"Well, let's go! Try your luck and see if you can find..."

It just so happened that Ling Mo also wanted to know what happened in Beidi.

Through Kunpeng's dictation, the Ice and Snow Girl, also known as the Snow Emperor, the leader of her Northland, should know what exactly happened in the Northland.

She hasn't appeared since the riot began. Based on Lingmo's guess, she must be in trouble.

The poisonous poison in the North is much more serious than that in other places, and it is also the source of trouble!

One person and one Kun, they passed through the thick clouds and reached the top of the snow-capped mountains.

Unfortunately, the beautiful figure of the past is no longer here, leaving behind a ruin, a dilapidated ruin.

"Master, there should have been a fierce battle here. Judging from the traces at the scene, the target of the battle should be the Snow Emperor!

There is a strong icy air surrounding it, and even though the battle has passed for a long time, it can still be felt.

This is Snow Emperor's unique skill, the domain effect of Snow Dance Yaoyang.

It can also be seen from the scratches on the surrounding rocks that the Ice Bear King is also there, but I don’t know where they have gone now..."

Kunpeng looked around carefully and expressed his opinion.

"It seems that, as we had guessed before, the Ice and Snow Girl was the first to be targeted!

Let's go, she can't be here anymore. If nothing else happens, she should hide in a corner to heal..."

The ruins of the battle are very spectacular. It can be seen that the battle between the two sides was very fierce.

If the Snow Emperor had not died, he would have been seriously injured at this time, so it was impossible for him to still be here.

This time, the evil soul master came prepared. He had obviously predicted Snow Emperor's ability in advance and specially set up a trap to lure her into the game.

Where is the snow girl now? In fact, no one knows. Maybe the only one who really knows her whereabouts is the white bear, right?

"Let's go! Go over there and have a look..."

Ling Mo pointed to a glacier not far away. He had been here last time and was deeply impressed by the glacier.

It was there last time that he felt a strange aura. At that time, he was in a hurry to go back and didn't have time to explore.

Fortunately, this time I have time to explore.

Combined with the conspiracy of the evil soul master this time, the soul beast riot caused may be related to the strange aura from before.

"Master, I feel it!"

As he slowly approached, Kunpeng, who was sitting down, said seriously.

"Feel something?"

Ling Mo's eyes suddenly lit up. He didn't notice anything wrong. Maybe it was because he wasn't strong enough.

From dozens of miles away, Kunpeng sensed something was wrong?

"A smell of sin! It's very strong..."

Kunpeng answered seriously. As it continued to get closer, it felt suffocated. This feeling was too familiar to it.

Isn't it the same black air that was present when the previous riots just started?

Previously, the reason why it was infected was because of the black energy, and that black energy was exactly the vision Ling Mo saw when he was at the ghost gate.

It seems that this iceberg must have hidden secrets.

"Hmm! Such strong evil... It seems that this is the so-called source of trouble..."

Ling Mo also felt it. As he continued to get closer, he found that his soul power was slowly being restricted and his breathing became tighter.

There was an unknown oppression invisibly, which made him unable to breathe. The feeling of rejection from the depths of his soul was very disgusting.

"What a familiar smell! The resentment flowing in the blood comes from the memory of the previous life. Is this the so-called fate?"

Ling Mo held the spirit bead in his hand and could barely support the invasion of black energy.

I felt like I had a splitting headache, and the vague images in my memory resurfaced.

On the other side of the glacier, shrouded in darkness, everything seemed extremely deep.

"I didn't expect that this kind of thing would really flow into this world. Who brought it? The bronze coffin of the third generation?"

Ling Mo finally confirmed all his previous guesses. Wasn't the source of the trouble in front of him the so-called darkness he encountered in his first life?

Ling Mo had no way of knowing exactly what darkness was, but... he could feel this aura, which was very familiar.

This also gave rise to a question, who brought these things into this world?

Or is it that it already exists, but it's just not exposed?

No, there is no dark turmoil recorded in the original work!

The Shrek Seven Monsters ascended to the God Realm after the final battle with the Spirit Hall. The original work did not explain any dark disasters.

Why did Lingmo appear as soon as he arrived? Could it be said that it came to this world with Ling Mo?

Now, it seemed that there was only one explanation, and Ling Mo couldn't figure out how many other possibilities there were.

While Ling Mo was still troubled by the source of darkness, the landscape of the continent changed once again.

The entire continent worked together to overcome the difficulties, with the two empires and eight sects as the core, launching a continental defense war.

This is the most intense battle that has ever occurred between humans and soul beasts.

Compared to the Sunset Forest in the North, the Star Dou Forest is too peaceful. I don’t know if it’s because of the Lake of Life. The riots in the Star Dou Forest are very small, and most of the bewitched soul beasts are. They are some weak soul beasts.

The Wuhun Palace alone is enough to withstand the riots in the Star Dou Forest.

However, no one dared to enter the forest, because the forest at this time had been infected by the poison. If you enter it, you will be easily bewitched and even lose yourself.

This phenomenon has not happened for the first time. Several waves of teams entered the forest to quell the riot, but they were poisoned and entered a frenzy state and began a journey of slaughter.

After several large-scale sacrifices, no one dared to enter the forest anymore, and they could only set up defenses outside the forest.

The situation in the three major forests is still relatively optimistic. As for the Northland, it has become a complete mess.

No matter how many powerful soul masters came, they could not suppress this riot, and countless people were killed and injured.

Fortunately, most of the soul beasts in the Northland are sea soul beasts, and only a small number of soul beasts can land, and the rest cannot land.

Therefore... it is not too difficult to control the riot in the Northland.

But the problem is that the Northland is too big, and soul beasts may land in every secret entrance. Once they enter the human city, those civilians will suffer.

In order to ensure that everything is foolproof, the Xingluo royal family and the White Tiger family directly ordered all the villagers near the Northland to evacuate to avoid being attacked by soul beasts.

To this day, the Haotian Sect has not appeared. It was not until the second month after the riot that someone finally saw the Haotian Sect on Fenglingdu in the north.

Faced with such a disaster, the Haotian Sect, as the world's number one sect, still appeared as expected.

Although it appeared a little late, the sincerity has been delivered.

The whole continent worked together to overcome the South Pass.

However, everyone in power has a doubt in their hearts.

That is... Lingmo, the leader of the Ghost Gate, has not appeared yet?

Not only the two empires are paying attention, but the Spirit Hall is also paying attention to Lingmo's movements, but... since Lingmo disappeared in the north two months ago, he has never appeared again.

No one knows where he went or what he is going to do.

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