"I... seem to have no choice. No matter which one it is, there is no point in choosing..."

Kunpeng pondered for a moment, and finally said decadently.

If you choose the first option, you will bet your life on Ling Mo that he can become a god.

The second one is to reshape the physical body, so that...the one hundred thousand years of cultivation will be dissipated, and the one hundred thousand years of cultivation will be rebuilt.

This is too risky. It cannot guarantee that it can live another hundred thousand years. After all... there are many dangers under the sea, and there are so many old enemies. Once it loses all its cultivation, it will definitely die.

And the most critical point is, can we still survive in the current Beiming Sea?

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It was obvious that it was no longer possible to survive. The festering seawater and rotting corpses destroyed this originally beautiful sea area.

After the spirit bead is taken away by Ling Mo, this remaining piece of pure land will no longer exist, and all the soul beasts will end up in the massacre.

"No, you have a third option..."

In Kunpeng's desperate voice, Ling Mo suddenly said something, which immediately made Kunpeng happy.

Third option? What is it?

Kunpeng looked at Ling Mo's confident smile and asked in confusion: "You just said there were only two choices, why did you suddenly add another one..."

The two things Ling Mo mentioned are still within its understanding, but the third one is completely unclear to it.

If there were really so many choices, would soul beasts and humans still have to fight to the death on this continent?

"Before I got the Lingzhu, there were really only two kinds, but... now that I have got the Lingzhu, it means that you have one more choice..."

Ling Mo said with a smile, if Kunpeng hadn't brought him here, he might have missed such a treasure.

As the saying goes, if there is a cause, there must be an effect. Although Kunpeng did not do this intentionally, it did help him unintentionally.

Lingmo has always had grudges and grudges to retaliate against.

Kunpeng had done him such a big favor, so what's the harm in trying to survive it?

"What is the third option? Is it related to this spirit bead? What is the function of this spirit bead?"

Kunpeng asked eagerly. Compared to the third option mentioned by Lingmo, he was more curious about the effect of the spirit beads.

It has been guarding it for a hundred thousand years, and it doesn't even know what the secrets of the spirit bead are.

The obsession in my heart is very deep. If it is not clear, it would rather not live.

"You guessed it right, it is indeed related to this spirit bead!"

Ling Mo said eloquently, and then came straight to Kunpeng and continued: "These spirit beads have many functions, I will pick up a few that you are more concerned about.

One of the characteristics of the spirit bead is that it can swallow all the filthy things in the world. In other words... I can swallow all the poison in this sea.

Second, it can copy your characteristics and create a soul ring that is exactly the same as yours.

In other words, this characteristic of the spirit bead can prevent your death, because whether you are alive or dead, it will not affect my hand-washing soul ring.

I can use the effect of the spirit beads to extract your soul ring and impose it on me, thus preventing you from dying due to the soul ring leaving your body. "

Ling Mo said slowly. After hearing this, Kunpeng was completely stunned.

"This... this spirit bead still has such a terrifying effect? ​​Oh my god, if this is the case, wouldn't it be possible to prevent soul masters from massacring soul beasts in order to obtain soul rings in the future?"

Kunpeng is a bit whimsical, and the possibility of this is almost zero.

"You are thinking too much! The spirit beads only serve me, others...can't do it at all!"

Ling Mo also thinks that this idea is a good one. If it can avoid the fateful grudges between soul masters and soul beasts in this era, it is not a good thing.

It's a pity that there is only one Lingzhu and it cannot achieve this level at all.

"I know both of the two points you just said, but... this still can't save my life!

Although the spirit bead can swallow the poison in my body, but... my body is riddled with holes and my life is in danger. Even if the poison is swallowed up, there is no possibility of survival..."

Kunpeng said doubtfully, he didn't believe that Ling Mo didn't know this, otherwise he wouldn't dare to appear in front of him so arrogantly.

But since he knew this, why was he still so confident?

At this time, Ling Mo lit up his six soul rings. Starting from the fourth one, a ten-thousand-year soul ring appeared, and the sixth one was an astonishing one hundred thousand-year soul ring.

Kunpeng was very puzzled by Ling Mo's behavior. Was he showing off his achievements to him?

The hundred thousand year soul ring is indeed abnormal, this kid is not human at all.

"I have the elixir of longevity in my hand, the fourth soul skill, which is a nirvana soul skill that can help you return to your original state.

Coupled with the devouring poison of the spirit beads and the assistance of the longevity medicine, not only will you not die, but you may even be able to go one step further..."

Ling Mo said confidently, he was not kidding, his fourth soul skill is a Nirvana soul skill.

Even without the elixir of life, he could still save Kunpeng.

The reason why he took out the longevity medicine was because Ling Mo had another idea...

"What? Nirvana? Isn't that a magical power exclusive to the Phoenix clan?"

Kunpeng was stunned when he heard Ling Mo's words! This kind of heaven-defying soul skill actually exists?

If it is true what he said, not only will it not die this time, but it may still be able to have some good fortune.

Kunpeng is already over 100,000 and 9,000 years old, so there is little point in resurrecting it.

At this age, unless it turns into a human form, it must survive that tribulation, otherwise it is impossible to take another step forward.

In this world, there are not many soul beasts that can reach more than 100,000 years. Although there are many in the far north,... in its current state, it cannot believe that it can survive.

However, when Ling Mo took out the longevity medicine, he suddenly had hope again.

With this longevity medicine, the so-called disaster is no problem for it at all.

"You are right, Nirvana is indeed a magical power exclusive to the Phoenix clan, but I am lucky enough to have such a skill.

It’s a piece of cake to repair your injuries! Therefore, you don’t need to worry about dying..."

Ling Mo said with a smile.

"So, what are your conditions? I don't believe there is such a good thing in the world..."

Kunpeng looked at the longevity medicine in Lingmo's hand and said, since he took it out, he must use it.

If you want to save it, you don't need to use the elixir of longevity. Ling Mo obviously knew that it was going to survive the disaster and took it out deliberately.

There is no free lunch in the world. For such a good thing, it is convinced that Lingmo must have some intention.

“Hey, dealing with smart people, no, you are not human!

Ahem, you guessed it right! I do have a condition, and...you can't refuse this condition..."

Ling Mo smiled and said, he is not a Bodhisattva who saves suffering. If you want to take the treasure from him, you have to pay the same price and make an equal exchange.

The price may be high, but Lingmo believes that Kunpeng will not refuse.

Because... it doesn't accept it, even if it is saved, it will die.

In its current state, it cannot face the catastrophe. Only with the help of Ling Mo can it survive.

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