"Okay, here we are! This is the ghost gate..."

When they came to a mountain stream, Ling Mo stopped and said.

"Brother Mo, where is the ghost gate? Why didn't I see it..."

Ma Hongjun looked at this head and looked around curiously, but he didn't find where the ghost gate was!

The mountain stream here is shrouded in a layer of smoke and looks very gloomy. A mountain road goes up ruggedly and has many dense nodes, which is very strange.

"It's right in front of you!"

Ling Mo said funny, everyone looked at him curiously after hearing what he said.


I found that the top of the mountain was completely shrouded in fog and nothing could be seen.

He was speechless and said: "I feel like you are fooling us. Where is the house here? Where is the house?"

"Don't worry! Watch..."

Seeing how anxious they were, Ling Mo found it funny.

As he spoke, he slowly raised his right hand, and saw that beam of light flickering, gently peeling away the clouds, and the illusion emerged from the clouds.

"Holy crap, is it so magical?"

The clouds and mist peeled away, and I saw... on top of the mountain stream, overlooking the beauty of the sky with the power of reaching the top, showing a series of luxurious halls.

This unique construction of the main hall is completely different from the modern-style buildings of other sects. There are very few buildings of this style on the mainland.

It is like a fairy palace, floating above the clouds, full of fairy spirit.

After thinking about it carefully, I could vaguely hear a sound echoing faintly in the mountain stream, like the sound of the great road flowing slowly.

That was the sound of chanting by the disciples of the Ghost Sect, who were chanting scriptures in the pavilion and water pavilion.

This is a compulsory course for the disciples of the Ghost Sect. It is a lesson that must be recited every morning and has become a cultural custom within the sect.

A long staircase leads directly to the top of the mountain, giving people a feeling of climbing to the sky. Especially in this cloud and mist, it looks even more mysterious and sacred.

"Let's go! Follow me up the mountain..."

With that said, Ling Mo led everyone towards the mountain. Everyone was amazed by the scenery in front of them.

"It's so beautiful here! Damn, there are flowers and rain over there..."

On the mountainside, Ma Hongjun, who had wild eyes, saw the cliffs on the edge of the north mountain and the clouds in the sea of ​​peach blossoms, and his eyes widened.

The petals fell slowly, forming a beautiful landscape.

"Xiao Mo, your ghost family has done really well. It's even more impressive than my family..."

Even Dai Mubai admired it, saying that he had never seen any scenes or luxurious palaces.

But... the ghost gate in front of him gave him a very amazing feeling. Every step he took was as beautiful as being in a fairyland.

"Hey, can we live in the sea of ​​flowers over there?"

Oscar suggested in a panic.


Who knows, before Ling Mo spoke, Zhu Zhuqing refused first.

"Uh..." This made Oscar a little embarrassed. He just thought the scenery there was nice and wanted to live there.

Who knew Zhu Zhuqing had such a big reaction? Could there be some secret there?

"Haha, what are you thinking about? That's the female disciple's residence over there. It's hard for you to go in casually.

Those female disciples were like wolves and tigers. If a man got in here, he would probably walk out holding on to the wall.

Moreover, my ghost sect has regulations that men are not allowed to enter Beishan at will. Even I don’t dare to go..."

Ling Mo said amusedly.

It's not that he can't go, but he doesn't dare to go. The beauties inside are like hungry wolves. If he goes in, he won't be able to walk even if he holds on to the wall.

Moreover, if Zhu Zhuqing found out that he sneaked in, he would probably die.

"Damn it, where do all the beauties live? It makes me itch.

Brother Mo, you promised me that you would show us around, so you can’t go back on your word..."

As soon as he heard that all the beauties were there, the fat man became excited.

"You can visit! When will I stop talking? If you have the ability, pick up as many beauties as you can, and I can pretend not to see..."

Ling Mo said amusedly.

Just after I finished speaking, I felt a pain in my waist. No need to think, it must be Zhu Zhuqing.

"Fat man, stop hitting on your evil thoughts. Those girls on Beishan Mountain are all inexperienced girls.

If you are sincere to others, I have no objection, but... if you treat them as toys, be careful with me, hum..."

It seems that Zhu Zhuqing protects the girls in Beishan very much. After all...she asked Ling Mo to buy half of the people there, and she knows the situation of those girls very well.

"As I said, when did I become irresponsible! People have always dumped me, and when have I dumped others?

When you first entered the college, I still miss that green flower in the village next to our college, Fatty.

It's a pity that people don't want to follow me, what can I do..."

When he mentioned this, Fatty was speechless.

Men, is there anything wrong with being strong? Two or three times a day isn't too much, right?


"Haha, you damn fat man! You have a lot of anger, don't you? Do you want me to vent it for you..."

Ling Mo pretended to be sinister and said, and took out a pair of scissors from somewhere. The fat man was so frightened that he quickly retreated.

"Hey, no need! I like beautiful women, not men..."



After walking for a while, we finally went up the mountain.

"Meet the sect master, the sect master's wife..."

As soon as they arrived at the gate, the two gatekeeper disciples shouted respectfully.

"Well, thank you for your hard work! Have Elder Dugu and his team returned?"

"Not yet! A group of people have returned early, and another group was delayed on the road because the escort team had a long distance..."

"Well, I got it!"

After getting the news he wanted to know, Lingmo led everyone in.

Lingmo had previously issued an order to let Dugu Bo escort the participating teams back this time, and also... find an opportunity to win over these people.

Some people have already returned early, and some are on the way. Calculating the time, they should be one or two days later than them and will be back soon.

"Meet the Sect Master, Sect Master's Wife!"

Entering the Yama Palace, everyone in the martial arts field shouted respectfully.

Most of the disciples of Guimen knew Zhu Zhuqing, because Dugu Bo was very efficient and drew their portraits for all the disciples of Guimen to recognize, so as to avoid any problems.

Therefore... whether it was Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong, Qian Renxue, Xuewu Shuibing'er, or Dugu Yan, they could enter Guimen at will, and no one dared to stop them.

Zhu Zhuqing was obviously a little timid in such a big battle, but she still responded, "Well, hello, everyone!"

In terms of momentum, there may be a little pressure, so she did not give people the momentum that a master's wife should have, and she was close to everyone.

"Let's go! I'll take you on a tour and arrange accommodation for you..."

Lingmo greeted everyone and continued to walk up the mountain with a group of people.

Yama Palace belongs to the front palace, and the real core place is still the place above the Zhaixing Tower, such as the back mountain, which is the real core of Guimen.

Tianji Pavilion and Cangfeng Valley are both in the back mountain, and there is also a trial field, which is also in the back mountain.

Yama Palace can only be said to be a springboard. New disciples must go through the assessment of Yama Palace before they can enter the deeper back mountain and contact secrets.

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