"Tell me about your conditions, as long as they are not too excessive! I can accept it..."

Kunpeng said helplessly, since he started dealing with Lingmo, he has always been at a disadvantage, and Lingmo really didn't give him any chance.

Hearing it speak, Ling Mo finally showed an evil smile and said coldly: "I want you to be my mount and serve me until I become a god and leave..."


As soon as these words came out, Kunpeng was extremely angry. Soul beasts are all arrogant, let alone a soul beast of his bloodline.

Ling Mo actually asked him to be his mount, how arrogant this was.

A 100,000-year-old soul beast is used as a mount. Is this guy crazy?

"Don't be surprised. Only by following me can you survive better! Becoming my mount will be your greatest pride.

I am... a man who wants to conquer the sky. Follow me. Not only will your reputation not be dishonored, but... you will be proud of it..."

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Ling Mo said with a smile.

He had already imagined that scene. What kind of exciting scene would it be if he rode a hundred thousand year old soul beast?

Everyone was moved and fell at his feet.

A hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast is still a Kunpeng. Even if you don't ride it, it's not bad to take it back to the ghost gate and serve as a mountain-protecting beast.

Ling Mo has had this idea for a long time, but... ordinary soul beasts are not easy to control, so it has never been implemented.

However, the appearance of the Lingzhu brought his idea to the surface again.

Ling Mo had not told Kunpeng before that the spirit beads had another effect, which was to bind the contract.

Sign a contract with your soul, and use the spirit bead as a carrier to sign a master-servant contract.

This kind of contract is simply tailor-made for Ling Mo. What he lacks most now is strong combat power.

Obviously... Dugu Bo alone was not enough to support him. In order to fight against the evil soul master, Ling Mo came up with another idea.

That is, crazy soul collecting beasts, collecting some powerful soul beasts in the deep sea, and forming a deep sea group.

This is crazy and impossible to think about, but Ling Mo just had this strange idea.

The dragon that slipped past Ling Mo just now was also attracted by Ling Mo. After finishing Kunpeng, Ling Mo went to find it.

"I can't agree to your conditions! This is simply a shame..."

Kunpeng expressed resistance. It could not allow itself to accept the fact that it would become the mount of a weaker human than itself?

Either it is crazy, or Lingmo is crazy!

"You have no ability to refuse..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ling Mo took action directly under its gaze.

Ling Mo's patience had been exhausted. He didn't have to talk nonsense with Kunpeng, but out of humanitarianism, he still told it in advance.

However, no matter whether it accepts or resists, it cannot stop Lingmo's thoughts.

The spirit bead took action directly, and surrounded by the holy light, a strong light entered Kunpeng's body.

"Cunning villain..."

Amid the angry roar, and under Kunpeng's desperate gaze, Ling Mo really took action.

Now it has no ability to resist at all, and its soul is extremely weak.

Ling Mo used the scriptures of three generations to activate the spirit bead, and directly pulled out half of Kunpeng's soul and entered it directly into the spirit bead.

In an instant... there was a bright light. Under Ling Mo's actions, his body began to glow with light.

A contract appeared in front of him, and without any hesitation, Ling Mo directly put his fingerprints on it.

Kunpeng felt dizzy and in a trance, opening another bridge in his consciousness.


It wanted to resist, but no matter how much it resisted, it couldn't stop Ling Mo's crazy behavior.

"Give up, you have no right to choose! It will be your honor to become my mount...

I can make you or break you! If you were still in your prime, I might have to use some tricks.

It's a pity that now you have no ability to resist and can only become my mount..."

Ling Mo tried his best to activate the spirit beads and promote the signing of the contract.

"Wait! I have something else to say..."

Kunpeng knew that he could not resist, so he put forward conditions before the signing was successful.


Ling Mo didn't refuse. He didn't want to persecute Kunpeng. After all, it indirectly helped him.

Therefore, as long as it has conditions and the conditions are not excessive, Lingmo is still acceptable.

"You said that the contract is only signed until you become a god, and then the contract will be automatically terminated!

Why is it not stated in the contract? And...you didn't add the regulation that if you fail to become a god, the contract will be invalidated after a hundred years..."

Kunpeng looked at the contract and said desperately.

It doesn't want to be tied to Ling Mo. If Ling Mo dies, it will die too.

This is simply a domineering clause, forcibly tying her life to him.

After hearing what it said, Ling Mo looked at the contract, something was indeed wrong.

Then he said: "Okay, I promise you!"

Ling Mo did not refuse. These two contracts had little to do with each other.

He added a hundred-year rule on it. If he did not become a god within a hundred years, Kunpeng would be left alone.

Ling Mo is confident that he will definitely be able to become a god within a hundred years. If not, then he can just go home and feed the pigs.

The Shrek Seven Devils became gods at the age of twenty-five or six. Isn’t it possible that he is not good enough anymore?

"No, you have to add one more thing. If you die unexpectedly, I can also be free..."

Kunpeng continued.

"Are you trying to push yourself too far and want to play word games with me?"

As soon as these words came out, Ling Mo became angry! This guy is so smart, try to fool him with word games.

With this addition to the contract, the entire contract becomes meaningless.

Because... with this regulation, Kunpeng will always think of how to kill him.

Ling Mo didn't want to keep a time bomb around. This guy was a typical ghost who wanted to fool Ling Mo with word games.

Once a contract is signed, it becomes effective.

And this contract may give it enough control space. When Ling Mo is fighting with others, if a sudden attack causes Ling Mo's accidental death, it can get it for itself.

Ling Mo didn't want to be thought of all the time, so it was impossible to add this clause to the contract.

"It's your uncle! I treat you sincerely, but you actually want to harm me, huh..."

Ling Mo didn't say anything, didn't modify the previous two items, and signed the original contract.

At this time, Kunpeng felt regretful in his gut. It was indeed what Lingmo thought, it was just playing a word game.

However, before he could use it, Ling Mo saw through it. The so-called greedy thing meant that not only was this clause not added to the contract, but the previous two were also rejected by Ling Mo.

Now, it has completely become Ling Mo's contracted servant. Even if Ling Mo dies, it must carry out Ling Mo's instructions before his death in accordance with the contract.

To put it simply, if Ling Mo asked it to guard the ghost gate, then... it would have to guard the ghost gate at every sound and would not be allowed to leave even half a step.

This time, it really shot itself in the foot, completely wearing down Lingmo's patience.

After the contract was issued, Kunpeng felt a tingling sensation in his head and soon passed out.

When it woke up again, its mind had been reversed and it was full of respect for Ling Mo in front of it.


Kunpeng's decadent voice came, but his tone was full of respect.

Obviously, the contract has been established, and its entire mind has been infused with one idea, that is... the idea of ​​​​taking Lingmo as its belief.

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