"Sect Master, the team has been assembled..."

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After leaving Wuhun City, Dugubo had already gathered everyone who had been brought by Guimen this time.

β€œDon’t bring them back yet, first escort all the Tiandou competition teams participating this time back, so that Wuhun Palace will not regret it.

These people are all rare geniuses and potential stocks, and they can win over as many as they can.

After this battle, they must now have a caliper to measure their future, and they will make the right choice. "

This time, Guimen has completely established its reputation, and next... it will begin to take over all aspects of Wuhun Palace.

For example, the martial soul awakens, discovers potential talents, opens a ghost school, and establishes a reputation.

Finally, taking over from Wuhundian in terms of business, reputation, and all aspects, even if he can't completely replace them, he can still poke a hole in them.

With this capital, it can help Guimen expand business connections and develop into the number one wealthy family in a few years.

Ling Mo has confidence in the Tang Sect's hidden weapons. When the time comes, the puppets will be put on the market and they will be searched for.

However, the puppet is a nuclear bomb. It is very dangerous to put it on the market and can easily cause fire.

Therefore, if you want to put the puppet into the market, you must do something to keep the ghost gate at the highest level.

"Okay! I'll do it now..."

Dugu Bo had already understood and immediately went to make arrangements. The more than 10,000 ghost sect disciples also disappeared from everyone's sight one after another.

However, they did not leave, but spread out and protected themselves around to avoid another ambush from Wuhun Palace.

Among the fifteen teams in the Tiandou Division, there were not as many people as there were when they arrived, because many people left one after another.

In front of Shrek's team, Tang San and Xiao Wu had been taken away by Tang Hao, and everyone looked very depressed.

"Dean Flanders, this time... your Shrek Academy has offended the Spirit Hall, and the future will not be easy.

In the future, if you are useful, please come to my Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, but please ask, if we can help, we will never be vague..."

In front of the team, Ning Fengzhi said sincerely.

"Zongzhu Ning is joking! This time the soul master competition is over and these children have also graduated.

Just take Rongrong away. It is much safer to stay in the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect than in our Shrek Academy.

It’s a complete breakup this time, and I don’t know... how Wuhun Palace will retaliate against us next! "

Flanders didn't look very good. He had worked hard to run Shrek Academy for so many years, and he really didn't want to get involved in the fight between the two major forces.

"Dean, don't worry! Wuhun Palace will not be reduced to attacking an academy.

Moreover! As long as I'm here, they haven't been bold enough yet..."

Ling Mo smiled and said, he could see Flender's inner worry, but... things are already like this, they must end.

Since the ghost gate is under control, it must be controlled to the end! Moreover, Wuhun Palace does not have to go against an academy.

"Xiao Mo is right! Wuhun Palace will not take action against Shrek Academy, so don't worry!

I’ll take Rongrong away! Thank you for your hard work and hard work during this period..."

Ning Fengzhi said sincerely, if Ning Rongrong had not gone to Shrek Academy, she would probably still be the young lady she was.

It can be said that she has changed a lot and grown a lot.

"Rongrong, let's say goodbye to everyone..."

Turning to look at Ning Rongrong behind him, he found that she kept her head down and said nothing, obviously very intolerant.

Xiao Wu and Tang San left one after another, and now she has to leave too. The Shrek Seven Devils will be separated today.

"Silly girl! Why are you crying? It's not about separation between life and death..."

Ling Mo couldn't help but feel distressed when he saw her tearful eyes.

"Goodbye everyone, I will visit you when I have time..."

Finally, Ning Rongrong greeted everyone and left with the Qibao Glazed Sect's team.

She was the third one to leave after Tang San and Xiao Wu.

"Hey, little monsters! There is no such thing as a banquet that lasts forever. Your future is very broad and should not be limited to a small academy.

Starting today, all of you graduate! I wish you a bright future and success.

Okay, we meet but part ways, you... have graduated..."

Flanders said seriously, this sentence... he had been holding back for a long time, and finally said it.

"Dean! We will come back to see you..."

Grandmaster was very haggard along the way, probably because he was in a very low mood because of Tang San's departure.

And Liu Erlong has been following him silently.

"Okay, everyone...that's it for now!"

As everyone watched, the Golden Triangle and Qin Ming left one after another.

Of this mighty team, only Ling Mo, Zhu Zhuqing, Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, Oscar, Jiangzhu, Jing Ling, Huang Yuan, and Tai Long were left.

"Fat man, what are your plans? Should you go back with me, or go out on your own..."

Ling Mo looked at Ma Hongjun. He had said before that he wanted to go out on his own, but he didn't know if he had changed his mind now.

"Hey, you all went back to the ghost gate! I'll go and have a look too. There's a beauty there. It wouldn't be a pity not to take a look.

After reading it, I will go out for a swim and talk about it. "

Ma Hongjun said with a sly smile. He had heard Ling Mo say many times that there were many beauties in the underworld, and he wanted to test the truth.

"Haha, you damn fat man! Dogs can't change eating shit..."

Ling Mo laughed angrily, and everyone started to rush to the ghost gate while chatting and laughing.

On the way, Tai Lung said goodbye to everyone and returned to his family.

He is from the Force Clan and the Haotian Sect, so...it is impossible to go back to the Ghost Gate with them.

"Zhuqing, what are you thinking about?"

On the way, Zhu Zhuqing remained silent, and Ling Mo couldn't help but worry.

"No, I'm just a little bit reluctant to leave! So many people left at once..."

Girls are always so sentimental. They say that the innocent years of school are the best. This sentence is absolutely true.

It has been three years since we walked from Soto City to Tiandou City. In these three years, we have become close friends with each other.

Nowadays, one by one is leaving, and it is inevitable to feel the pain of parting.

However, this is life! It's normal to get together and part ways, and to get together and part ways.

"Okay! Don't you still have me? Don't worry! From now on... I will always be by your side..."

Ling Mo gently held her in his arms and gently stroked her hair. A pure fragrance spread out, making people intoxicated.

"Hmm..." Zhu Zhuqing did not object, even though under the gaze of everyone, the little bird snuggled into Ling Mo's arms like a human being.

"By the way Mubai! I asked you to call me Shang Yue'er, where is she?"

After passing through the Sunset Forest, they were about to arrive at the Ghost Gate, but there was still no sign of Shui Yue'er, so Ling Mo couldn't help but ask questions.

He had said before that he would try out Dai Mubai and Shui Yue'er, but now only Dai Mubai came with him, but Shui Yue'er was not there.

"She! She said she wanted to go back and tell her family. She should be here soon..."

Dai Mubai spread his hands and said.

"Okay! Let's go back first..."

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