
"How can I trust you?"

Kunpeng was dying, his voice became lower and lower, and he gradually became unable to hold on.

Fortunately, with Lingzhu on hand to treat him, he could still struggle for a long time.

"You don't have to believe me! Regardless of whether you agree or not, you will become my soul ring.

You have no choice. If you want to survive, you must trust me.

Even if you don't tell me the origin information of this bead, I can still research it, it just takes a little more effort. "

Ling Mo spread his hands. He was not discussing with Kunpeng. If Kunpeng dissatisfied him, Lingmo could let him die at any time. There was no doubt about this.

"Haha, what a clever guy! It's hard to imagine that at your age, it's not easy to have such wisdom...

I have lived for 100,000 years, and I have never met anyone as interesting as you!

Anyway, as you said, I have no choice but to believe you..."

Kunpeng said helplessly. He originally wanted to use a trick to deceive Ling Mo, but he didn't have the chance.

Lingmo's stance at the beginning was so strong that it had no chance of turning around.

Just as Ling Mo said, it said, there may be a chance to survive, although the chance is very small.

But if we don’t tell him, the one thousandth chance will be gone.

"This bead is a spiritual bead born from heaven and earth. It has been in this ruins for as long as I can remember.

Maybe...it's been tens of millions of years, right? I'm not sure about the specific time.

My ancestors have guarded the ruins of this ancient city for generations.

Therefore, it can be regarded as a fateful relationship with this bead.

As for the exact origin of the bead, I actually don’t know much about it. I only heard my father say that it is an innate spiritual bead.

It is composed of all kinds of breaths in the world and has extremely strong swallowing ability. It can swallow any dirty thing in the world.

And...if we can get the approval of the Lingzhu, there will be unexpected surprises..."

Kunpeng slowly explained that it seemed...it had known that there was a bead here for a long time, otherwise it would not have traveled thousands of miles to come to this abyss.

Just like Ling Mo's previous guess, it came with a purpose.

"Innate Spirit Bead? What a strange bead..."

Ling Mo turned around and looked at this spiritual bead intently, as if her state of mind had been sublimated, and she felt very strange.

This spiritual bead has the effect of swallowing up the evil and filth of all things, which is very terrifying.

Moreover, this is only its surface effect, and there are deeper things that have not been explored.

For Lingmo, this was definitely a huge surprise.

Feeling the breath of the spirit bead carefully, Ling Mo was surprised to find that the spiritual power in his body could resonate with it.


Ling Mo was dumbfounded, as if there was some divine will in the dark, the spiritual power of the Three Generations Scripture could actually resonate with the innate spiritual beads.

The moment the spirit bead appeared, the eyes of the second of the three embryos in Ling Mo's body visibly lit up.

This was the first time in so many years that Ling Mo saw him move.

You know, Ling Mo has been investigating his identity in the previous two lives since he practiced the scriptures of three lives.

He already knows the first one, but there has been no movement on the second one until now.

Until today, Ling Mo finally saw a slight movement in him.

Although this unusual movement was not obvious, it was noticed by Ling Mo.

"Could it be that this spirit bead is related to my second life?"

Ling Mo couldn't help but guess, but... this sounded a bit outrageous.

Here we talk about Douluo Continent, how could my second life be in Douluo Continent.

In the Three Life Scriptures, counting from the first one, Lingmo has experienced three lives in total.

There is a lifetime of the Emperor's Fall, a lifetime of the unknown era, and there is also a lifetime where the Earth and Douluo coexist.

Because when Ling Mo crossed over from the earth, she was not born as a soul, her body was still the same as before.

It's just been transformed by the bronze coffin of the third life, and the body has been reshaped. In theory, it is still the same life, and it does not count as rebirth.

Now, this slight change made Ling Mo feel crazy.

He gently placed his hand on the spirit bead, and suddenly... felt a tingling pain in his palm, and a stream of pure blood began to flow towards the spirit bead.

In an instant, the darkness was illuminated, and Ling Mo could clearly see that in the darkness, the roaring battle formations, and the charging army were like tigers descending from the mountain, killing towards the dark abyss.

Gazing at it, Ling Mo saw a delicate face, and what he had in common with it was the pair of eyes.

It was a chaotic battlefield. The young man drew his sword into the Tianhe River, killed millions of troops, and forced his way through the dark void.

The few fragments were not enough for Ling Mo to assert his identity. In my impression, there was no record of this life.

In other words, this life is also a failed life. Like the first life, it was swallowed up by darkness.

Ling Mo originally guessed that his second life should be related to the prehistoric world, but in the end he discovered that there was no connection at all.

The darkness is still that dark, and the light does not exist at all.

But... why is this peacock on me? This is always a puzzle...

Even if there are countless connections, Ling Mo has no way of finding out.

The only thing that could happen is that in his second life, he had been to the prehistoric world, otherwise the Peacock Martial Spirit would not be able to explain it.

Can't figure it out, there are too many things that can't be figured out, Lingmo just felt dizzy and stabbing.

At this time, the spirit bead changed again, a beam of nine-color holy light entered Lingmo's body, and it tended to merge with its spiritual power.

The supreme bone in the body seemed to be strengthened. Lingmo only felt that his defense began to rise sharply, and his body also changed slightly.

"You... can actually get the recognition of the spirit bead!!!"

Kunpeng made an incredible sound, his tone was trembling.

It couldn't believe that Lingmo actually got the recognition of the spirit bead.

You know, even it can't get the recognition of the spirit bead.

Previously, it wanted to try whether it could swallow the spirit bead to save its life.

But unfortunately, it no longer has the strength to move forward. Even if it can reach the spirit bead, it may not be able to swallow the spirit bead.

Because this bead is not an ordinary bead, it is not so easy to swallow it...

The innate spirit bead contains powerful spiritual power. Lingmo held it in his hand and felt his body boiling.

The power in his body was boiling. If he hadn't obtained the seventh soul ring yet, he would have been able to break through the eightyth level just now...

This terrifying power is simply unimaginable!

"Does it feel incredible? In fact, I am also quite surprised, but well! Since it is the arrangement of fate, I can't refuse it...

There is a will of heaven in the dark. Some things are already arranged. Even if you want to refuse, it is impossible.

Now let's talk about your business. Back to the original topic, do you choose the first one or the second one..."

Holding the spirit pearl in hand, Ling Mo turned around and said, not intending to waste time any more. There is no point in continuing.

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