"When did you build so many fancy things? There was nothing there when I came last time..."

On the way back to Yulangxuan, Zhu Zhuqing kept looking around. She found that...the Ghost Gate had changed a lot since she left for a few months.


The changes in the back mountain were the biggest, and she knew nothing about it.

Especially the trial field, it was incredible.

"Those things were built recently. In fact, many of them were made when I took time to come back during the competition.

Some of them were made by the disciples in the sect themselves. Overall, they are pretty good!

The biggest change must be in the back mountain.

In the back mountain, I set up three areas, a hidden Feng Valley, a Tianji Pavilion, and a trial field.

Among them, the hidden Feng Valley is a place for forging hidden weapons and puppets, and the Tianji Pavilion is an intelligence agency and a combat agency.

This time you also saw that the combat ability of the disciples of the Tianji Pavilion can be said to be very abnormal, and they are highly mobile.

When more and more people enter the Tianji Pavilion and cast a wide net, soon... I can control the entire continent..."

Lingmo's words were very bold, and Zhu Zhuqing was terrified when she heard them.

It was hard for her to imagine how ambitious the man she loved deeply was.

She had never seen Lingmo's ambition before, but now she was shocked in her heart.

Of course...she liked Lingmo's ambition very much, because a man without ambition would not have much success.

It is precisely because of this ambition that he will become more powerful.

"Hehe, I didn't expect it! You think too far ahead. The changes in Guimen are indeed quite big. I am a little doubtful. Is this still the Guimen I know..." Zhu Zhuqing said gently, with an inexplicably sad look in her eyes.

"You also said that as the hostess of Guimen, you haven't even come to your own home a few times. Should you be punished..." Lingmo pretended to blame.

"Isn't it because I have you? Why do I need to worry about these things? And I don't understand..." Zhu Zhuqing was rarely naughty and happy, which made Lingmo very excited.

"You, I really can't do anything about you!"

Back to Yulangxuan, in front of the Yuxie Water Tower, the two hugged each other and watched the mountain scenery.

Lingmo said gently: "Zhuqing, do you have a feeling that time passes quickly, slowly... many things have changed!"

Lingmo's sudden sigh made Zhu Zhuqing very puzzled.


"Do you remember the first time we met?"

Lingmo suddenly smiled evilly, speaking of it... their encounter was very strange, and even TV dramas dare not play it like this.

"How dare you mention that? You were an out-and-out hooligan back then..." Zhu Zhuqing said angrily, then smiled gently and snuggled into Lingmo's arms.

"You said that as if I'm not a hooligan now..."

As soon as she finished speaking, Lingmo's hand had already reached in dishonestly, and Zhu Zhuqing's face suddenly changed, but she didn't reject it.

"Oh, look what I found, in broad daylight, in the open, someone actually did this kind of thing in public, so shameless..."

At this time, a teasing voice came from the side, and the voice was very familiar to both of them.

"Sister Xue! When did you come back..."

Hearing that voice, Zhu Zhuqing turned around happily and saw Qian Renxue sitting on the top floor of the pavilion, with one foot comfortably resting on it, looking at the two people and laughing.

"My Zhuqing is still good, and she knows to care about me, unlike someone who doesn't even ask..."

Qian Renxue smiled. She had just returned to the empire, reported the situation to Xue Ye, and ran to the ghost gate impatiently.

She was so tired for this competition and was about to adjust her condition with the help of the cold jade bed.

Therefore, after reporting to Xue Ye, she rushed to the Ghost Gate without stopping.

Who knew that she saw Lingmo trying to do something good as soon as she returned to Yulangxuan, and she interrupted him out of bad taste.

It must be said that she and Lingmo are really a perfect match. Both of them are full of bad taste.

However, Lingmo's bad taste is usually directed at others, but she is good, all her bad taste is directed at Lingmo.

It's like they were enemies in the previous life, which is too much.

"Dead girl, when did I not care about you!"

Lingmo said unhappily, but to be honest... he really didn't worry about Qian Renxue's safety. Who else in the world could hurt her?

She is a Soul Douluo, and she has a bunch of treasures given by Lingmo. Even if she can't beat those Title Douluos, she can still run away.

What's more, with her identity, who dares to touch her? With the two powerful backgrounds of Tiandou Empire and Wuhun Hall, even Lingmo dare not make her angry.

"Tsk! You still care about me, I don't believe it..."

"You are wronging me, when did I not care about you!"

"Do you think I will believe it? You wish I would not come back, so that you can bully my Zhuqing..."

"What do you mean your Zhuqing, it's obviously mine!"

Lingmo was immediately unhappy when she heard this, when did Zhu Zhuqing become hers.

"I don't care, Zhuqing is mine! Don't pay attention to Zhuqing, hum..."

Qian Renxue said angrily, but her eyes were full of tenderness. She stood up directly from there, walked to Lingmo's side, and snatched Zhu Zhuqing away.

She just didn't want Lingmo to do anything bad, and deliberately made Lingmo uncomfortable.

This young lady is getting more and more naughty. It can be said that among all the women of Lingmo, only she dares to sing against Lingmo.

"Zhuqing, let's go! Don't talk to this heartless person, hum..."

Glancing at Lingmo playfully, Qian Renxue directly took Zhu Zhuqing back to Yulangxuan.

"Hehe, Sister Xue! It's not good to leave him here alone..." Zhu Zhuqing was a little reluctant. She was more considerate of Lingmo, unlike Qian Renxue, who always went against him.

"Alas, you! You are just too kind, so you are always bullied by him.

This time, you must not be soft-hearted. Just leave him here and don't let him go to bed! See if he dares to go out and mess around."

Qian Renxue is too bad. She went against Lingmo herself and had to instigate Zhu Zhuqing. This time Lingmo is in tragedy.

"Damn, you are too much!"

"Tsk, I don't want to care about you, Zhuqing, let's go..."

With that, Qian Renxue pulled Zhu Zhuqing away.

This time, Zhu Zhuqing was alone and far away from home. She could see Zhu Zhuqing's loneliness, so she needed to counsel her psychologically.

Obviously... Qian Renxue's comfort was much more effective than Lingmo's. Maybe it was because she was a woman. Zhu Zhuqing basically believed what she said, but Lingmo's words... couldn't be believed at all. It was too bad.

"Damn, it's too much! Steal my wife..."

Lingmo was depressed after watching Qian Renxue take Zhu Zhuqing away. This woman was getting more and more naughty.

Not only did she ruin his good deeds, but she also stole his wife. This was a bit unreasonable.

However, Lingmo could see that she wanted to give Zhu Zhuqing psychological counseling and teach her something, so Lingmo didn't stop her.

"Master, Elder Dugu is back..." At this time, a voice came from outside, reported by the disciples who reported the news inside.

These disciples could only use the method of sound transmission to transmit the sound inside, and did not dare to enter Yulangxuan.

Because Lingmo had ordered that no one should step into Yulang Pavilion in order to let Qian Renxue and the others have a good rest, and anyone who disobeyed the order would be killed.

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