In the next few days, Lingmo stayed at Guimen, and Shrek and his group also stayed at Guimen.

69 Book Bar β†’ 69𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘹.𝘯𝘦𝘡

Since that day, Zhu Zhuqing went to Beishan and took over everything in Beishan.

Lingmo went to see her several times, and she handled it well. Although she was not as experienced as Qian Renxue, there were no problems.

Everything has to be done slowly. After accumulating a certain amount of experience, she will grow up.

"Brother-in-law, I'm here!"

That day, Lingmo was on the Zhaixing Tower, and only heard a call, and found that Shui Bing'er and Xuewu came up with Shui Yue'er.

"Huh... How come you are here so soon! I thought you would have to delay for a few days..."

After the previous competition, Shui Bing'er and the others went home, because the family still had many things to explain, so they never came out.

They didn't go up the mountain until today, which was pretty fast. According to Lingmo's budget, it would probably take another five or six days.

"Hehe, this girl is like crazy. After returning home, she doesn't want to eat or drink. She thinks about her little lover every day, so I brought her here..."

Shui Bing'er said with a smile, looking at her lively and cute sister, her eyes were full of tenderness.

"Why, don't you miss me?"

Lingmo was unhappy when she heard it. Shui Yue'er missed Dai Mubai and didn't want to eat or drink. Didn't Shui Bing'er show any expression?

"Tsk, there are so many women in your bed, how can you remember the two of us! You wish we would come later..."

Xuewu said resentfully.

"Xue girl, you are getting more and more naughty! Believe it or not, I will spank you..."

"Don't believe it, Lululu..."

"Okay! Stop arguing, brother-in-law, where is Mubai?"

Shui Yue'er was not in the mood to watch the three of them show their affection, she wanted to see Dai Mubai.

"It's in the back mountain. Let's go. I'll take you there!"

Since there was nothing to do, Lingmo led them to the back mountain directly.

"Wow, brother-in-law, your Ghost Gate is so magnificent!"

Along the way, Shuiyue'er kept looking around with curiosity, and was completely shocked by the beautiful scenery in front of her.

"That's for sure. If it's not magnificent, can it still be called Ghost Gate?"

Lingmo said proudly. There are still people who understand him. As for the layout and shape of the Ghost Gate, apart from other things, it is really not inferior to any sect in terms of style.

"By the way, are you two not going to leave this time?"

Lingmo suddenly said. Now, except for Dugu Yan and Ning Rongrong, everyone who should come back has come back.

Dugu Yan seems to have not graduated yet. The graduation requirements of each college are different. It should take some time to pass the assessment before graduation.

In fact, Lingmo didn't quite understand. He asked Dugu Bo before, but Dugu Bo didn't know either.

"No! Recently, there are some things in the family, so we can't stay outside for a long time...

Besides, we haven't had enough fun yet, how can we go up the mountain to be full-time wives so soon, hehe..." Shui Bing'er said mischievously.

Recently, their family seems to be interested in developing the Far North. I don't know what they are doing, so mysterious.

Most of their family members have ice-attributed martial spirits, so... the Far North may be a training ground for them.

Although the Far North has not been developed yet, it has been discovered, and someone will soon set foot on that land.


Lingmo was depressed. Why didn't they have enough fun? What's wrong with going up the mountain? Is it boring on the mountain? seems to be quite boring. Every day, there is nothing but cultivation. There is really no entertainment.

It seems that we have to find a way to study entertainment so that these disciples can relax after practicing.

"Okay! It's very chaotic outside now. Try not to go to any dangerous places. Later, I will find two bodyguards for you two to ensure your safety in any situation..."

Lingmo was still worried in the end that it would be inevitable for the two girls to be in danger when they were out there.

Send two Soul Douluos directly, no... just give them four, to protect them, so that Lingmo can feel at ease.

At present, the seven Title Douluos of Guimen have returned to their positions, except for No. 5 next to Zhu Zhuqing.

These people cannot be transferred at will now, in case the Spirit Hall attacks at any time, so... only four Soul Douluos can be sent to protect them.

"So good? You even know to send bodyguards to protect us, so touching..." Xuewu said happily.

"Dead girl, you are naughty and make people worry..."

Lingmo blamed, and the four of them quickly entered the back mountain. Now Dai Mubai and others are still in the trial field.

Since they learned about the role of the trial field, they have been obsessed with it and indulged in it every day.

Even Ma Hongjun, who kept saying that he wanted to go out and explore the mainland, has never walked out of the trial field.

This guy has also become a cultivation maniac. It seems that he has realized his shortcomings and started to struggle and work hard.

"Wow, brother-in-law! Is this the surprise you said?"

As soon as she saw the trial field, Shuiyueer was not calm.

Lingmo had said before that he would ask them to go up the mountain after the competition, and there would be a surprise.

It seems that this is the surprise Lingmo was talking about.

"You can understand it this way! This trial field cost hundreds of thousands of soul stones and various attribute source stones to build, which is very suitable for cultivation...

Mu Bai and the others are in the trial field now, you wait a moment, I will ask someone to go in and call him out..."

Lingmo said, preparing to call a disciple to call Dai Mubai out.

"No need, brother-in-law, tell me his location, I'll go in and find him myself..."

Shui Yue'er couldn't wait any longer, and directly suggested going in to find him.

"Okay! Mubai is in the gold attribute trial field, that area with golden light, you go in and find him..."

Lingmo had no choice but to agree, anyway, there was no danger in the trial field, so let her go.

"Okay, then I'll go! Sister, brother-in-law, bye..."

After getting the specific location of Dai Mubai, Shui Yue'er ran in happily and soon disappeared.

"Haha, this girl, she forgot her sister when she had a lover, a conscienceless thing..."

Shui Bing'er said resentfully, and her love for her sister was self-evident.

"When did you build this trial field? Why didn't we see it the last time we came?"

Xuewu asked curiously.

The last time they came, the trial field had not been built yet.

"Before the promotion match begins, I forgot the exact time, it won't be long!

Let's go, follow me back to Yulang Pavilion first, ask any questions when we get back..."

Speaking of this, Lingmo took the two girls and went to Yulang Pavilion. Zhu Zhuqing had moved to Beishan and rarely came back.

Qian Renxue was not there, so Lingmo was alone these two days, very pitiful.

Shui Bing'er and the others finally went up the mountain, so we have to cultivate our relationship.

"Hehe, are you thinking of doing something bad again?"

Xuewu said mischievously.

"What bad things can I do? No... Can you think of me in your mind?" Lingmo said depressedly.

"No, Lululu..."

Xuewu has always been mischievous, this girl is not serious at all.

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