After being nourished by the spirit beads, the poison in Jiaolong's body has been eliminated, and like Kunpeng, he is completely immune to the poison in the deep sea.

Soul beasts nourished by spirit beads are immune to this poison, and there is no obstacle to entering and exiting the deep sea.

"One Hundred Thousand Years Abyss Demonic Dragon! Hehe... not bad..."

Ling Mo glanced at the huge dragon with satisfaction, flew over and sat on the dragon's back.

Suddenly I felt like I was dominating the world, which was not very pleasant!

To say that this dragon is also a dragon, its rank may be lower than that of a real dragon. But after sitting on the dragon, Ling Mo could feel that his bastard spirit had increased a bit.

"Let's go! Catch the soul beast for me, drive..."


Riding on the back of the dragon, Ling Mo, together with Kunpeng and the dragon, continued to wander in the deep sea.

He wants to build a soul beast army of his own. This is not just talk, but something he really wants to do.

After signing the contract, Jiaolong did not dare to refuse Ling Mo's order. According to Ling Mo's instructions, he paraded in the deep sea unscrupulously.

I saw a ten-thousand-year-old great white shark passing by, and when I saw Kunpeng and Jiaolong, the two overlords of the deep sea, I was so frightened that I flew away.

"Don't let it run away, catch it for me..."

After finally encountering a spirit beast, how could Ling Mo let it go? He directly ordered Kunpeng and Jiaolong to attack from both sides, surrounded the great white shark, knocked it unconscious and subdued it.

The poor great white shark escaped the poisonous poison, but could not escape Ling Mo's clutches.

In just three days, Ling Mo and Kunpeng Jiaolong went on a rampage under the deep sea and captured thousands of giant beasts, all of which were soul beasts that were over ten thousand years old.

Ling Mo did not intend to take these soul beasts back, because he suddenly had a fantastic idea to move the ghost gate to the north and establish his own supreme army.

What kind of supreme army method?

It's very simple. Build the Ghost Gate on the sea, with soul beasts protecting it below and Ghost Gate disciples guarding it above. It's not too perfect.

Only in this way, when Ling Mo and all the disciples of the Ghost Sect go out to fight in the future, these soul beasts will still be there to guard the home, killing two birds with one stone.

But if you think so, it will be difficult to implement. It is not difficult to move on a large scale. What is difficult is how to establish a sect on this sea?

This is not a simple project. The deep sea is so deep that there is no support point at all, unless... soul beasts are used as support points.

But... how can the soul beast be used as a support point? What is the difference between this and being trapped?

"Master! Ahead is the Northland Glacier..."

During the seven-day journey, Lingmo swept across a large area of ​​​​the sea, conquered more than 10,000 soul beasts, and continued to move towards the north.

Soon, a snow-white iceberg appeared in their sight.

Ling Mo flew across the sea on Kunpeng, followed by more than 10,000 soul beasts, and no other soul beasts dared to approach.

Anyone who gets close will either be captured by Ling Mo or dead, and there is no way they can break through this formation.


Ling Mo responded softly, looking at the North Glacier and found that the riots on the glacier were no more intense than those in the sea.

The sea is vast and the sea soul beasts are scattered far apart, so the riot is not very intense.

But this land was different. The riots here simply refreshed Ling Mo's understanding of evil.

The blood stained the entire iceberg red, and corpses were scattered everywhere. The scene was extremely shocking.

"See that little island in front of you?"

Where Ling Mo looked, a small island appeared in front of him, where... he was going to build the second ghost gate.

Most of the small islands in the sea are unclaimed land, so Lingmo wants to occupy one and build a habitat.

"That place will be our home from now on! You all hide under the island and protect the island. You are not allowed to leave without authorization and wait for my order..."

Lingmo did not go directly to the iceberg, but found a small island that echoed the iceberg.

These more than 10,000 soul beast legions must be settled, otherwise these seven days will be in vain.

Once they leave, it will be difficult to find them again! The sea is so big, how could Ling Mo search for them one by one?

The safest way is to let them move within a specified area, which makes it easier to gather them.

"Xiao Hei!"

Oh, right! Because of the dark color of the deep sea dragon's body, Ling Mo gave him the name Xiaohei, which was quite nice.

I just don’t know if he likes it or not, but Ling Mo likes it quite a lot.


A dragon's roar echoed all over the world. At Lingmo's call, the dragon flew out from under the sea, flew in the air, and let out a loud dragon's roar.

"Starting today, this island will be temporarily guarded by you. We will wait until I come back to tell you everything!"

Ling Mo still has a lot to do, and he can't bring so many soul beasts around the market, so he needs a leader who can temporarily manage these soul beasts for him.

Undoubtedly, Jiaolong is the best choice, after all, that's where the strength lies.


Jiaolong replied without hesitation that in just seven days, Lingmo was able to win over such a terrifying army of soul beasts, which even he found unbelievable.

Although most of them were solved by himself and Kunpeng, but...if it weren't for the spirit beads in Lingmo's hand, these soul beasts would have disappeared long ago.

"Xiaolan! Let's go and see the glacier..."

After everything was arranged, Ling Mo instructed Kunpeng to go to the northern glacier.

The small island just now was a base he chose, and he was almost busy with things in the Northland.

After he returned, he directly asked Dugu Bo to take over and use the fastest method to create another ghost gate.

No, this small island can no longer be called Ghost Gate, it should be called Jueshen Island! Lingmo wants to build the most luxurious army, and here we call it the Supreme Temple.

In essence, it is no different from the Ghost Gate, but the difference is in the name.

Compared to the Ghost Gate, the security of the Absolute Temple is absolutely top notch! There are more than 10,000 soul beasts under the deep sea. Who dares to come and attack?

It's okay if you are a flying soul master, but if you are not a flying soul master, you won't even have a chance to cross the Beiming Strait.

You must know that when fighting under the sea, it is difficult for a spirit master to take advantage. Moreover, these spirit beasts are not simple things. They are all ten-thousand-year spirit beasts. How to fight like this? There is no way to fight.

If most of the soul beasts hadn't been able to land, Ling Mo would have wanted to take them back and directly attack the two empires.

"Hmm! It seems that it is necessary to tame the land spirit beasts. While guarding the home, they are also responsible for expanding the territory. Hehe... This is a good idea!"

Ling Mo rode Kunpeng towards the north, and this idea came to his mind.

If it comes true, he won't need any ghost disciples at all, these soul beasts are enough for him to rule the world.

However... after you rule the world, you still need managers, so... you still have to have some people, otherwise there is no point in conquering the world.

"Master! Are we going to find the Ice and Snow Girl?"

Above the clouds, Kunpeng spread its wings ninety thousand miles away and headed straight for the iceberg.

A question came up on the road. It didn't know Lingmo's plan, so it wanted to ask.

In the past seven days, there have been huge riots in both the ocean and the glaciers. As the ruler of the North, the Snow Girl has not appeared until now. It can't help but be curious.

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