Leisure time always passes quickly, and a month has passed just like that.

"It took more than a month and I finally reached level 70!"

In Yulangxuan, Ling Mo woke up. In the past month, his soul power finally exceeded level 70.

Now he just lacks a soul ring, a soul ring that suits him, and he can reach the level of a seven-ring soul saint.

"According to initial calculations, my seventh spirit ring can only be a wind-attributed spirit ring!

Wind attribute soul rings are not difficult to find, but... my sixth soul ring is already a million-year soul ring, and my seventh soul ring cannot be a simple ten-thousand-year soul ring.

The last one should be a hundred thousand year soul ring.

But...now, where should I find a hundred thousand year old soul beast with a wind attribute soul ring? "

Ling Mo was confused. According to his understanding, it seemed that there were no wind-attributed soul rings in the mainland that were over 100,000 years old.


There are only a few hundred thousand year soul beasts with names, but none of them are suitable for Lingmo, so it will be really difficult to deal with it next.

The Peacock Martial Spirit is indeed powerful, but... it is not easy to find a suitable spirit ring.

This is also the biggest problem Ling Mo currently encounters. A powerful martial spirit also means that the training process is very difficult.

The soul ring is the first difficulty. If it cannot be solved, the upper limit will become very low.

Ling Mo's martial spirit is different from other people's. His soul ring combination seems to have been fixed. It needs to meet the corresponding conditions to absorb it, otherwise the martial spirit will not accept the soul ring.

"Huh? Something happened in the north?"

With a flash of his eyes, Ling Mo suddenly realized that he could vaguely see a glimmer of aurora coming from the north.

This aurora was very faint, and only Ling Mo, who had double eyes, could sense it.

The double pupil is said to be the supreme divine eye that can reverse the chaos of yin and yang and see past and present lives, so it must have its own uniqueness.

It was clearly visible that a vicious energy erupted in the north, and a blood-red light shrouded the heaven and earth.

"This smell! Is it ominous?"

Ling Mo's pupils tightened, her face changed drastically, she couldn't believe her eyes.

After enduring it for so long, are those evil soul masters going to take action? And this time, they directly targeted the unexplored far north?

At this time, in the Northland, hundreds of miles of desolate and inhabited glaciers and seas were filled with rivers of blood. It seemed that a huge disaster had occurred.

The bloody scene was exposed to the sun, and the vast snow-white mountains were stained red with blood.

All the heresy in the sky came into Ling Mo's eyes. He fell silent and turned his gaze back to the ghost gate!

This month, nothing major happened, everything was very peaceful.

There was a little hiccup during this period, that is... Ma Hongjun left. He did not forget his dream of entering the mainland, so he left alone.

Oscar was the one who left one after another. He didn't know why, but he suddenly got hot-headed and went out to have some adventures on his own.

Because of the puppet, Ling Mo did not stop him. Although he went out to practice, he was still a member of the ghost sect.

"Whatโ€™s wrong with you?"

Seeing Ling Mo sitting alone at the window in a daze, Zhu Zhuqing asked in confusion.

After a month of training, she gradually grew up, gained certain management experience, and managed Beishan very well.

"Zhuqing, I may have to leave for a while. You should stay on the mountain. If you have any problems that can't be solved, go to Xue'er or the old monster!

If people from the Star Luo Empire come, donโ€™t see them, just send them away..."

Ling Mo thought for a long time and finally said slowly.

"Where are you going?"

Zhu Zhuqing said worriedly. Judging from the expression on Ling Mo's face, it seemed that he was going to do something big.

"Don't ask! Don't worry, I will be back soon..."

Ling Mo did not choose to tell her because what he was going to do next might be dangerous.

"Well! Why don't you wait for Sister Xue to come back and tell her..."

"No need! It's not a big deal. She has many problems there, so don't let her worry..."

Xue Ye is getting older and her health is about to fail. Qian Renxue has been very busy recently and cannot be distracted by Ling Mo, which may lead to changes in plans.

Therefore, Ling Mo did not choose to tell Qian Renxue, but only told Zhu Zhuqing and left the ghost gate alone.

"Is it a call from fate?"

In the sunset forest, Ling Mo looked at the sky and thought deeply.

As his soul power became higher and higher, he found that... the future he could predict was getting further and further away.

I sensed a hint of disaster, but I didn't know when it would break out.

"There are changes in the North! We should go..."

With his eyes fixed on the Far North, Ling Mo exploded with all his strength and headed towards the Far North.

Since that day, the evil soul master has never been exposed again.

Ling Mo had a hunch that they must be hiding in some unknown dark corner, secretly planning something famous.

But this time, Ling Mo will start investigating the whereabouts of the evil soul master.

It can be seen from the previous visions that there must be variables in the North. Maybe those evil soul masters are hiding in the far north.

Unfortunately, the last time Ling Mo went there, he came back before he had time to explore, so he missed them.

Now, on this trip, Ling Mo must find out their lair, or in other words, uncover the veil they use to hide the truth.

He rushed to the Northland with all his strength, and after traveling for nearly a week, Ling Mo finally arrived at the Northland Sea.

There were many people gathered on the shore, and they seemed to be soul masters wandering nearby, as well as some aristocratic families close to the North.

They seemed to be developing the Northland. Ling Mo had heard Shui Bing'er say before that her family seemed to be developing the Northland as well, but she didn't know how the process was going.

"Hey, uncle, you have gathered so many people here, what are you doing?"

Ling Mo fell into the crowd and saw a middle-aged uncle walking by, and couldn't help but ask.

"you do not know?"

The uncle cast a strange look.

"What do you know?" Ling Mo was horrified. He was sure that these people could not see the vision, so he was very puzzled as to why they gathered here.

"I'm telling you! The sea soul beasts in this sea area have gone crazy recently. They are massacred and cannibalistic incidents abound.

Anyone who passes by will be attacked by them, and the sea soul beasts in the entire sea area are killing.

You see... that blood-red sea area, covering more than hundreds of miles, is the result of these sea soul beasts killing each other..."

The uncle explained slowly.


When Ling Mo heard this, he was stunned. The sea soul beasts killed each other? What does it mean?

"No, why are they killing each other?"

Ling Mo said in astonishment, a little at a loss. Logically speaking, although the soul beasts were fighting each other, it was still a fight between old enemies.

Either for survival or for territory, but... this level of massacre has never occurred.

The entire ocean was in chaos. Regardless of whether they were old enemies or not, they would fight whenever they met, and the entire ocean was stained red with blood.

"Who knows, anyway, in the recent sea area, I'm afraid there will be no peace for a day.

The reason why so many people have gathered here is not just to grab food from the tiger's mouth and to profit from it.

Although the soul rings cannot be absorbed after the death of those soul beasts, some powerful ten thousand year soul beasts have a certain chance of dropping soul bones.

And these soul bones have become a treasure that everyone is fighting for, not just the sea soul beasts in the past few days.

In this sea area, all the soul masters who came here were also beaten crazy!

Young man, I think you are a nice person, so you should leave here quickly and donโ€™t wade into this muddy water..."

Todayโ€™s portion! Flying Flower Order: Moon

I'll come first: the flying mirror under the moon, the clouds forming the sea tower!

Now letโ€™s ask all the talented people to answer their questions...

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