the safe evacuation of all students in the Tiandou Division.

In addition... there will be a big change next, and what we have to do is to express our position to Wuhun Palace in this change.

Then, by the way, he extorted a huge sum of money, and that was about it.

It is said that all the hustle and bustle in the world is for benefit, and the hustle and bustle in the world is for benefit.

We came here with such great force, wouldn't it be a pity if we didn't extort money? "

Ling Mo sneered.

He summoned so many people not just to protect him from evacuating safely, but for a profit.

The word "profit" can be money or power.

Ling Mo needs to establish enough prestige to let everyone know that the Ghost Sect... is not an empty name.

If you want to recruit more talents, reputation is really important. Only by building a reputation can more talents come here.

Wuhun Palace is just the beginning, and the next step is to wait for an ups and downs opportunity.

"I understand! To put it simply, it's just showing off. I'm familiar with this..."

Dugu Bo said with a smile, suddenly feeling that this feeling was so good.

"What's going on in the Wuhun Palace right now?"

Ling Mo looked out the window, and those few eyeliners that he thought were well hidden were exposed in his eyes.

"It's unclear at the moment! But there are dangers all around. It's obvious that the other party doesn't intend to let us leave alive.

Conflict is inevitable, and if nothing else happens... it may be today.

Today, the Pope's Palace secretly mobilized a team of ten thousand people and dispersed them to various urban areas.

There are people stationed even outside the city. To be honest... Sect Leader, if you hadn't had the foresight to arrange your manpower in advance.

Under such intense control, even I dare not say that I can escape..."

Dugu Bo said with lingering fear.

Wuhun Palace seems determined to keep Ling Mo in Wuhun City this time, otherwise it would not have summoned so many people.

This seemingly peaceful street is actually full of undercurrents and murderous intent.

Murderous intent can be seen everywhere, just waiting to explode completely when a storm comes.

"Is there any trace of Tang Hao?"

Ling Mo said suddenly.

If nothing goes wrong, Xiao Wu will definitely reveal his true colors this time.

The elixir Ling Mo gave her before could only serve as a cover. Once she entered a fighting state, she would be easily exposed.

Not to mention, under the watchful eyes of many titled Douluo, he could be exposed if he is not careful.

This is inevitable. If her soul power were higher, she could completely avoid this possibility.

"Tang Hao? No, he hasn't shown up yet..." Dugu Bo said doubtfully.

He was very confused, why did Ling Mo suddenly mention Tang Hao? What does this matter have to do with Tang Hao?

"Didn't Tang Hao come?" Ling Mo was also confused. Is this drunkard really not here?

He didn't believe that his son was in the enemy's home, so he could just sit back and watch?

If Tang Hao doesn't show up, then this time, he can only rely on himself.

If nothing happens to Xiao Wu, Ling Mo must be protected! Just by calling her brother, Xiaowu would be safe.

The current situation has not yet reached the point of no return. Maybe we are lucky and Xiao Wu is not exposed?

If it is not exposed, this is the best result and can save Lingmo a lot of trouble.

"Why did the sect master suddenly mention Tang Hao?"

Dugu Bo thought for a long time, but still couldn't figure it out.

"Damn it, who do you need me to say? Have you forgotten who his son is?"

Ling Mo said speechlessly.

When Dugu Bo heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly realized.

"Now that I think about it, isn't Tang San his son? I actually forgot about it.

Alas, he looks really old! ! My memory is getting worse.

But having said that, Tang Hao was also a fierce man. He beat the previous pope to death with a hammer.

Wuhun Palace and Haotian Sect have always had their grudges, but it seems that this time it’s going to be lively! If Tang Hao doesn't show up now, he must be hiding. When he should show up, he will definitely show up..."

Dugu Bo looked admiring. He had never conquered many people in his life, and Tang Hao was one of them.

This is really a fierce guy!

"He is indeed a fierce man!"

Ling Mo praised.

But the fierceness he said was different from the fierceness Dugubo said.

His fierceness refers to the Blue Silver Emperor, and Dugu Bo's fierceness refers to Qian Xunji.

Ling Mo remembered that there was another ancestral motto of the Tang family, which said that to start with a hundred thousand years, you only need soul beasts.

But compared to Tang Hao, Ling Mo envied Qian Xunji even more. Only those who understand people can know how happy Qian Xunji was that night.

Ling Mo admired his father-in-law very much, but it was a pity that he never had the chance to meet him.

Lingmo can't understand her father-in-law's happiness! However, Qian Renxue is actually not bad, and Ling Mo is also quite happy.

Ahem...why did we get sidetracked again while chatting!

"Okay, everything goes as planned! Let's go, let's go to the Pope's Palace..."

This time, Ling Mo entered the Pope's Palace as the leader of the Ghost Sect and a special guest.

Rather than entering as a participating student, the treatment you receive is also different.

This may be the happiness of successful people. Under the gaze of everyone, becoming the focus of the audience, no one can understand the pleasure of success.

Invincible, how lonely it is!

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