Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people's martial arts spirits

Chapter 319 The Secret of the Evil Soul Master

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"Are you finally back?"

After hearing that Dugu Bo was back, Ling Mo's usual playful smile turned solid.

Looking back, she found that Qian Renxue and Zhu Zhuqing had already returned to Yulangxuan. Ling Mo got up and left the corridor directly to go to the Star Building.

As soon as he arrived at Zhai Xing Tower, he saw Dugu Bo standing on the window sill in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Old monster! How is things going..."

Ling Mo came to the desk and sat down, looked at Dugu Bo and said.

โ€œA few days ago, all the talents we can win over have been roped in, and everything is going according to plan.

The escort team outside also returned to the mountain! This time we have a great victory..."

Dugu Bo smiled happily. Although his face was a little tired, he could not suppress his joy.

"Well! In the next time, Wuhun Palace should not make any big moves.

We just need to develop secretly, and when the time is right, we will be one of the unifiers of the world.

The sun rises and the wind rises, a battle will determine the outcome!

It's time to arrange some things immediately. Starting today, we will start working on the awakening of civilian martial arts souls.

Regardless of whether they are nobles or commoners, try to win over whoever you can, and start the registration of soul masters and other establishments.

Didnโ€™t Wuhun Palace and the Empire distribute money? Letโ€™s develop our industry first, and we will also distribute money.

I donโ€™t believe it... If you have money, you can still push the devil. If you have money, are you afraid that talents will not come in? "

Ling Mo had a plan a long time ago, and Dugu Bo also knew it, so there was no need for Ling Mo to explain in detail what to do, he also knew what to do next.

"Understood! But Sect Leader, there is no trace of what you asked me to investigate before. Is it wrong?"

Dugu Bo said seriously.

What Ling Mo asked him to investigate secretly was none other than the dark figure that appeared in Wuhun City that day, the evil soul master that Bibi Dong said.

However, from Ling Mo's perspective, that was no ordinary evil soul master, but a soul master who had been invaded by dark blood and had completely transformed into a dark creature.

However, their consciousness is still there, and their spiritual intelligence also exists! It can also be regarded as a soul master.

However, their beliefs have changed, become extreme and evil, and are about to stir up a storm and destroy the world.

There is no so-called good and evil in the world, but there is righteousness!

This property is completely different.

If they were just doing evil, Ling Mo could completely ignore them, but... what they wanted to do was not just to do evil, but to destroy this continent.

Then...from the perspective of justice, Lingmo must take care of it to the end.

Moreover, Lingmo also has feelings in this continent, and there are so many close relatives and important people living here. If it is destroyed, they will all become homeless.

More importantly, these evil soul masters, or in other words, these dark creatures, have a deep cause and effect with Ling Mo.

Because of the existence of the Third Generation Bronze Coffin, some things that should not have appeared on this continent appeared quietly.

As heretics, Ling Mo was bound to eradicate them as well.

"The matter of the evil soul master! Don't worry about it for now. These creatures are extremely terrifying. Once you are deeply involved in cause and effect, it will be difficult for you to escape.

I may have to go out for a while! Personally investigate the secrets of the evil soul master.

When the time comes, Iโ€™ll leave the ghost gate to you! I hope... everything will not develop in a bad direction..."

In the end, Ling Mo's voice was a little low because the appearance of the evil soul master disrupted his plan.

Now... he had to temporarily give up the pressure on Wuhun Palace and focus all his energy on the evil soul master.

Therefore, Ling Mo had no time to deal with the Wuhun Palace and could only leave it to Dugu Bo to deal with it himself.

"Sect Master, I still don't understand. What are these evil soul masters you are talking about?"

Dugu Bo wondered. He heard Ling Mo say that he felt very serious, but he couldn't see what the seriousness was.

There should be no one else who truly understands the evil soul master except Wuhundian.

If you really want to say that there is, you may have to ascend to the divine world, or other worlds.

For example, what is the name of the continent that has not yet come close to it, the Sun and Moon Continent?

In fact, Ling Mo still didn't know much about these, so he needed to investigate it himself.

"The so-called evil soul masters are a group of people with very extreme ideas. As you can tell from their names, they are also soul masters.

It's just that... their thoughts are extremely distorted, they believe in massacre and destruction, and their methods are extremely cruel.

Moreover... their bodies have long been infected by some unknown things, just like puppets in our hands, becoming pawns for others to dominate the world.

Maybe... someone is monitoring this world, but we didn't find it. "

After listening to Ling Mo's words, Dugu Bo was stunned on the spot.

In his knowledge, there is no concept of evil soul master at all.

Although he had reached the level of a titled Douluo in his life, his horizons had reached the limit.

He didn't expect that Ling Mo, who was not even higher than him, could think so far and see things that he couldn't see.

This may be what makes Lingmo so unique! This is also the reason why he is so willing to sacrifice his life for Ling Mo.

Although at the beginning, he was threatened by Ling Mo to join the ghost sect, but slowly, he has been convinced by Ling Mo's methods.

"I didn't expect that there are such people in the world! Sect Master, what are your plans next?"

Dugu Bo said in shock, with a complicated heart.

"Just wait and see! Not only us, but also the Spirit Hall has been observing the whereabouts of the evil soul master. If necessary, we may still have a chance to join forces..."

Ling Mo smiled meaningfully, as if he saw a scene in the future.

This sounds ridiculous, but... when the world collapses, it is not as simple as ridiculous.

Although Dugu Bo does not believe it, it is the fact.

If the Spirit Hall continues to track down the whereabouts of the evil soul master, it will inevitably form an alliance with the Ghost Gate.

"Okay! According to the previous plan, we should do what we should do. We should speed up the expansion of Tianji Pavilion. I need to control the changes in the whole continent as soon as possible. We can't lack intelligence.

Also, the number of newly introduced disciples is huge, and it is obviously a bit crowded.

Order, starting from tomorrow, Guimen will expand in the direction of sunset, and add a few more halls to prepare for emergencies."

Now there are as many as 50,000 to 60,000 people in Guimen. Such a large number is obviously not enough for three hills.

Therefore, expansion is inevitable, otherwise it will be embarrassing.

Now Guimen is not short of money, really... Lingmo has never had so much money in his two lives, and suddenly he doesn't like money.

"I understand! Leave these things to me, and for the rest... you still have to be more careful.

The lives of all of us are tied to you alone, so don't get too excited. If you go out and have fun, we'll be in trouble..."

"Damn it, you bastard, when have I ever been out and about! That's too much..."

Dugu Bo was so unserious that Lingmo laughed in anger!

Change the update time! Updates will be changed to 12 o'clock in the evening in the future.

Please give me some monthly tickets! Dear friends, please give me some monthly tickets, it's so hard for me...

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