"Okay! It's late at night, go back and rest early..."

After giving the last instruction, Lingmo left Zhaixing Tower first.

He was not in a hurry to investigate the evil soul master, because he still had plenty of time.

For now, it's better to solve all the things in front of him first.

"Where have you been? You haven't come back for so long, did you go to meet some little sister again..."

As soon as I returned to the East Building of Yulangxuan, I saw Qian Renxue and Zhu Zhuqing chatting by the window, Qian Renxue said dissatisfiedly.

"Where else can I go! I just went to explain something and have been in Zhaixing Tower..."

"Tell me, how do you want to end it now..."

Qian Renxue didn't ask Lingmo what he explained, but said directly.

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"End? Do you mean Wuhun Hall or Xingluo Empire?"

Lingmo was stunned for a moment and walked to the side of the two.

"What do you think? You've made such a big fuss this time, do you think they'll let it go? If you don't think about yourself, you should think about us...

Now you're already at the center of the storm, everyone is watching your every move, once something happens.

Ghost Gate will also fall, and we... won't end up any better!"

Lingmo was very moved by Qian Renxue's words, and unknowingly, she had tied herself to the Ghost Gate ship.

You can see it from this sentence.

"How else can it end? If the enemy comes, the general will stop it, and if the water comes, the earth will cover it! I don't care much about the Spirit Hall, but the Xingluo Empire!

Maybe it won't be long before the Xingluo royal family comes, but... they want to take Zhuqing back from me, they are just dreaming."

Lingmo said disdainfully, he has never been afraid of the Xingluo Empire, just as he said before.

Even if they set up a place to fight, they can't afford it!

"Hehe, not bad, a bit of manliness, it seems that I didn't make a mistake about him...

But don't worry, I can't interfere with the Spirit Hall, it's the Xingluo Empire.

Hehe, if they dare to touch my Zhuqing, I will make them never come back..."

Qian Renxue was very satisfied with Lingmo's answer. She had just done a lot of ideological work on Zhu Zhuqing.

Now, she no longer has any thoughts about that cold and ruthless home.

Going back means death, even if she doesn't die, she will still be in the cold and ruthless world, which is meaningless.

"Sister Xue, thank you!" Zhu Zhuqing was very moved when she heard Qian Renxue's domineering words.

Since she came to Shrek Academy and met Lingmo and Qian Renxue, she has experienced the feeling of being loved.

"Silly girl! What are you thanking me for? From now on, we are a family..." Qian Renxue gently touched Zhu Zhuqing's hair. She really likes Zhu Zhuqing.

For some reason, the more Lingmo looked at her, the more she looked like a rotten girl, and she felt that she liked Zhu Zhuqing more than herself.

"Xue'er, why don't you stay in the palace and come back to help me!"

Qian Renxue's ability is obvious to all, and Lingmo is in urgent need of help.

And Qian Renxue is definitely the best helper. Her ability can be said to be the strongest among all the people Lingmo knows.

If she can come back to help Lingmo, Lingmo can save a lot of trouble and spend more time dealing with evil soul masters.

"No! I still owe that woman a promise. After fulfilling this promise, I can come back to assist you wholeheartedly.

Not now, I have been lurking for so many years, and I am just one step away. If I give up now, it is impossible to get out..."

Qian Renxue refused. She could see Lingmo's current predicament and wanted to come back to help Lingmo very much.

But...the reality is cruel. She can't get away at all, and she can't show up at the ghost gate blatantly.

"You, leave those trivial matters to Zhuqing! It just so happens that there are only women on Beishan Mountain. Let Zhuqing practice and try it out first. If it works, Zhuqing will be in charge of Beishan Mountain in the future, which can also relieve your pressure..." Qian Renxue suggested that Zhu Zhuqing had no lack of ability, but only experience. Experience is gained through accumulation. Obviously... Beishan Mountain is a good place to practice. Because it is a pure land, unlike the male disciples here, the competition is very fierce and problems are easy to occur. It must be said that Qian Renxue's suggestion is very good. Lingmo looked at Zhu Zhuqing with expectation. "Me? I can't do it..." Zhu Zhuqing had never taken over such a thing before, so she refused as soon as she opened her mouth. "It's not that you can't do it, you just lack certain experience.

Growth... is to accumulate experience in constant training. This guy is very ambitious, and what he wants to do in the future is also crazy.

So, you must try to make yourself accept and adapt to some things to relieve his pressure."

Qian Renxue persuaded, and finally whispered in Zhu Zhuqing's ear: "Think about it again, this guy has so many women, if they all go up the mountain, you do nothing, you have no power, it's easy to suffer!

Only by being in power can you ensure that you are always in an advantageous position. How can you not even understand this truth..."

After listening to Qian Renxue's words, Zhu Zhuqing was silent, looked at Lingmo with a firm gaze and said: "Okay, I will take over Beishan..."

Their conversation naturally did not escape Lingmo's ears, but he did not stop it.

"Think clearly?" Lingmo said with a smile, how can Qian Renxue be better at fooling people than himself?

If this was a man, how many beauties would be fascinated by him.

"Yes!" Zhu Zhuqing replied firmly.

"Okay! Go directly to 3001 tomorrow. She has always been in charge of Beishan, and she is the most obedient to you.

Go to her and she will teach you how to do it. If you really can’t hold on anymore or are tired, come back..."

Ling Mo said softly, to be honest, if it weren't for the lack of manpower, he really wouldn't want Zhu Zhuqing to work so hard, mainly because he felt distressed.

"Oh... so gentle, why have I never seen you so gentle to me?

He was rude when we first met, and now he is so rude every day that he wants to destroy me..."

You don't need to think about who said these sour words.

"Holy crap, was it me who was rough on you? Wasn't it you who was rough on me?"

This is simply slander. Whether it is the first time or the latest time, Qian Renxue always takes the initiative.

This damn bitch, I don’t know where the possessive desire comes from. Every time I’m with her, I have to be tortured over and over again.

"Tch, if I don't have any special skills, how can I capture the heart of a playboy like you..."

Qian Renxue said angrily.

"That's true! You do have a lot of unique skills, such as the horse-riding and archery thing. Ahem... just do it with various postures?"

Ling Mo smiled evilly, and everyone knew what he meant.

Hearing his words, Zhu Zhuqing panicked at first, while Qian Renxue said provocatively: "Come here, my sister must teach you a lesson today..."

"Little lady, you are getting more and more naughty. I haven't dealt with you for too long, and you have become so arrogant..."

Ling Mo slowly came over, held the two of them in his arms, pulled Qian Renxue hard, and kissed her hard.

"Go, we don't know who will deal with who!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Qian Renxue angrily pushed Ling Mo onto the bed, pulled her along, and brought Zhu Zhuqing up with her.

A moment of spring night is worth a thousand dollars, good night everyone.

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